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Sure is easier than the Kitchen #2/Laundry room/Garage remodel I have in the works this weekend (Friday is demolition day). At least I have help from my Brother and Father for the whole process as a Christmas Present. It is what I asked for after all.

Just make sure the tile is level. Are you putting in subfloor heating?
Jay, the vessel is some sort of stone. I don't know what kind. My wife's dad hauled it home 40 or so years ago and somebody shaped it (I don't think he did). It sits in the yard 364 days a year and on mochi pounding day is cleaned up, used and forgotten about. My nephew told me they put the stone in the same spot each year during the pounding. An circular indentation has been made in the concrete where the thing sits.

LRB, it really was a neat family thing. My wife's family has been doing this every year since she was very young ( and god she's getting old now ;) Haha.

Are you doing the peel and stick or ceramic? P&S are easy to do and they make some good stuff theses days. Ceramic, I've never done but the guy that rents my house in California ceramic tiled the whole house. He watched a training class at Home Depot, rented the equipment and went for it. He did a great job. No doubt you can do a fine job yourself. Go for it!
Canning time, 72 ounces strawberry jam here. I bought 6 pounds of fresh frozen berries from Costco, no added sugar or preservatives. Very economical. Half what fresh berries would have cost here in season and these frozen ones make delicious jam.

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I'm in the process of making orange marmalade. My god it smells like a fresh orange orchard in this house right now!

Christmas gifts of them all. I'm a little late. 😉
Dan, that looks and sounds fantastic. I've always wanted to make orange marmalade, but I never get around to it..
Dan, I'm going to look for a class at Home Depot. DrunkleJon, I never heard of subfloor heating so I don't think it is an issue. I'll Google it. But my guess is that it is some for areas that get cold. I'd be happier if there was sub floor cooling.
Orange marmalade
5 - 8 ounce jars
4 - 5 ounce jars

Strawberry jam

4 - 8 ounce jars
8 - 5 ounce jars

That's it for me. I'll give it another go next time.


I doubt anybody here on Oahu actually reads this particular thread, but still I offer my 23 quart pressure canner if you want to make some canned real wort starter. I no longer have a mash tun. So bring your grain, your water pure, a vessel to mash in and that's for sure. Together here between us two my friend, we will preserve a starter wort; that no bad germs live in. 😄😄

Merry Christmas

Nice job Dan. Do jams and marmalade use the pressure cooker? (I know you can use it as a water bath too)

Water bath is perfect. Pressure cooker is overkill and not wanted or needed

Edit. Hope that didn't come across wrong. I used my big canner today, even used it on my 50k BTU propane burner. ON A VERY LOW SETTING, of course. ; )

Nice to have the available room a big canner allows but it's not a necessity. Any pot large enough to provide a few inches water coverage over the lids is fine. A kitchen towel on the bottom of the pot and jars atop it work great.
Dan, I'm going to look for a class at Home Depot. DrunkleJon, I never heard of subfloor heating so I don't think it is an issue. I'll Google it. But my guess is that it is some for areas that get cold. I'd be happier if there was sub floor cooling.

They have a heater wire that you can run under the tile which will warm the floor so that you can have warm feet in the winter. It is rather nice and pretty easy.


Oops. Forgot a pic of the day's fun. Plus a pic of those rubbery mochi balls. 😄
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That... looks.. amazing. Friends and family are blessed that you thought of them. And will be enjoying the fruits of your labor.

Merry Christmas all. One of our best in a while. I hope it was the same for all you fine folks. Santa brought ME (and the boys) an awesome RC truck. Most fun I have had with a Christmas gift in years. Headed out to mom and dad's in a bit. I smoked a pork butt to add to the feast. I didn't get it on till 11:00...cutting it close but it will be ready when we leave. Cheers.
Well, got the old boys snipped today. Should have been easy but doc didn't numb the first one well enough and I pretty much felt everything. Gotta tell you, I've been shot a couple of times and I'd take a bullet any day before I want to feel that again.

But we are all good now and I'm still glad I got it done. Swmbo is babying me and serving me drinks for taking one for the team.
Well, got the old boys snipped today. Should have been easy but doc didn't numb the first one well enough and I pretty much felt everything. Gotta tell you, I've been shot a couple of times and I'd take a bullet any day before I want to feel that again.

But we are all good now and I'm still glad I got it done. Swmbo is babying me and serving me drinks for taking one for the team.

