I like this time at night on HBT

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After the first two planned brews, i decided to go ahead and do the pale ale. No starter, so I hope my impatience does not bite me in the tail. I had planned on doing two, but still had a few hours of daylight. Since all the crap was pulled out I figured I would suck it up and push forward for the third. I won't lie fellas, my arse is kicked! Doubtful I'll be guilty of doing too many more triple back to back brews.

No hangups today, all went pretty smooth. Undershot my gravity a cpl times and I'm still confused how I did that. Crush looked good. I dunno, but a lil DME saved me.

I will be enjoying a cpl cold beers and a handful of Aleve before bedtime.

Hope you guys had a great day.

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Sounds like a great day Bigken! And, I'm totally jealous of your brewroom. So much room and potential

Ok folks. I didn't mention this before about my first brew day in three years. My CFC clogged!!

I'm still trying to clear it. I don't have a pump, trying gravity. Any suggestions on how to clear the thing? I have plenty of ideas on how not to clog it on the next brew - hind sight.

But I got to get it unclogged first!

Ok folks. I didn't mention this before about my first brew day in three years. My CFC clogged!!

I'm still trying to clear it. I don't have a pump, trying gravity. Any suggestions on how to clear the thing? I have plenty of ideas on how not to clog it on the next brew - hind sight.

But I got to get it unclogged first!


Air compressor? Just a random idea. Might risk infection but at this point I would still try I guess.
Air compressor would probably work but I sold mine when I moved. (Insert face slap here). [emoji3]
I got called for jury duty in January, notified my work in December and then completely forgot about it. Oops. Got a letter a few weeks ago saying I'd missed that one but was scheduled for today. I made today's appointment. No idea how serious the court is about the bench warrant threat if you don't show up... Repeatedly, and I didn't want to find out. Judge gave us all a speech (he gave many) about being an American citizen and our civic responsibilities. The top two being. Pay your taxes and stand jury duty when you are called upon.

The selection process is interesting. We started with 75 prospective jurors. In the end there were 12 jurors and two back ups. The rest of us, maybe ~30, never had our number called, 30 or so were called but deferred or excused based on their answers to questions from the judge, prosecutor, or defense.

My number was never called and once the crew was complete I was finished. I honestly wouldn't mind getting called again for jury pool just not on the type of case this one was, anything but. This one involved a young adult and young minor, very, very young minor. I wonder if the jury pool was was abnormally large because of the case subject.
Anybody here heard of James Herriot?

I have the books, never read them though. Always intrigued. On my list of "before I die". Thing is, he's religious, I'm not. I'm hoping it's more of a worldly philosophy than christianity. We'll see.

I was given one of his books by my uncle (a veterinarian) and aunt when I was younger and showing interested in following his footsteps. Read it too. Interesting stories and I did not read too much religion into it when I did read it. Then again that was many years ago. It is cool seeing into someone elses daily life who does something completely different in a different time. Don't be afraid to give them a read.

I got called for jury duty in January, notified my work in December and then completely forgot about it. Oops. Got a letter a few weeks ago saying I'd missed that one but was scheduled for today. I made today's appointment. No idea how serious the court is about the bench warrant threat if you don't show up... Repeatedly, and I didn't want to find out. Judge gave us all a speech (he gave many) about being an American citizen and our civic responsibilities. The top two being. Pay your taxes and stand jury duty when you are called upon.

The selection process is interesting. We started with 75 prospective jurors. In the end there were 12 jurors and two back ups. The rest of us, maybe ~30, never had our number called, 30 or so were called but deferred or excused based on their answers to questions from the judge, prosecutor, or defense.

My number was never called and once the crew was complete I was finished. I honestly wouldn't mind getting called again for jury pool just not on the type of case this one was, anything but. This one involved a young adult and young minor, very, very young minor. I wonder if the jury pool was was abnormally large because of the case subject.

Havent had to even sit through selection yet. I have only been called once back when I was in high school and got dismissed the night before when I checked to see if I had to go. I probably cursed it though by just saying that. I hope if/when I do get called that I get called for an interesting case. I would even take a big sequester the jury type case so long as its not one where my eyes are bleeding just trying to keep them open.
Hey Late Nighters. I hope all is well. My daughter wrote a song about letting go of her first crush. It is called Fictional Boyfriend. (and why the hell don't youtube videos post for me?)

