American IPA Ithaca Flower Power Clone

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Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2012
Reaction score
Recipe Type
All Grain
Safale US-05
Yeast Starter
Additional Yeast or Yeast Starter
Batch Size (Gallons)
Original Gravity
Final Gravity
Boiling Time (Minutes)
Primary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp)
7 @ 68
Secondary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp)
7 @ 66
Additional Fermentation
Tasting Notes
Grapefruit, Pineapple, Citrusy-- just awesome!!!
16.5 lb Briess 2 Row
6 oz Honey Malt
3 oz Briess Crystal 10L

SRM: 7-8
1.5oz Centennial @60
1.0oz Amarillo @45
1.0oz Simcoe @30
1.0oz Ahtanum @20
2.0oz Cascade @10
1.0oz Chinook @5
Irish Moss @15
dry hop: 1oz each of Amarillo, Chinook, Simcoe leaf for 7 days

added 4.8 gallons of strike @170 -- to get 152 for sacc rest for 60min
collected 3.0 gallons first runnings
batch sparge 4.5 gallons @175--to get to 168 for 10min
collected 7.1 preboil
Final Batch was about 5.3-5.5 gallons to primary

I kegged this beer and had multiple people taste it, compare it to flower power ipa, and nobody could tell the difference between my homebrew and flower power. I use a large grain bill because I only get about 65% efficiency. If your efficiency is more, then you might be able to slightly lower your grain bill, but why mess with this recipe at all if you like Ithaca Flower Power. I have made this beer many times, so you should feel comfortable to be able to reproduce this.
Original Gravity: 1.072
Final Gravity: 1.019
Yeast: Safale US-05, I re-hydrated it first
Awsome... Thanks I'm gonna try this soon. So it came out close to the original? I love this beer n can't wait to brew it.
I've brewed it a number of times, and yes just like the original-- which I love as well. When I batch sparge, i collect until I get about 6.8-7.0 gallons preboil, then boil down to a batch size of 5.3. I'm surre yo will enjoy this beer. Me and Hoppy McGee.jpg
I am not to sure about bottling. I only keg my beers, maybe someone could chime in and answer that question for you.
I read somewhere that the Brewmaster said there was some acidulated malt in there, maybe like 3%. Guess if your PH is good you don't need it.
I've seen that as well-- about the acidulated malt-- I've never used it though, and I use regular old tap water too. I think I have pretty good water here, and I never had a ph issue. I have used some ph stabilizer in my mash tun on a few batches,- just to try it, which should make my water 5.2. When I did use it, it increased my efficiency a bit, but I never saw a difference in flavor in my final product.
For bottling I would go with 4 - 4.5 oz of cane sugar. If your using corn sugar go with slightly less maybe 3.7 - 4 oz
Brewing this on Saturday. Have to substitute Centennial for Amarillo, but it'll be close enough. Thanks for the recipe! Kyle
Yeah Amarillo is hard to come by now. I hope the centennial works ok. I really recognize the Amarillo in the flower power though. It'll be delicious anyways I'm sure.
Conan-- How'd your brewday go with this recipe. I just racked a batch to my keg again this weekend. I took a sip, and yes, good as ever. Hope it turns out great, I'm sure it will.
Sorry for the late reply. My brewday got pushed back until today, and I'm about to put the 10 minute addition in the kettle as I type. It's going very well so far. I edited the recipe a bit more, though. I only had Crystal 80, so I used .35 lbs of that instead of .4 of Crystal 40. Then as I was putting away my grain I noticed I had a bag of Biscuit, so I added .15 lbs. of that. I may or may throw in the .5 oz of Centennial left over from the first addition. I don't think it'll need it for aroma since there's already 2 oz of Cascade going in. I'm going to pitch a half-liter starter of S-05, started on Thursday I believe. I'll let you know how it turns out. I expect it to ferment out in 3-4 days as S-05 tends to do, but I'll probably leave it in the fermenter for at least a week. Then keg/ keg hop and enjoy! Kyle
Got all this stuff so will be making this week if weather holds out.
If I don't make a starter do u think I should pitch 1 or 2 packets of s-05
I finished pitching about a half hour ago.....and I went hardcore wrong somewhere. My SG was 1.068, predicted 1.091 for 5.25 gallons. I ended up with 5.5 gallons and it smells/ tastes great going into the fermenter but man, I haven't missed a gravity this bad ever. I use a pasta-roller crusher (updated very soon, I hope!) and I noticed I was well-crushing half the grains but the other half were more or less slipping through un-crushed. It took 45 minutes to work through crushing it all the first time so I neglected running it through a second time- lesson learned. I'm still excited about this brew. The house smelled like hops like crazy.