Ouch. Glad you hear all is now well. How did you get shot a couple times?
Wow, sorry to hear too. Your description certainly makes me weary of the surgery. Sit lightly.

Well my situation was rare and I wouldn't discourage anyone from doing it if kids aren't in your plans. Don't be sorry for my war wounds. I'm not. I volunteered to do what I did, nobody made me do it and I would do it again if they'd let me. I got paid to do a job and I knew the risk so there is no need to thank me for my service or be sorry for my injuries.
Hi Friends! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Mine was pretty good. I gotta admit I really missed my kids this year and made a promise to myself that not another Christmas will go by that I am not with my kids and their growing families'. It ain't much of a promise because I should just be there with them always.. ..

Enough of that.. I'm going to get myself depressed.

They have a heater wire that you can run under the tile which will warm the floor so that you can have warm feet in the winter. It is rather nice and pretty easy.


That... looks.. amazing. Friends and family are blessed that you thought of them. And will be enjoying the fruits of your labor.

DJ, the wire under the floor sounds pretty cool in cold climates. Some guys have heated throttle grips on their motorcycle handlebars, I used to carry a couple of hand warmers in my parka while in Antarctica. Neat ideas all of them. The HD training class will help you realize laying tile is an art and science; and you're a brewer. The two go hand in hand. Have fun - It's a blast and very fulfilling!

I'm a bit disappointed in my recent jam/marmalade venture. The strawberry jam is more of a spread. It hasn't thickened yet to the consistency of jam, more like ketchup. The marmalade is the same. Only saving grace with that one is the instructions said it could take 2-3 weeks to set, so jury is still out.

I care but don't care about the perfect set, because the flavor is better, fresher (even with frozen strawberries) than anything bought commercially. I still have hope the marmalade will set with another week or so, the strawberry? Not sure. Live, learn, make mistakes along the way, learn from them and correct. I'm human. :mug:

Merry Christmas all. One of our best in a while. I hope it was the same for all you fine folks. Santa brought ME (and the boys) an awesome RC truck. Most fun I have had with a Christmas gift in years. Headed out to mom and dad's in a bit. I smoked a pork butt to add to the feast. I didn't get it on till 11:00...cutting it close but it will be ready when we leave. Cheers.

Ishchiavo, Merry Christmas to you and your family. I'm late saying but you know I'm sincere. Man, I remember when Santa brought me an RC truck, I mean my son an RC truck. :tank: It was awesome. :D

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Sharon! :pipe:

Browsing around our site, it seems as though the Christmas spirit has been misplaced tonight. Too much harshness. So I'll stay in this thread.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHbLIEaZl_Y


Well, got the old boys snipped today. Should have been easy but doc didn't numb the first one well enough and I pretty much felt everything. Gotta tell you, I've been shot a couple of times and I'd take a bullet any day before I want to feel that again.

But we are all good now and I'm still glad I got it done. Swmbo is babying me and serving me drinks for taking one for the team.

Speedy recovery my friend..in the mean time, enjoy the babying! :mug:

Well my situation was rare and I wouldn't discourage anyone from doing it if kids aren't in your plans. Don't be sorry for my war wounds. I'm not. I volunteered to do what I did, nobody made me do it and I would do it again if they'd let me. I got paid to do a job and I knew the risk so there is no need to thank me for my service or be sorry for my injuries.

Well done! One of these days I'd like to smoke a cigar and drink a beer with you sfgoat. :tank:
So. Yesterday I cut some bamboo stalks. Long branches. Then I cut some Ironwood", An evergreen. Both have now been entwined by by the string of life.....or, cotton twine 😄

Anyway, this combo of evergreen and bamboo will adorn each side of our front door. Suppose to, in the early words of Ichiban Crane. God Bless This House.
So. Yesterday I cut some bamboo stalks. Long branches. Then I cut some Ironwood", An evergreen. Both have now been entwined by by the string of life.....or, cotton twine 😄

Anyway, this combo of evergreen and bamboo will adorn each side of our front door. Suppose to, in the early words of Ichiban Crane. God Bless This House.

I like cutting bamboo. Comes down easy, no mess. I've got a bunch of it behind my house. Man that stuff grows fast.
Good evening late night crew!

Slow evening here at casa Pawn. Wife and daughter went to see a play in Tampa, so me and da boys are hanging out at the house. 3rd glass of vanilla bourbon porter in front of me, chilling and getting ready to have fun.

