It's Friday...who's brewing this weekend?

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I was up at the crack of dawn on Saturday. I brewed a dry stout, kegged my Sam Adams clone, dry hopped my IPA and racked to secondary, and cleaned off my new immersion chiller.
My take on Black Sheep's Riggwelter is in the carboy and the yeast is pitched. I wanted to use the Wyeast Yorkshire Ale strain on this one but couldn't find it locally so ended up using the Thames Valley instead. Color looks spot on, can't wait to give it a try.

OG 1.056
IBU 35
SRM 15.6

7.75 lbs maris otter
1 lb torrified wheat
0.66 lb british crystal 45
0.25 lb british pale chocolate
0.125 lb british chocolate

1.0 oz willamette (90 min)
0.5 oz challenger (90 min)
0.35 oz east kent goldings (15 min)

Since it's not really a Yorkshire Ale like the real Riggwelter due to the wrong yeast and not fermenting in a "Yorkshire Square", and because Brown Ale sounds so blah, I think I'm gonna call it a British Special Dark. Haha.:mug:
I was up at the crack of dawn on Saturday. I brewed a dry stout, kegged my Sam Adams clone, dry hopped my IPA and racked to secondary, and cleaned off my new immersion chiller.

Is it the Sam Adam's Boston Ale you cloned? My girlfriend brought home one of those Sam Adam's variety cases the other day and I tried the Boston Ale. It was really good. There is a strong caramel taste to it that is really nice. Can you post the recipe or a link to it?
I'm 10 minutes and 2 hop additions away from finishing up an American IPA.

My process is getting better and my beers are consistent, now it's getting down to the recipes and tweaking things.
I'm brewing the Cat's Tits, sitting out on the porch waiting for it to start boiling now. And having a cold one from the last batch.
I brewed a Westmalle tripel clone today. For inspiration I enjoyed the real thing.

In fact, I only had three beers all day. Fortunately, they were these........
Bottling a DFH 60 tonight, haven't figured out what I'm brewing yet.

Decided on a modified Boondock Stout recipe. I ran some flaked barley through the food processor and added it to my steeping grains...We'll see how that affects the mouthfeel.
Changed my schedule and I'll be brewing today...mashing in right after dinner! Brewing up a nice 6% american stout; heavy on the dark malts, big chinook bittering hops, finishing with Goldings. I'm hoping it will be a recipe I can keep on tap at all times.
Do you have the recipe for that clone?

You Betcha!

The recipe is in the BYO 150 classic clone mag.
Basically, It's 13# Pils in 4g at 133 for 20 min. then slowly ramp temp to 148 over an hour(this part is a bit tricky)and hold for 20 min. You could also just do a single infusion mash @ 149 with good results, but the ramp seems to add a little something.Sometimes I'll do a decoction to mash-out, which also seems to add a little something. Mash out and sparge enough for a 90 min. boil.
2 oz Styrian Goldings @ 60
.75 oz. Tett @ 15
.75oz. Saaz @ 5
2# cane sugar - I like to carmelize .5# a bit and add @ 10 min. and make a syrup with the rest and add after about three days of primary fermentation.

In the past I've used WLP 500 with excellent results. This time I used Wyeast 3787 trappist high gravity, which is supposedly the Westmalle yeast.
I won first place for style with this at a local comp. last year.
A redux of my Brown Biscuit just went in the fermenter.

I love this feeling. I feel like I want to walk out on the porch and yell "I MADE BEER!!!!!!".
well it is saterday sorry I am late only thing I am brewing up is a batch

of rootbeer for my grandson I know I know but it is a mr beer rootbeer kit

I had pretty bad results for tonight. Undershot the OG by ALOT. The mash temp went from 152 to 148. I didnt run the grist through the mill twice, and i guess these are the results.
Happy to report that my Oatmeal Stout went pretty well. I clogged up the strainer with hops when I was trying to aerate the wort, but no big deal there. Nailed my target OG, now I'm just waiting to see some action from my blowoff. :D :D
Just started the boil on my stout...dam that's gonna be a great beer! Hit my mash temp right on @ 156F, and fly sparged for the 3rd time and hit my volume perfectly. In fact, I even hit 80% efficiency (pre-boil) on my mash which is great since I usually get 72-76%. About 30 mins left to the boil...

Oh yeah, friend just dropped in a brought over a sixer of SN Torpedo Extra IPA...YES! Great inspiration for the next IPA I'll be doing.
I am assembling my gear now for an early AG brew session. (My second).
The recipe is the Bee Cave Rye IPA.

(Bonus: I will be tapping my first AG venture at around noon. The Bee Cave (Edworts) Haus Pale Ale. This beer finished out at 1.008.)

I will post some pics and info post yeast pitch........
Looks nice BM.. does your temp probe leave a bad gap for air to get in? from the pic it looks like its just in there pushing the blow off tube aside.
My CAP is at saccharification rest now, and will be for another 90 minutes, thanks to needing to run an errand or two. Then it's boil, chill, and pitch.
Looks nice BM.. does your temp probe leave a bad gap for air to get in? from the pic it looks like its just in there pushing the blow off tube aside.
Nah...the blow off is in there a good inch or so.

I just moved the space heater over near the fermenter so in a few hours I recon the fermentation temp will be at 70. I'll keep it there for 48 hours and then bump it another 2 degrees.
I got my pale all brewed up before lunch... now I need to figure out what I'm going to brew next weekend. Oh the troubles of a brewing man...
Is it the Sam Adam's Boston Ale you cloned? My girlfriend brought home one of those Sam Adam's variety cases the other day and I tried the Boston Ale. It was really good. There is a strong caramel taste to it that is really nice. Can you post the recipe or a link to it?

Yup, I guess you could say its the Boston Ale. It's done with Amber DME, dry ale yeast, halletauer and tettnang. It's one of the first recipes I did when I started brewing many moons ago and has been my go to ever since.

I pulled a few draws off the keg last night and got a funny yeasty taste to it. I'm wondering if I didn't clean the keg well enough (maybe some residue in the dip tube). Not enough to not drink it but certainly not up to snuff. Maybe it will mellow over a few weeks.
After drinking way too much at the War of the Worts, sleeping in late was necessary. Once up, I got in a decent run (silly attempt to stop the hang-over.) It was after noon before we even ate breakfast. After relaxing a while, I bottled a couple of sixes and kegged the rest of a English Ale from a few weeks ago.

All this leads up to starting the brew day really late. Didn’t pitch until 10:30PM, but having a batch of Robust Porter in the basement makes it all worthwhile.

Congrats to everyone who had a successful brew session this weekend!