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Way to go Dan! I'm really trying to get back down to 185 (I'm about 6'2") from my current hair under 200. I've got at least 20 lbs of fat to drop and a lot of lost muscle to get back from just a few years ago when I kayaked over 200 days a year. I always thought running was hard on my body, but I've been trail running and after the first few weeks and some better shoes, havent' had any of the leg pain I always associated with running on asphalt or concrete.

We need a Great HBT Weight Loss Thread.

Edit: Its a Zombie but we already have one: https://www.homebrewtalk.com/f19/official-hbt-weight-loss-thread-49989/ maybe I'll revive it so that I wont have to be revived in the future.
We need a Great HBT Weight Loss Thread.

Edit: Its a Zombie but we already have one: https://www.homebrewtalk.com/f19/official-hbt-weight-loss-thread-49989/ maybe I'll revive it so that I wont have to be revived in the future.

Now there's something to get me motivated. After getting out of the Mairnes I've ballooned probably hovering around 280. Its crap but unlike being motivated by the military its way to easy to slack off on the outside. My swmbo would agree too haha
Tasted both my Brett. and the sour batches. The Brett. is fabulous - incredible fruit flavor and aroma, just a touch of acetic and very little dusty funk. It's only down to 1.020 from 1.032, but it is only at 68F. I'll see if I can't warm it up a bit somehow.

The sour was OK I think. I think lacto won the battle. There is a little cheesy aroma, but the taste is clean and acidic. Funky but nothing that would make me gag. The gravity hasn't changed at all, so I guess I got homofermentive L. dubrekii or something similar, as intended.

I pulled out 1 gallon of the all Brett. brew and put that in a 1-gallon jug to ferment out. I then transferred 2.5 gallons of the sour into the remaining Brett. batch for a total of 5 gallons. I'm not sure what happened but it *immediately* started fermenting hard. There is just tons of gas pouring out of that fermenter. The 1-gallon all-Brett isn't doing anything, and it isn't a temperature thing. The critters seem to be having a bar-room brawl in there.

Sours are super cool, but they are also scary as all hell. I am going to now beach bomb everything and take a shower, and brush my teeth. I feel dirty.
Guess I don't follow the norm 30 years out of HS and only 15 lbs I do road bike a lot.

Oddly, I was heavier in high school. I was a fat kid, peaked out about 230 and 5'8" at the end of 8th grade before I finally got sick of being the fat kid. Not that I was in shape the couple years I managed to get through in high school, but did manage to lose 30 or 40 lbs before my freshman year eating fewer cheeseburgers and riding my bike a lot.
TNGabe said:
a few years ago when I kayaked over 200 days a year. I always thought running was hard on my body, but I've been trail running and after the first few weeks and some better shoes, havent' had any of the leg pain I always associated with running on asphalt or concrete.

Dang TN! That's a lot of paddling. Flat water or real water? ;-)
Dang TN! That's a lot of paddling. Flat water or real water? ;-)

Easy to do if you live in you car, work 30 hrs a week for money for gasoline and live off beans. :) Nothing too hairy, never ran hard V. But doubles on the Watauga and Green lite used to be pretty standard. Biggest thing I ever ran was an easy 40'er on the Elk, but that has a sloping 10' lip. Well and Darg Strip on the Gragg Prong. I think I miss having the confidence to run the big stuff in Idaho the most. Nothing like paddling a c1 playboat on 90k cfs. I'd like to get back into running some easy IV kinda stuff, but I've seen some things, mostly guiding rafts, but had a couple of sketchy days of my own. Haven't thought about boating much since I backed out, but now I'm feeling 'homesick' for it. Should be good foliage this year, I'll hafta get a few tune up runs in and hit the Doe Gorge. Wish I had some pics to share :(

You paddle?
I'm a flat water paddler. Very flat. 3 kayaks. Love to paddle, but this is Florida, there are no waves here.

I used to run daily, but after many, many injuries (almost all of them running-related) I'm now a daily biker. I'm @ 175# now, feeling good. Probably drop another 5 and maintain.
Well, I live 200' from where the Kaweah River dumps to ag water, 2hrs from the upoer Kern, 45 min from the lower Kern and 3hours from the American put-ins. It kind of became a requirement with the guys I run/ran with. Haven't paddled in two seasons though. Don't even have a boat right now. Baby number 4 is due in November and those kids sure take up the free time. (Wouldn't trade it for the world though)

Mostly class III-IV stuff. A couple drops, nothing big. I'm more of a big water guy. LOTS of creeks here that sort of forced creeking on me. Swam a nasty section if the Kaweah that is normally IV but V at big water. We were at 120% of flow at the time. The only thing anyone knows me for in the whitewater community here.

