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How'd you do that? Thought you were hoarding small fridges.

I know you are mainly serving high pressure so beware those plastic taps. I've heard many a lost keg story. Some shanks and faucets would be best. At least put clamps on the line if you go the cobra tap route.
Well, that's what happens when you order 3 kegs, a 10lb co2 tank, and all the fittings and line you need to hook everything up.

I would actually like the 3 tap dispensing tower, but it's like 220 bucks. Yeah, I'll do that later. I did buy clamps for all the lines.

EDIT: I've also got one of those pin lock adapters for soda bottles, and the line and connector that came with that. So, I can play around making soda that way as soon as I get the co2 bottle filled.
Now, I'm drinking a bit of wine while zesting 10 lbs of oranges. I was going to use some for a JAOM, but the whole batch of mead base fit in the pumpkin. I guess I'll do some orange extract, some orange zest, and fresh squeezed orange juice.
That's too bad LG. I got real lucky with my kegging setup, I got three corny kegs off craigslist for a hundred bucks and a co-worker sold me a mini fridge kegerator for two-fifty. After the conversion kit I'm still only into it three hundred and eighty dollars. Of course it only has one tap but that's fine for now.
That's too bad LG. I got real lucky with my kegging setup, I got three corny kegs off craigslist for a hundred bucks and a co-worker sold me a mini fridge kegerator for two-fifty. After the conversion kit I'm still only into it three hundred and eighty dollars. Of course it only has one tap but that's fine for now.
For a 3 tap setup I don't think I'm doing to bad. It isn't money I'm going to regret spending, it's just costing me more then I wanted.:mug:
Brewed a "Session IPA" (SG1.046). Made 8 gallons. 5 Gallons are fermenting with my house yeast slurry, and 3 Gallons are with a package of hydrated Mangrove West Coast yeast. Its not a fair comparison, but 18 hours later the slurry is going crazy, and the is very little visible activity from the Mangrove. I've heard their yeast tends to lag, and I am fermenting at the low end of their recommended scale. I can't wait for the side by side taste test. The house yeast is a mix of Notty, US05, WP001, and other yeast that I believe are common to the chico strains. By guess is the Mangrove's West Coast Ale should be similar. Either way, 8 gallons will certainly be welcomed to the pipeline.
I bought some blackberry flavored commercial moonshine. Yeah...It's 100 proof. I drank 1/2 of a wine glass worth, and I'm pretty drunk. On the up side, the horrible headache I had isn't so bad anymore.
I refuse to try commercial moonshine until I get the chance to try the real thing. My city isn't exactly the kind of place you would find real moonshine, so I don't suppose I'll be trying it anytime soon, unfortunately.
Stauffbier said:
I refuse to try commercial moonshine until I get the chance to try the real thing. My city isn't exactly the kind of place you would find real moonshine, so I don't suppose I'll be trying it anytime soon, unfortunately.

El Paso isn't really known for its shine. Lol. If you ever drank the real thing made by someone who knows what they're doin you'll never want commercial stuff. This I can say is the facts.
El Paso isn't really known for its shine. Lol. If you ever drank the real thing made by someone who knows what they're doin you'll never want commercial stuff. This I can say is the facts.

Of course if you've ever drank the real thing by someone who doesn't know what they're doing, you'll never want to drink again.
I refuse to try commercial moonshine until I get the chance to try the real thing. My city isn't exactly the kind of place you would find real moonshine, so I don't suppose I'll be trying it anytime soon, unfortunately.

El Paso isn't really known for its shine. Lol. If you ever drank the real thing made by someone who knows what they're doin you'll never want commercial stuff. This I can say is the facts.
This is midnight moon blackberry. It's very good. It is not as good as real moonshine, but it's actually not that far off. I was surprised by how good this was.
If you haven't seen this, you really need to watch it. It should be required watching for anyone who brews. Documentary by the Discovery channel.