integra- if you don't use a starter, you can get away with 1 packet of S-05. It'll be quicker with two packets, but in my experience one packet will knock out a high-gravity brew well enough. Good luck with it, I'm looking forward to mine! Kyle
Conan. Thanks for reply I got 2 packets just in case but ill do just the one then. Thanks and I can't wait to brew this also..
I get 153 IBU's with a FWH addition, using Columbus instead. Does it taste that hot? I know IBU's can be deceiving.
153 IBU's will be fine. You won't notice much of a difference even if it was 90-100IBU's. It'll be great. Oh and with this recipe, the hop smell in the house is outrageously wonderful--love it. As far as 1 or 2 packets of US-05, I have done both. 1 packet knocked it down, but 2 packets knocked it down a little bit quicker. Either way is fine, totally up to you, I usually use 2 just to be safe, but it isn't necessary. Enjoy.
Have you done Yoopers 60 clone? The hop flavor and aroma are impressive for how little hops are used. If I make this I'll probably scale the hops back to 75 IBU's and continuously hop it, not that I don't buy your recipe I'm just trying to stretch my hop stash.
Just got done with everything . Pitched the yeast and SG was 1.072 dead on. So now when do I start the dry hop? And would it be ok if I just throw the hops in? Without putting in a bag? And I got pellets not leaf hops.
integra93ls said:
Just got done with everything . Pitched the yeast and SG was 1.072 dead on. So now when do I start the dry hop? And would it be ok if I just throw the hops in? Without putting in a bag? And I got pellets not leaf hops.

It's not my recipe and i haven't done it, yet. I would say two weeks primary is fairly standard, make sure your FG is stable. I dry hop 7-10 days, in a carboy just throw the pellets in, they'll settle to the bottom. Don't use a bag with a carboy, anything more than an ounce is tricky to get back out through the neck.
Thanks. It's in a bucket. So when do I put the hops in? About a week into fermention then let ferment about 7-10 days after I dry hop.
integra93ls said:
Thanks. It's in a bucket. So when do I put the hops in? About a week into fermention then let ferment about 7-10 days after I dry hop.

I'd check gravity at 10 and 14 days, if no change I'd say throw in the hops. Some people don't like to dry hop more than 2 weeks, I do 7-10 days. If you choose not to use a secondary I would rack to a keg or bottling bucket with a 1 gallon paint strainer bag or something to reduce picking up the spent hops off the bottom.
I just sampled my first batch of this. Only been bottled for a week, but I couldn't wait. The results were outstanding - tastes, smells and looks just like Flower Power. Nice job on the recipe.
Yeah, Flower Power!! That's why I keep brewing it. As far as fermentation and dry hopping-- I do 1 week in primary, then rack to a secondary with leaf hops(just put them in)-- 1 ounce of amarillo, simcoe, chinook. I have used pellet hops for dry hopping, but those I put in a hop bag, however, they were a bitch to get out of the carboy when it was done. I dry hop for 7-10 days as well. When I rack to a keg, I always put a paint strainer bag on my auto-siphon just so I don't pick up any leaf or hop pellet residue--it doesn't bother me really, but some people like it without, so I just eliminate it with a paint strainer bag-- it works great. Enjoy.
Dumpsterboy said:
Yeah, Flower Power!! That's why I keep brewing it. As far as fermentation and dry hopping-- I do 1 week in primary, then rack to a secondary with leaf hops(just put them in)-- 1 ounce of amarillo, simcoe, chinook. I have used pellet hops for dry hopping, but those I put in a hop bag, however, they were a bitch to get out of the carboy when it was done. I dry hop for 7-10 days as well. When I rack to a keg, I always put a paint strainer bag on my auto-siphon just so I don't pick up any leaf or hop pellet residue--it doesn't bother me really, but some people like it without, so I just eliminate it with a paint strainer bag-- it works great. Enjoy.

So you're drinking it in about 3 weeks right? That's what I've been doing with my hoppy beers.
Yeah, I can't wait any longer than that, I'm way to impatient. I've even forced carbed the keg for 24hrs and then I was drinking it in 2 weeks. It's better if I wait a week in the keg at 10-12psi though, so that's what I do now.
ok i brewed this on sunday and today i went to check it out n grab a taste n check gravity.
it read 1.010 @ 64 deg is that possible? it should go down to 1.019 so i guess its done?
it taste great and i did not dry hop yet. should i dry hop it now?
what went wrong?
No, that's possible--it ferments pretty fast. I usually leave it in the primary for 7 days and then check gravity, but yes it is usually done on day 4 or 5. You can dry hop, whenever you feel it is at FG. You didn't do anything wrong, enjoy.
integra93ls said:
But why is it already at 1.010 and not closer to 1.019?

Why do you think it should be higher? Yeast eats how and when it wants. Sometimes short and fast other times long and slow. At 1.010 you'll just have a drier beer, nothing wrong with it just won't be "full".
Ok just want to make sure everything went ok then. Taste great do far. Will wait a few more days then dry hop. I have no patience.
integra93ls said:
Ok just want to make sure everything went ok then. Taste great do far. Will wait a few more days then dry hop. I have no patience.

What was your mash temperature, maybe a bit low? I wouldn't worry about it, it tastes good that is all the matters.