I've been working half-days, getting started early and then quitting in the afternoon. My clients are all quiet, so I can get away with it. When January hits, it will be back to mayhem, so I'm enjoying the lull now.

@sfgoat, good job taking care of business. I remember having a very gay urologist looking eyeball-to-eyeball into my business and talking me out of a vasectomy. Without going into any more details, it was all very strange and a mistake.

For your late night soundtrack, The Four Freshman. If you're missing someone in your life during this holiday season, this song will resonate.

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Sounds sweet Pappy. Cheers to you and to your family! Very merry and happy vibes to you Paps. This time of year and always!

Cheers Brother

The other day, my wife pointed out to me I don't have many close friends in my life. I suppose that's true, mostly. It's a true statement actually.

You ever watch the show Psych? (Sp?)

Two childhood friends grown up together and experiencing a life together. Close brothers really. Close enough to have disagreements and close enough to get over the disagreement.

Best friends. I'm jealous to be honest. Envious a better word
Ps. If you get s chance, watch The Flying Tigers. John Wayne.

Good show. It is an American story. Brotherhood. Some pretty girls.

Hollywood spin of course. And a John Wayne movie.

If you think I idolize John Wayne. You are correct.
Ok guys and gals. I'm, im. Lost. I gave up a really good job, turned down an even better one and moved to Hawaii. Since I've been here jobs are hard to find. Back in CA it wasn't much of a problem to find great jobs in around Naval aviation bases. Long story short. That luxury is not available here in hawaii

I have an opportunity where the VA will provide 13 months of training. All expenses paid.

I'm ,50 , nearly 51. I was pretty much at the pinnacle of my career and threw it away. I was if not arrogant; naive to think when I moved to Hawaii I could do as well. Believe me. I've thought about goingback to CA for a job

Hawaii, tough place to find work at what I did. Before. No market

I'm. Not dumb but my my math skills are are not great. I have recently Istarted an online math course.

Like I said, the VA will give me 13 months training. I just don't know what to do.

I'm kind of a Hands on person. I'm a good learner.

I really didn't expect to learn a new job skill at my age. I don't know what to do.
Good morning Late Nighters

The other day, my wife pointed out to me I don't have many close friends in my life. I suppose that's true, mostly. It's a true statement actually.

You ever watch the show Psych? (Sp?)

Two childhood friends grown up together and experiencing a life together. Close brothers really. Close enough to have disagreements and close enough to get over the disagreement.

Best friends. I'm jealous to be honest. Envious a better word

I know the feeling, Dan. I think it has something to do with being career military. I lived in 12 different places during my thirty years. I have a lot of people that I would call friends. Mostly old shipmates, drinking buddies, and people who worked for me over the years. I only have a couple of real friends and I don't see them near as often as I would like.

Ok guys and gals. I'm, im. Lost. I gave up a really good job, turned down an even better one and moved to Hawaii. Since I've been here jobs are hard to find. Back in CA it wasn't much of a problem to find great jobs in around Naval aviation bases. Long story short. That luxury is not available here in hawaii

I have an opportunity where the VA will provide 13 months of training. All expenses paid.

I'm ,50 , nearly 51. I was pretty much at the pinnacle of my career and threw it away. I was if not arrogant; naive to think when I moved to Hawaii I could do as well. Believe me. I've thought about goingback to CA for a job

Hawaii, tough place to find work at what I did. Before. No market

I'm. Not dumb but my my math skills are are not great. I have recently Istarted an online math course.

Like I said, the VA will give me 13 months training. I just don't know what to do.

I'm kind of a Hands on person. I'm a good learner.

I really didn't expect to learn a new job skill at my age. I don't know what to do.

I don't have any advice for you, Dan. It was a tough transition for me, too. I was a Boatswain's Mate before I retired. I drove search and rescue boats for most of my career, then was Officer in Charge of a few Small Boat Stations, a small Coast Guard Cutter and ended my career as a Command Master Chief. I thought that I would be pretty well set up for post service employment, but in reality, I was a boat driver and a manager without a college degree. There isn't much call for boat drivers and my management experience, although extensive, doesn't translate very well to the civilian world. I'm a few years older than you and even though I don't feel old, age is a factor when being considered for jobs. I have a job managing a warehouse at a food bank. The pay isn't great and I spend way too much time at work, but I have a job. If I didn't have three kids to get through college, I'd drop out, and take my wife and move to the beach and live off of my retirement...

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