I'm a certified swiftwater rescuer and (expired) strong swimmer. Doing that kind of took the fun out of it for me. There were holiday weekends where We'd pull out 3-4 bodies from the Kern.

I've got pictures somewhere on one of the computers. Which I never get on.

I've dropped 25# in the past 6 months, but need about 10 more and out a LOT of lost muscle back on.
Now there's something to get me motivated. After getting out of the Mairnes I've ballooned probably hovering around 280. Its crap but unlike being motivated by the militaryits way to easy to slack off on the outside. My swmbo would agree too haha

That's my problem. Every since retiring from the Navy I've slacked off. I used to lead group physical fitness workouts in my ealry forties - Something to prove to myself I guess. Wel,l something to prove to myself again but this time going solo.
Dan said:
That's my problem. Every since retiring from the Navy I've slacked off. I used to lead group physical fitness workouts in my ealry forties - Something to prove to myself I guess. Wel,l something to prove to myself again but this time going solo.

I've heard that so many times at work. I know if I don't have motivation I find it very easy to watch Cheers reruns and eat ice cream instead. Even if my mind knows it wants to work out. I need the accountability of other people or I won't get it done.
Well, I live 200' from where the Kaweah River dumps to ag water, 2hrs from the upoer Kern, 45 min from the lower Kern and 3hours from the American put-ins. It kind of became a requirement with the guys I run/ran with. Haven't paddled in two seasons though. Don't even have a boat right now. Baby number 4 is due in November and those kids sure take up the free time. (Wouldn't trade it for the world though)

Mostly class III-IV stuff. A couple drops, nothing big. I'm more of a big water guy. LOTS of creeks here that sort of forced creeking on me. Swam a nasty section if the Kaweah that is normally IV but V at big water. We were at 120% of flow at the time. The only thing anyone knows me for in the whitewater community here.

I'm a certified swiftwater rescuer and (expired) strong swimmer. Doing that kind of took the fun out of it for me. There were holiday weekends where We'd pull out 3-4 bodies from the Kern.

I've got pictures somewhere on one of the computers. Which I never get on.

Always wanted to paddle some of the Cali goods, but those days are behind me. Have you read The Hookmen? It's been a while since I did. All I ever ran down there was the Merced in an oar boat. Went for spring break, but a buddy fell about 40' while 'bouldering' and the trip got cut short.

No wait, ran some of the Cal Salmon, too. Must have been another trip. I think we planned on Oregon and then the snow chased us south, but followed us there. Clearest water I've ever seen. You could count the pebbles in the pools.
Sorry to sort of ramble on about this fitness bizz, but I think it is my son who is motivating me. Not that he has said anything... I just look at the kid. My height maybe an inch taller, broad muscled shoulders and chest, thick arms and small waste... He's my boy, crap, my genes are running through him right? He lifts weights quite a lot and has always been a good runner. I know I'll never get a physique like that but figure I can be tone and keep all my vitals well within specs if I just stay off my butt and stick with a fitness program. The older I get, the less slacking I can do. The morning aches are becoming more prevalent but not that bad yet... and won't get much worse if I can help it.
Well, I'm back after a few days off hbt. Got my 5th 6th 7th and 8th tap put in tonight for my octoberfest party. My neighbor made me two nice drip trays. All is well. On the subject of fitness. I need to get on that. I'm a former marine with one hell of a belly. Granted I've got a big build mostly muscle but I used to be thin.

Here's to some training after I have my party. Too much to do noe. Emodeling my house etc. planning for the party and so on. I got my sausage order, rolls and spatzel with several German mustards today from Bavaria sausage inc. today. I'm impressed. Can't wait to eat that.
Well, I'm back after a few days off hbt. Got my 5th 6th 7th and 8th tap put in tonight for my octoberfest party. My neighbor made me two nice drip trays. All is well. On the subject of fitness. I need to get on that. I'm a former marine with one hell of a belly. Granted I've got a big build mostly muscle but I used to be thin.

Here's to some training after I have my party. Too much to do noe. Emodeling my house etc. planning for the party and so on. I got my sausage order, rolls and spatzel with several German mustards today from Bavaria sausage inc. today. I'm impressed. Can't wait to eat that.

Former marine? Never heard of such a thing.
Dude, you're having quite the evening. :mug:

LG, hope you're feeling better today, from what I understand migranes are very painful. Really do hope you feel better my friend.

I'm approaching 50 in a few more months; it's time to head back to the gym, get back into decent shape. Been at it for about 3 weeks now. Never been much into lifting, always been more of a runner but gave that up a few years back as it just takes to much of a toll on a body. Sore knees, back, shinsplints, etc.. These days I stick with the elyptical mostly.

Looking around the gym today (on a Navy base) I suppose the average age was 25+ years younger than me. Very motivational actually. When I was that age the last thing I wanted to do was work out, times have certainly changed for the better. Not to worried about loosing weight, just want to tone up, get rid of this old man beer paunch and get the cardiovascular system back into good working order.

