I like this time at night on HBT

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Yep, up before the sun, waiting for it. I guess same with you? Sit here and wait for the sun, gonna make coffee and probably eat a piece of the cake someone brought by.

Yup it is almost 3 here and I should try and head back to bed. But I think it would be a waste of time. Been thinking I should head out in the shop and tune my chainsaws up as well for the coming summer but feeling lazy.

I think another cup of coffee is in my future:cross:
It's almost 5 here so no bother trying to get back to bed. A nap later is all I'll need. Maybe when the sun finally wakes up I'll get some more pictures of junk to show you. Rusty gold. Just seeing that sweet Jaguar amongst the piles of stuff, I'll show you a picture soon. Won't take much to get her running.
I love crawling through old piles of stuff. A guy out here has I guess 4 or 5 acres of old tractors and farm stuff that he sells. Wonderful time just walking through it.
There is a tractor fest in my area this weekend. Thinking about going. At least go see some friends. One of the big buyers is coming by Friday. He wants parts and trying to decide what I'm willing to give up before he gets here. He pays tops dollar and sells at premium prices. So no need to worry he'll rip me off. Just deciding what I'm willing to sell.
I am lucky I married my wife. She loves old tractors and things as well. And she loves to spend time in Army surplus just looking around at the stuff.
Well, a charity group that I applied to a while back called this morning and they are going to cover a $5700 bill for us. She asked how we were paying bills and I told her we had things we could sell. She said we don't have to do that, at least not for that bill and once we are approved, they will pay any similar medical expenses for one year. What a relief. I hate to accept charity, I guess hubby and I are charity cases, but at least we aren't asking the government for a dime. We have both agreed to never accept a dime from them. People donate money to help others of their own free will. Not because the government takes it and says you must do this. We will accept that kind of help, the kind given freely because they want to help. Sorry, hope this is not a political post. Sucks being down and out. Not like I can just go get a real job and leave hubby to fend for himself. A full time nurse alone would use up any money I could make from said job.

I feel really guilty when I spend money on things like brewing supplies, but heck, I'm making beer super cheap. Account for every penny spent. Never thought this would happen to us, hubby is only 52. We were doing great before he got sick. He is a certified aircraft mechanic and made good money. Oh well, **** happens.
Bobbi let me tell you a story. I have been self employed most all my life meaning I have not had insurance but I was able to save enough money that I was not to worried. When I had my health bout a few years ago it flat out wiped me out financially. I was able to work with the Dr's and pay up front but things like biopsies run 600 bucks and I was getting them regular for a very long time.

Then I broke my back. I had no money to pay for that period. I was flat broke after paying for my other illness. I quit drinking and smoking and buying anything other than food for the table and we ate a lot of food I killed at that time. But then one day I balanced my checkbook and someone put 400 bucks in my account. I thought bonus I can give that money to the hospital and went to pay it but someone had finished paying that off. I might also add that neighbors had come over and moved my pipe and took care of my place while I could not.

I was overcome by kindness being offered to me. That was when I started thinking about the wheel deal. My mom died from cancer as well and spent huge amounts of time helping others with money and kindness at the cancer clinic. So much so that the city gave her a award and several businesses donated services and products to her which of course she donated all to the cancer clinic.

Any way I benefited from the kindness my mom showed others and now that my situation is better I give back not to the people who have helped me, but by giving to them I give back to my moms memory and to the betterment of my child's future.

LOOOONG post and I could have just said you deserve it and you do deserve it but because I think you are a good person who has helped others before and will again.

Not sure if this song works but it does for me. LOL My wife tells me all the time I get the wrong meanings out of music

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BobbiLynn said:
Well, a charity group that I applied to a while back called this morning and they are going to cover a $5700 bill for us. She asked how we were paying bills and I told her we had things we could sell. She said we don't have to do that, at least not for that bill and once we are approved, they will pay any similar medical expenses for one year. What a relief. I hate to accept charity, I guess hubby and I are charity cases, but at least we aren't asking the government for a dime. We have both agreed to never accept a dime from them. People donate money to help others of their own free will. Not because the government takes it and says you must do this. We will accept that kind of help, the kind given freely because they want to help. Sorry, hope this is not a political post. Sucks being down and out. Not like I can just go get a real job and leave hubby to fend for himself. A full time nurse alone would use up any money I could make from said job.

