I love my wife

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2006
Reaction score
Williamstown, NJ
So last night I was getting ready to bottle my latest brew and my wife says you want help? I say sure why not. So she is filling bottles as I cap.(1st reason i love her) Then, as we are sitting there bottling 2 cases, she says so how long will this last you? Thinking I was going to get in trouble I say oh 2-3 months, really its a month or so. So she says why dont you start another one soon so you can have a winter brew ready and dont have to wait so long between batches being ready!!!!!! :ban:
I almost hit the ceiling when she said that.. and she doesnt even drink.

I am putting another beer together this weekend, not sure yet. Still want to try a rootbeer porter if anybody has any suggestions. :rockin:
I was going to make a smart-ass comment about loving your wife as well, but I'll hold off...

Wives who are into the hobby are awesome. My wife not only indulges this hobby, she got me started by buying me my starter kit for Christmas. She doesn't mind the house smelling like a brewery once or twice a month. She loves some of the beer (thankfully, some of the ones I don't like as much), so she helps me in the consumtive aspects. AND, since she was obsessed with her own board for a couple years, she understands why I spend so much time on here. Couldn't ask for much more (maybe if she'd dress up like one of those girls at Oktoberfest once in a while...)
....last 2 to 3 months.....that's toooooo funny. If I even tried to pull that on my wife....I'd be shot down in flames. She knows......she just knows......
Given how much I like to bottle condition my stuff, especially my high-grav ales...and given how much beer I've been brewing...I'd say that several months isn't a stretch. I still have a bottle of my first brew---from July. I have about 9 or 10 cases of 12oz bottles in my basement, plus about 4 full cases of miscellaneous big bottles. When I'm going to drink all that, who knows...but certainly, 2 or 3 months is no stretch, given that I have roughly 14 different beers in bottle right now.
I'm in the same boat. My wife likes to help me bottle (she fills, I cap). It actually seemed like her feelings were hurt the first time i did it without her. ;) She doesn't drink the stuff though. Ahh, how nice it would be if she was that much into the hobby. Eh, I'll take what I can get.
Damn! I am constantly amazed at guys being amazed that their wives will do something nice and not be a ***** all the time.

You married her.....I want to believe that you had a good reason. She is supposed to be your soulmate, so I would expect her to support your hobby.

Maybe she wanted to get freaky and was being nice to get you in the mood? Another expected trait from a spouse.

Relax man....life is good!
My wife doesn't seem to mind my brewing hobby, but she goes out of her way to have nothing to do with it. I think she likes that it keeps me out of her hair for a few hours every now and then.
cweston said:
My wife doesn't seem to mind my brewing hobby, but she goes out of her way to have nothing to do with it. I think she likes that it keeps me out of her hair for a few hours every now and then.

My wife also wants nothing to do with it. She will help if I ask but she doesn't volunteer. I'm fine with that. Pretty much the same deal with cooking. I like cooking and brewing and she doesn't. I'd love for her to like it, but...
I agree, thats usually the way it is for me. She doesnt mind it but usually doesnt volunteer to help, thats why I was so thrown off. She volunteered AND encouraged more brewing....
dougjones31 said:
Damn! I am constantly amazed at guys being amazed that their wives will do something nice and not be a ***** all the time.

You married her.....I want to believe that you had a good reason. She is supposed to be your soulmate, so I would expect her to support your hobby.

Maybe she wanted to get freaky and was being nice to get you in the mood? Another expected trait from a spouse.

Relax man....life is good!

Woah, woah, woah! I think I've been taken out of context here. I meant nothing bad from my post. There was no need to be quite so abrasive. ;)

There is a difference between sharing a hobby and supporting a hobby. I was merely trying to convey that I enjoy the fact that she likes to share my hobby, despite the fact that she doesn't enjoy drinking the results. She's just not 'into' drinking at home and we've not yet been to a party where my brew was available.

As you said, "Relax man....life is good!"

My wife is supportive. She knows that it's something I wanted to do for a long time, and that I enjoy the fruits of my labor. She's a solid Miller Lite drinker who doesn't care for strongly flavored beers. She's been curious about my ventures into non-beer brewing and has been asking me for some time to start making wine. (I'm buying the gear soon and I pre-ordered a wine kit.)

She doesn't mind me on this board because she knows I'm not looking at pr0n. She checks up on my posts here from time to time, but hasn't busted me for anything bad yet (thank goodness).
the_bird said:
Didn't she also force you to start kegging? I'd call THAT supportive... :D

She was ecstatic when she found out that kegging could replace bottling and encouraged me to get into it.
My wife is very supportive even though she doesn't like beer much at all. She's always excited to see what new gadget I'm building, and she'll even have a sip of brew from time to time (usually followed by, "not bad...for beer"). I promised her I'd do a cider soon since she kinda likes those.
Ol' Grog said:
....last 2 to 3 months.....that's toooooo funny. If I even tried to pull that on my wife....I'd be shot down in flames. She knows......she just knows......
Yeah, questions like that aren't really questions as much as they are a test...to see if you'll tell the truth they already know...;)
I'd say he passed the test with flying colors. I will admit, my wife did suggest kegging when she discovered how much work it was and how long it took. She is now telling me to go ahead and buy a new Sanyo 4912 refrigerator, but I'm trying to be cheap, plus we just got ripped off for 2700 dollars (see details in general post if you want to know) and I'm trying to help re-build that cash flow as she really REALLY wants a kitchen re-modeling job. It's getting to the point that if we don't get the kitchen done soon, she's going to start looking at other houses and we only got about 8 years to get this one paid off. I DON'T want another 30 year mortgage.
My wife bought me all of my equipment as a birthday present. Last thing I was expecting, too!

Though she really isn't a beer girl. She much prefers wine, and she continuously reminds me that, once I've "mastered" beer, it wouldn't suck to try making wine!

Fair's fair, I say! :D
I think the biggest problem I have with my wife is brewing often enough to keep her supplied :) That and having open fermenters not filled with her wine...
My wife doesn't like beer but she likes me. We had a garage sale and someone offered her $600 for her fridge that she doesn't use anymore. She turned them down because I use it for beer. She came in the house and told me I owe her $600 though....

This is what she could have sold....
My wife HATES beer, and even more so, HATES the smell of beer - she would rather I drank an entire bottle of Jack then for me to have one beer on my breath. She drinks VERY little, if ever at all. A few months ago she said to me, "You should get back into brewing when we move to Virginia" I say, "But you hate the smell of beer" and she says, "But brewing makes you happy" This is just one of many many examples of why I married my wife. Here's another: "when we get back to Virginia, you can spend whatever you want on your brew setup, if I can spend whatever I want on building a new hot-rod computer"... "you want me to build us a new system?", says I. "No, I did not say that, I want to build it!", says she.

I could go on and on - I think i must have been Mother Theresa in a previous life - there really is no other explanation to my good fortune.
My wife is extremely supportive. We live in a very small condo and I have a bar with a 3 tap tower, a kegerator with a 2 tap tower and a bottle fridge all in the living room. She is now getting into the hobby and just brewed her second batch last weekend. She loves the smell and she loves the final product. Her favorite saying is "I fear no beer"
the_bird said:
I was going to make a smart-ass comment about loving your wife as well, but I'll hold off...
. Couldn't ask for much more (maybe if she'd dress up like one of those girls at Oktoberfest once in a while...)


Don't know if that works, but when my wife came to bed with a french maid costume on I said "that's nice honey, been cleaning the house again?"
Oh well, back to the doghouse errrr brewshed.

Ah just a bit of humor this AM. I'll be alright.

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