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Hey Late Nighters. I hope all is well. My daughter wrote a song about letting go of her first crush. It is called Fictional Boyfriend. (and why the hell don't youtube videos post for me?)


Try making it http instead of https and use the whole www.youtube.com instead of youtu.be if you do that it should work.

Here you go. Whups forgot the watch?v= between the / and the weird string
so its http:// www.youtube.com / watch?v= i_3iDwxyNp0 minus the spaces.
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Hey Late Nighters. I hope all is well. My daughter wrote a song about letting go of her first crush. It is called Fictional Boyfriend. (and why the hell don't youtube videos post for me?)


It's stuck in my head now...she must be good;)

Do you have the space for the recording studio?
Hey Late Nighters. I hope all is well. My daughter wrote a song about letting go of her first crush. It is called Fictional Boyfriend. (and why the hell don't youtube videos post for me?)


That was ridiculously cool. Girl has almost the perfect tune all the way through, angsty lyrics, all really good. Color me impresssed. I really mean it. Sounds like something Zooey Deschanel (She and Him) would sing. Or Yael Naim. Like something I'd see on an Apple ad.
It's stuck in my head now...she must be good;)

Do you have the space for the recording studio?

No room for a studio...

She does have a knack for writing a catchy tune and turning a phrase. She has written a few other songs. I catch myself humming them. Ha!
No room for a studio...

She does have a knack for writing a catchy tune and turning a phrase. She has written a few other songs. I catch myself humming them. Ha!

I just listened to it again (like!). The one minor criticism is that most songs have a refrain. It's the part of the song that's repeated through the song. Not all songs have it, but while listening I thought it was necessary.
I have the books, never read them though. Always intrigued. On my list of "before I die". Thing is, he's religious, I'm not. I'm hoping it's more of a worldly philosophy than christianity. We'll see.


In the James Herriot's books I've read and I've read them all. Religion isn't the topic. Life and it's wider fullness is! He does use the first four lines of a poem written by a lady named Cecil France's Alexander that has been accepted as a religious song in the Anglican Church

However, comma. I do not believe his intent was religious. His books are an about his adventures as an English Vettanarion adventure in lifeb. don't personally know James Herriot, it was a writer's pen name. I can't predict his religious beliefs.

I will say to you my friend that I do not believe in the very beautiful, fun, uplifting stories he wrote about being an English Veterinarian back in the
I have the books, never read them though. Always intrigued. On my list of "before I die". Thing is, he's religious, I'm not. I'm hoping it's more of a worldly philosophy than christianity. We'll see.


In the James Herriot's books I've read and I've read them all. Religion isn't the topic. Life and it's wider fullness is! He does use the first four lines of a poem written by a lady named Cecil France's Alexander that has been accepted as a religious song in the Anglican Church

However, comma. I do not believe his intent was religious. His books are about his adventures as an English veterinarian. They're about farm animals, pets, and people. They are fun to read and uplifting.

I will say to you my friend that i do truly enjoy the fun, uplifting stories he wrote about being an English Veterinarian.

Don't let the title o f the books make you think there all about religeilon. The books aren't. The guy like to drink beer and smoke a pipe. Never saw him judge another person. In his writings. [emoji1]
I just listened to it again (like!). The one minor criticism is that most songs have a refrain. It's the part of the song that's repeated through the song. Not all songs have it, but while listening I thought it was necessary.

Yeah, I see what you mean. I would also have her change the "you can't be pissed, because you don't exist" line. Even though I thought it was clever, it kind of made me cringe just a bit. (probably because she's my teenage daughter. Ha!)
6 hours of yard work, hit a cut off tree stump, bent 2 blades and only knows what else. I was 5 minutes from being done. It's raining now and have a few widows open that's covered. Despite the punch to the wallet to fix my mower, it's a nice rainy evening to enjoy a few pints.

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6 hours of yard work, hit a cut off tree stump, bent 2 blades and only knows what else. I was 5 minutes from being done. It's raining now and have a few widows open that's covered. Despite the punch to the wallet to fix my mower, it's a nice rainy evening to enjoy a few pints.

2 blades? Did you hit the stump twice?