Thank the power that be I woke up without a migraine. Thanks guys, apparently I started texting a female friend of mine. She texted me back and told me about her wife...?

I wouldn't mix alcohol and Tylenol but everything else is fine
Thank you sir, I knew something in that mix wasn't a good idea but I couldn't remember what.

Now there's something to get me motivated. After getting out of the Mairnes I've ballooned probably hovering around 280. Its crap but unlike being motivated by the military its way to easy to slack off on the outside. My swmbo would agree too haha

Guess I don't follow the norm 30 years out of HS and only 15 lbs I do road bike a lot.
Well, I guess I'm the fat kid. 6' and 300lbs. Though six months ago that was 330. I've tried to improve my diet is some small ways, and I've been more active during the summer fixing up my house. I'll probably gain most of it back this winter.
I'm also a fat kid LG, so I got your back. I'm also 6' 300lbs. I've been chubby most of my life. I wasn't raised on nutritious foods, so my eating habits as an adult aren't really great. I was never in the military, so I don't have that element of discipline. I realize the importance of good nutrition and healthy weight, but old habits die hard. With that said, I do have some muscle mass as a result of doing construction my entire adult life, and I still work pretty hard at this stage of life. I just love my meat and potatoes a little too much after a hard days work.
I'm also a fat kid LG, so I got your back. I'm also 6' 300lbs. I've been chubby most of my life. I wasn't raised on nutritious foods, so my eating habits as an adult aren't really great. I was never in the military, so I don't have that element of discipline. I realize the importance of good nutrition and healthy weight, but old habits die hard. With that said, I do have some muscle mass as a result of doing construction my entire adult life, and I still work pretty hard at this stage of life. I just love my meat and potatoes a little too much after a hard days work.
Yeah, that's me too. Not the construction part, I work a desk job. I did carry a 250lb tub out of my house by myself though.

I find that I enjoy my steak, eggs, pork chops, etc... A lot. I'm not really a potato kind of guy, I like my sugar though. :)
To be totally honest a lot of my problem for the last 2 years has been beer. I packed on about 20 lbs when I really started drinking more beer. I used to mainly drink whiskey, but craft beer really started to appeal to me a couple years ago. I've been trying to cut back on that lately, but only with a small amount of success.
To be totally honest a lot of my problem for the last 2 years has been beer. I packed on about 20 lbs when I really started drinking more beer. I used to mainly drink whiskey, but craft beer really started to appeal to me a couple years ago. I've been trying to cut back on that lately, but only with a small amount of success.
Until the last year or so, mine was that I didn't like vegetables. Or so I thought. I just didn't like how I'd had them cooked my whole life.

For instance, tonight I truly enjoyed some brussels sprout. They were sauteed in beef stock, and then steamed until cooked. Fantastic!
Hope I didn't offend you bigger guys with my post earlier. I didn't mean it that way. I just feel better when I excercise, not trying to put anyone here down for how you choose to live. My father-in-law, who's been kinder to me than just about anyone I've ever met, would make both LG and Stauff look like midgets. :D

When we still had chickens, they had escaped the chicken tractor one day. My FIL has slowed down a bit these days, but I'll never forget watching him grab two or three chickens at a time in each hand. Once a farm boy, always a farm boy I guess. Probably helps that if I shake hands with him, most of my forearm disapears in his hand.
Hope I didn't offend you bigger guys with my post earlier. I didn't mean it that way. I just feel better when I excercise, not trying to put anyone here down for how you choose to live. My father-in-law, who's been kinder to me than just about anyone I've ever met, would make both LG and Stauff look like midgets. :D

When we still had chickens, they had escaped the chicken tractor one day. My FIL has slowed down a bit these days, but I'll never forget watching him grab two or three chickens at a time in each hand. Once a farm boy, always a farm boy I guess. Probably helps that if I shake hands with him, most of my forearm disapears in his hand.
Oh, no worries. I haven't been self conscious about my weight in a long time.

As a Russian guy I knew briefly told me once, "If you can carry own weight and weight of man doing weighing, man doing weighing had best to shut up.":D

I think it was ten minutes before I could stop laughing after he said that.
I'm doing something wrong, quoted text is last to first?

Until the last year or so, mine was that I didn't like vegetables. Or so I thought. I just didn't like how I'd had them cooked my whole life.

For instance, tonight I truly enjoyed some brussels sprout. They were sauteed in beef stock, and then steamed until cooked. Fantastic!

