I like this time at night on HBT

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Not my proudest moment and I had to eat my pride afterwards and apologize to them for reacting badly. So I've been feeling like scumbag father of the year all day.

Let me get this right. You reflected on your actions, you recognized when you were unreasonable, you put aside pride to apologize to your kids and you were still dogged by guilt afterwards?

In my books you're a great father. I wish my dad was half the man you are.
Posted this in another thread but thought I would post it here as well since I follow this thread the most:
Just today I caught my son climbing the hallway wall like he was Spider-Man and while he was at the top I told him to get down and right at that second he loses his grip and falls and of course his brother is walking right below him as this happens so his ass falls right on top of his brothers head which dropped his brother instantly but causes him to flip forward face first into the wall making him bite his tongue pretty bad.

The worst part of this is I automatically defaulted to angry dad and while picking them both up and checking their injuries I am screaming at them about how stupid it all was. Not my proudest moment and I had to eat my pride afterwards and apologize to them for reacting badly. Scared the **** out of me though. I thought one broke his neck and the other broke his teeth. So I've been feeling like scumbag father of the year all day.

This sounds very much like how my parents reacted when I was caught doing something stupidly dangerous. It went in three phases:
1. "What on earth were you thinking, you crazy fool?"
2. "You scared the daylights out of us...you could've been seriously hurt...don't ever do that again!"
3. "I'm sorry I yelled at you, but I was afraid you would get hurt!"

By the way, that was one of the many reasons why my parents were awesome.
This sounds very much like how my parents reacted when I was caught doing something stupidly dangerous. It went in three phases:
1. "What on earth were you thinking, you crazy fool?"
2. "You scared the daylights out of us...you could've been seriously hurt...don't ever do that again!"
3. "I'm sorry I yelled at you, but I was afraid you would get hurt!"

By the way, that was one of the many reasons why my parents were awesome.

I won't hesitate to apologize for being wrong. But I will never apologize for being protective.
I am guessing some sort of hair thing. I find that when in doubt its something for hair, nails or makeup. It doesnt look like the second or third option.
I am guessing some sort of hair thing. I find that when in doubt its something for hair, nails or makeup. It doesnt look like the second or third option.

Sort of on the right track my friend on all three but not individualy. Bigger picture.
Hey late nighters. Happy this week is over. Planning on taking my boys fishing tomorrow. We just had a new reservoir open up this summer so hopefully they stocked it well. Might also brew a batch this Sunday, so it looks like I've got a fun weekend planned. Take care all.
Purse holder, my girlfriend got one too.

You win! Well done johnny! I've watched in bored wonder my wife use this device. We
Go to a resturant, she pulls something out of her purse and sets it on the tab!e edge - then her purse is hanging off the bottom - Securely! It's an ingenious marvel. I think I understand in layman's terms why it works; the elongated half circle, it negates a pivot point and the base gives a little leeway by way of lateral support needed because the hinge pin is adjustable to the edge of the base. Still perfectly centers load and support. There is also a slip resistant coating on the bottom of the base.
Phil Ligget is my Vin Scully. I love this time of year. TdF!

I just commented on my son's bike riding tonight. It was something like "HEY WATCH FOR CARS! LOOK BOTH WAYS! DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO USE THOSE BRAKES?" ;)

Super busy lately. Long weeks. I haven't even had time to drink a beer although I think I'll have a few tonight. It feels good to work hard, make some money and know we'll be busy at least for a few months into next year before we have to go looking again.

I just picked up my first ever four wheeler the other day. It's an '86 Honda fourtrax. Hard to believe a 30 year old machine fetches $1000 but there were three guys behind me with cash in hand. Lucky I called first. My boys are incapable of a 30 second conversation without asking "when are we going to ride it again?" So, I'm happy if they are happy.

I hope you are all having a great Friday and an even better weekend. I saw this live and it was better but I still love the song:

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Cheers one and all!

Ok, this is probably very outdated info to you all; but new to me. I tend to catch up with technology 10-15 years after its new. Hey! I dont run a 486 anymore. Pentium 90, Baby! [emoji3][emoji3][emoji3]

Roku, pretty neet gadget. I connected it to my dumb tv which did have an HDMI cable. I realized i could use the roku remote and watch Netflix and youtube using the remote to navigate (which is a bit of a PIA moving to one letter or the next

I was at home the other day chilling in the living room and searchrd my phone for a video. Video opened and i saw a boxed antenna top right of my phone. I touched it and it said Roku and some numbers. Im not totally stupid so i switched my tv to hdmi.