I feel really guilty when I spend money on things like brewing supplies, but heck, I'm making beer super cheap. Account for every penny spent. Never thought this would happen to us, hubby is only 52. We were doing great before he got sick. He is a certified aircraft mechanic and made good money. Oh well, **** happens.

Don't feel guilty about the beer Bobbi.. It's vital that you have something that you can have for you to help you de-stress and brewing is very therapeutic. If you're going to he taking care of someone else you have to take care of yourself as well, or it just does not work.

So, is Dan gone until after Easters? Is that what he said?
Don't feel guilty about the beer Bobbi.. It's vital that you have something that you can have for you to help you de-stress and brewing is very therapeutic. If you're going to he taking care of someone else you have to take care of yourself as well, or it just does not work.

Even my doctor has encouraged my brewing. Said he likes seeing me happy about something, the way I get animated talking about it. I like that it's a hobby that actually tires me out. I like the heavy lifting, etc. And so much to learn, like a never ending process. My doctor has been encouraging me to stick to low ABV but still high calorie if possible. I'm underweight according to the standards. But I can't sit still, even on the computer, I type real quick, then I'm moving again. Pacing, moving, cleaning, doing something. I love to eat and I love all types of foods, but I burn it up quick. Good part about it is that people look at me and want to feed me. Eat, eat, eat, sometimes it gets annoying, but I know they are just trying to help.
I don't know ... I get the impression that if he makes up his mind he won't be easily swayed. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see Dan until April Fool's Day!

On one hand, I think so too, he'll go the whole 40 days. But, on the other hand, I see him coming to his senses and realizing what a ridiculous idea it was. 10 days tops. My money on it.
That's shameful betting against Dan. He's on a spiritual journey. We should be rooting for him. Oh, what the hell....I got $5 on it. :D

What I don't understand is how he's going to go 40 days without beer. :(
No way I'd take that bet. Dans pretty stubborn I believe. I am going to try an get ahold of him for a beer though.
Dang. Sonic boom just scared the crap out of me. They launching a shuttle or something here in Florida?
I just noticed he removed his avatar. He must be serious. He's a pretty symbolic person, so that must be a sign.
I'll take that sonic boom as a sign of something, I got a hundred bucks riding on 10 days. Intentions might be okay, but really, no beer for 40 days? Not buying it, think he'll cave.
Yeah, we are in the middle of the national forest and planes/jets whatever they are putting on a show. Zipping over and dog is pissed about it. Making a lot of noise.
Friend from up the road just called me, heard the boom too. Said it was a jet.
I just noticed he removed his avatar. He must be serious. He's a pretty symbolic person, so that must be a sign.

I doubt he actually removed his avatar... what would even be the point? It looks like he got his account closed/suspended (maybe asked a mod for a temporary ban?) That's why you can't even send him a PM. Guess he really didn't want to leave himself vulnerable to a moment of weakness.

Seems kind of like cheating to me. :D
Another sonic boom, about jumped out of my skin. Was sitting outside for that one. Guess it's an air show, gonna go back outside and watch.
I doubt he actually removed his avatar... what would even be the point? It looks like he got his account closed/suspended (maybe asked a mod for a temporary ban?) That's why you can't even send him a PM. Guess he really didn't want to leave himself vulnerable to a moment of weakness.

Seems kind of like cheating to me. :D

Damn, he's cheating? ****, guess I just lost my money then....
Another sonic boom, about jumped out of my skin. Was sitting outside for that one. Guess it's an air show, gonna go back outside and watch.

FAA will not allow sonic booms for air shows anymore. Russians taking over the country maybe?

Dang all my guns are set up for the zombies:mad:
Maybe it was the 3 private messages I sent him just before midnight trying to talk him out of it. Glad no one signed up to be the bookie yet because my money's on him going the whole 40 days now. He thought ahead and removed all temptation, I guess that's smart.

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