LG, I can truly appreciate that! When I was a kid all veggies came from a can for the most part, with the exception of some fresh summer garden stuff, but other than that it came out of a can. I hated and still do, canned asparagus.. Green mush out of the can and my mom felt obligated to cook it till even mushier. It wasn’t till I moved from home and a roommate cooked some veggies that I became a fan of them. Here are some simple but delicious ideas you can try and the veggies don’t have to be straight from the garden. Frozen vegetables are not bad if cooked properly.
I use just a little bit of water and a bowl sealed with saran wrap in the microwave for a minute or till done to my liking. I like veggies a bit crunchy. The flavor peaks.

My weakness is garlic and butter. Pretty much any vegetable I know just taste better with garlic and a little buttter and a pinch of salt.

Frozen sweet peas steamed with a tiny bit of sugar, butter and mint.
Fresh carrots sliced how you like them, a little butter, and tarragon –steamed
Broccoli, freshly chopped garlic, sliced carrots, a little butter and salt -steamed
Brussel sprouts, garlic, butter and honey - steamed.
Asparagus cut in two inch pieces, butter, chopped garlic – steamed.
And last but not least. Wrap asparagus stalks in BACON!  Grill till bacon is golden crispy then eat soon.

I'm also a fat kid LG, so I got your back. I'm also 6' 300lbs. I've been chubby most of my life. I wasn't raised on nutritious foods, so my eating habits as an adult aren't really great. I was never in the military, so I don't have that element of discipline. I realize the importance of good nutrition and healthy weight, but old habits die hard. With that said, I do have some muscle mass as a result of doing construction my entire adult life, and I still work pretty hard at this stage of life. I just love my meat and potatoes a little too much after a hard days work.

Mike that's awesome! Reminds me of my ex father-in-law. He's in his 70's now, I've known him for 27 years and his nightly dinner consist of steak and potatoes, a pre-dinner scotch and red wine at dinner. He says salad and veggies are rabbit food. He's still getting away with it but got to admit it might be taking it's toll. He's outlived my dad who was a very health concisous eater. Everybody is different.

Dan's 1,000th like ftw. :)

Why, Thank you LG. That's pretty cool! :mug:
No offense taken TNG! Everything's bigger in Tejas! haha...

My dad, was a Doctor, he was licensed in Illinois and Texas. Your post made me think about this song, he taught it me and my siblings when we were very young. :mug:

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No Prince on YouTube, or I'd be posting 'Head' of 'Dirty Mind'. Best synth solo ever possibly.
AH! I forgot, I was going to revive the Dr Pepper recipe quest. I swear, that missing flavor is sassafras extract. I still need to make the vanilla ice cream too. Get the landscaping fabric down, not really my fault it was raining a lot. Get my storage room moved down to the basement. Fix my garage door, probably not this weekend though. Fill my new co2 bottle that arrived today. Start get my kegerator mocked up so I can plan the build better... Yeah, it's going to be another busy weekend.

I'm nixing buying another vehicle for the time being. To many things are going to be cutting into my money until at least January.

I woke up this morning with some kind of weird infection in my right eye. I hope it goes away soon, it's annoying.
Hi everyone. I'm beat! Sorry, but I'm too tired to go back and read posts, so I'm not keeping up very good tonight. My boldest statement for tonight is "I hate doing plumbing"!

I'm nixing buying another vehicle for the time being. To many things are going to be cutting into my money until at least January
Like kegging?! :rockin:

I woke up this morning with some kind of weird infection in my right eye. I hope it goes away soon, it's annoying.

Interesting, because my left eye is all screwed up tonight. I know why, though. I removed my garbage disposal today. I didn't put in a new one. Instead I just plumbed in a standard drain line. While removing the disposal I got a nice splash of rancid, stinky drain water in my eye. Now it's all cloudy. Did I mention I hate plumbing?
...Like kegging?! :rockin:

Interesting, because my left eye is all screwed up tonight. I know why, though. I removed my garbage disposal today. I didn't put in a new one. Instead I just plumbed in a standard drain line. While removing the disposal I got a nice splash of rancid, stinky drain water in my eye. Now it's all cloudy. Did I mention I hate plumbing?
Partly, I want to have my kegerator functional for the family visiting in early January. I'm also going to need to furnish my guest room, formerly my storage room. I'd also like to get the insulation in my enclosed patio before it gets cold.

I'm with you on the plumbing. Last night I fixed a leak on my toilet. With all the rain lately I think the house shifted a little and pulled the toilet away from it's wax ring. Fortunately, I have access to under the toilet from the basement. So I was able to reach up and pack wax from another ring into the gap. It won't hold forever, but probably through the winter. I've got stuff to fix it permanently, but that would mean removing the toilet completely and re-installing it with the press fit flange I got and a new wax ring. I'll have to do that at some point or it won't stay fixed, but I wasn't really up to that after work last night.

Speaking of which, I'm off to bed you beautiful people. I haven't been sleeping well, so I'm taking a melatonin and signing off.

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