Worst thing you could do is bend the shaft. No matter what you do to straighten it back out the mower will never run right again unless the shaft is replaced. But if you are lucky you sheared a key before that happened.
After getting home today with a new set of blades, I compared the old ones...Much to my dismay I really can't see much difference comparing the two. I fear now I probably did bend one of the spindles. I'm sure John Deer loves those things too. I'm going to remount the deck on my next off day and take a swing at it, but if I had to bet, I'll be out 150 bucks or more for a new spindle. That would have gotten me 5 batches of beer. Grrrr
After getting home today with a new set of blades, I compared the old ones...Much to my dismay I really can't see much difference comparing the two. I fear now I probably did bend one of the spindles. I'm sure John Deer loves those things too. I'm going to remount the deck on my next off day and take a swing at it, but if I had to bet, I'll be out 150 bucks or more for a new spindle. That would have gotten me 5 batches of beer. Grrrr

OIC. Twin blade riding mower. Ouch.
It's nice talking with old friends. Common history. Just talked with a guy who as biology goes is not my brother. But as history is played he is truly a lifelong friend and brother. We went through a lot of stuff during our careers together and both landed in war torn Iraq. From there boys and girls. We made history. I doubt I'llever make that much happiness in lives again. Dwayne is a better man than me and I'm sure he will. Hopefully he'll drag me along
Beautiful music your daughter played

I agree with this. I don't have a musical bone in my body, but I think that makes me more appreciative. Excellent job.

I have been following this thread for a long time but never have posted. I guess since it's quarter until 1 on the east cost, it qualifies.

I think brewing is in my soul. I don't think that about many things, and is probably why I used to drive my wife crazy talking about it so much. I've cooled it down lately and it's helped our relationship.

I also love mountain biking. I often wonder if I live in the wrong state being in Florida.

Sometimes I wonder if we (as a human race) are all lost souls living where the grass is greener.
Dan, I was at Camp Speicher in Tikrit from 05 till 07. Medic. While I would never admit it then, that was one of the highlights of my 27 years of Healthcare. Not because of what I witnessed or did, but because of the brotherhood and lifelong friendships gained.
BreezyBrew welcome to this thread! You're a Brewer with passion for brewing, for life. You'll fit right in here!

Bigken. I'm not a MARINE, but am the father of one. In the two words that encompass those guys. Semper Fi!

I'm glad you post here Big Ken!
I'm kegging a beer today. First brew in three years. Brew day didn't go perfectly but I am very happy the pre carbonated beer smells very good. It's an IPA. Yummy

I woke up this morning and thought about how wonderfully amazing the human body is. Actually, if I go on that thought, life.

I was looking at my hands when I thought of this; not for the first time my friends

Our human bodies, our brain is amazing AMAZING!

I should take better care of mine but don't. It keeps going anyway. Probably would do even better with encouragement. I'm not good at that
I'm kegging a beer today. First brew in three years. Brew day didn't go perfectly but I am very happy the pre carbonated beer smells very good. It's an IPA. Yummy

I woke up this morning and thought about how wonderfully amazing the human body is. Actually, if I go on that thought, life.

I was looking at my hands when I thought of this; not for the first time my friends

Our human bodies, our brain is amazing AMAZING!

I should take better care of mine but don't. It keeps going anyway. Probably would do even better with encouragement. I'm not good at that

Might wanna lay off the Maui Wowie, Dan. :mug:
Pappy for some unknown to me reason the link you posted doesn't work. Pretty sure it an error on my end. I can watch you tube videos, letcetera on my phone. Just none of the links on HBT. Every since I got the iPhone 6. I'm sure it's my fault in settings or something[emoji5]️
Haha! Just joshing you, buddy. From what I gather you lead a charmed life.

Slainte, late nighters!
i know you're joshing [emoji3]

We all live blessed lives we just don't always realize at the moment. Like my dad (he did pretty well in his life as our town Doctor) told me 14 years ago, not to be dramatic but he was literally on his death bed

Dad said "we all just do the best we can". It was a humble statement from a really good man. My dad, Dr John Dawson, DC
Passedpawn I saw a pic of your pepper plant in another thread earlier, I'm damn jealous. tonight and tomorrow there's a possibility of frost here.
What else do you have in your garden?

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