Wa Bam! My iphone plays movies, youtube, probably Netflix,, amazon and whatever on the TV. Cool $hit
On my little phone niki (?)(check my math) looks like a mermaid in the flared jeans. Anyhow, great pic. Still sorry we could not get together when you were so close. Cheers.

Mermaid! Ahh! She does!! [emoji3][emoji3]

Im planning a trip back to SoCal later in the year. If all goes well a stop at LRBs Brewhouse and maybe a roadtrip north to see JayBird!

What you say LRB? You up for a roadtrip? Im in dire need of a vacation.
Voices, those im most influenced by

I wouldn't be true if i didnt say John Wayne
Tween me and you. The Duke - an american hero, he was old shool
My avatar you know-James Bond; Sean Connery. Voice of Scottsman, eyebrows thick and dark. A voice thst carries strength when times are unsure and out goes lifes spark
Have you ever known James Earl Jones?
Or heard his deep voice and felt at home
Morgan Freemon I'd vote for president. Why?! Because real true - confidence, you can hear it in hisvoice,
I sort of hope Sean Connery finds out im using a young pic of his as my avatar.

Id love to talk, smoke a cigar and have a beer. With Sean Connery.
To you all

A full day wiring at a bulk propane plant is hard for a smoker. A mixed sixer of porters and stouts from a good buddy enjoyed in my shop allowed me to catch up on the nicotine;)
A full day wiring at a bulk propane plant is hard for a smoker. A mixed sixer of porters and stouts from a good buddy enjoyed in my shop allowed me to catch up on the nicotine;)

Ischiavo, your work alwsys sounds so interesting! I am not promoting tobacco use ( the pipe thread is more than just tobbacco;). ) but i went from ciggsrrettes to smokeless a long time ago to feed the need. Now that smoking is nearly outlaw, smokeless tobaccy has exploded. I remember when i got into the disgusting kick there was skoal or copenhagen now each of those have numerous variations along with many other brands and their variations. Id say the explosion in smokeless tobacco products is partly the result of the crack down on smoking - some people are going to get hooked on nicotine in no matter what. Lucky for the tobacc companies.

Different note
They say one mans trash is another mans treasure, right? I have become a bit of a scavenger and would say the previous as Onesns lack of appreciation is another man's joy

Last night my wife and i took our dogs on the usual walk. Before i say anymoore, here in Hawaii ( at least Oahu, the first of the month is bulk pick up day. A spot is designated close to Your home, a stone's throw away, where a person can put bulky items - We used it one time to get rid of the broken (was suppose to work) old dryer that came with this house. I hauled to the curbside towards the end of the month and beginning of the next month it was hauled away with all the other junk. And overall there is a lot of junk that is taken away. Its free, well there is nothin free but that's besides the point. Hawaii, i believe does this to keep the island clean otherwise the crowded population here could easily turn the natural beauty of this place into dumping grounds; if that makes sense

So, why this long mixed up ramble? This week is bulk pick-up. Somebody in the neighborhood remodeled and the "waste" was placed at a curbside next to my house. Lastnight, Sunday, my wife and i took our dogs for their usual evening walk and we strolled by yhis heap. We'd seen it from the car earlier in the day but aside from sering some wood, which I automatically assumed pressrd board with veneer I ignored it. The junk would be hauled away in a day or two.

My wife said we should detour from our nightly walk route and check out the temporary dump site. I was game

This is THE longest post i think ive ever written, so if youre still hanging in , Cheers!

My wife found wood. Teal Wood!! Okay not solid wood but 3/4" smooth on two sides, six ply all in beautiful condition. Plus 3 framed, bamboo etched in glass dining cabinet windows. Im probably not desrining this worthy of the beauty - their is no pressed, particle or tiny thin lsyer of veneer involved.

We took it-thats perfectly acceptable here and from the land dump space saved, Im certain the guys that would have had to lift and haul it away are glad the heavy, bulky load never had to be lifted onto their truck

There was also a refrigerator in the pile. Clean, smallish, maybe 14 cubic feet. I got my hand cart and loaded the fridge. Hauled to my back linai. Cleaned it, only the freezer seal was really dirty (?) plugged it in and the soft dound of the compressor came on. A clean icecube tray was in the freezer so i filled it with water and put back in, then folled a glass of water and set in the middle of the fridge section. I set freezer and fridge midrange settings. This morning. A tray of icecubes. Water in the glass a chilly 37.

Hmmm? Nice wood that can be recut, sanded and stained plus a good clean fridge lsid in my lap

Any ideas? ;)
Ischiavo, if i sounded like i was judging you, thats not what i meant. Im hooked on micotine and enjoy it. Wrong health wise but its where im at and have been many, many years[emoji5]️