"How Beer Saved the World"
I just finished watching this, it's an interesting documentary. I would say it's definitely slanted, but still interesting.
I'm about to rant about my Mother. I do love her. I just want to just occasionally want to hit her repeatedly with a battleship. You've been warned.

Why doesn't my mother understand that on the one day of the week I reserve for myself I want to be left alone? I don't care where you want to go. I don't care what the friggin garden's doing. I don't want to spend over a freaking hour discussing what to feed my siblings when they come to visit in January. I want to be left alone. I want to watch something on tv that's ridiculously childish. I want to drink. I want to play stupid pointless games. That's it. That's all I want to do. Why? Because I need to relax so I don't go insane. leave me the frig alone you idiot!
Oh, I kinda changed my kegerator plans. I've got family coming to visit in January. Since most of them don't drink I'll run 3 kegs at high pressure for soda. I plan on getting a second 4 way distributor in the future, with the shutoff valves, so I can run either soda or beer/wine in each keg. I was thinking about it, and I can run a line externally to carbonate 2 liter bottles. With that setup, I doubt I'll want to run more then 1 keg of actual soda at a time. The net result of that is that I don't think I'll actually want more then 3 kegs. Most of the time I would be using 2-3 of them for wine/beer/cider. Then doing homemade soda in regular reused 2 liter bottles....

Yeah, I'm :tank: so that may or may not make any sense.
Emjay, are you around? I've got a migraine, I'm drunk. Mostly because I have a migraine, and if you know what I can take with the alcohol I'd be grateful if you'd tell me. Once in a while, I'll take the following cocktail:

acetaminophen 500 mg
aspirin 650 mg
caffeine 200 mg
Shots, 3...or more.

I'm thinking that's likely to dissolve my liver though....
Emjay, Mr pharmacist in training, please let me know. I'm in pain, and don't want to damage myself with something that seems like a good idea when in pain...
Leadgolem - try something with magnesium in it. If you have a Mg supplement, that might help. Also hydrate. A multivitamin might help as your migraine might be triggered by a deficiency in something. Reasonably liver-friendly approach.

Warning, magnesium can have a laxative effect in largish, so the combination of excess alcohol, magnesium, and water intake may keep you toilet bound for a little while.
Sounds like you've already put a hurtin on your liver tonight LG. Acetaminophen is probably a bad idea.
Damn, just got home from my Monday, a 9AM to 10PM day interspersed with 6 hours of classroom face-time with my students, plus trying to get labs built and random student advising tossed into the mix. I love the teaching but the only thing getting me through is adrenaline. Coming home and cracking a beer or three and letting the brain spin down feels wonderful. I'm exhausted but the brain needs to come down from outer space first.
Damn, just got home from my Monday, a 9AM to 10PM day interspersed with 6 hours of classroom face-time with my students, plus trying to get labs built and random student advising tossed into the mix. I love the teaching but the only thing getting me through is adrenaline. Coming home and cracking a beer or three and letting the brain spin down feels wonderful. I'm exhausted but the brain needs to come down from outer space first.

Im behind, what do you teach?
Yeah, I'm so drunk now I can barely find my keyboard. If firefox didn't have a spell check feature, I doubt y'all could understand my posts. I really wish I had passed out a couple hours ago. My head really hurts....
Have you eaten anything? A long day with no food gets me migraines in a hurry.

Any annoying blue lights on electronics around the house? Tape them over. Sounds weird but they can be a trigger. I have an electronic scale that has a nasty blue LCD display that gets my eyes swimmy every time I use it. I need to get a better scale (it's my brewing ingredient scale), but for now I just use it as quickly as I can and put it away.

Lower the brightness of your screen too. I have a freeware software called f.lux that reduces the blue level in the screen lighting according to the time of day. At night it shifts the spectrum more red/less blue which doesn't screw with your melatonin production so bad.
Have you eaten anything? A long day with no food gets me migraines in a hurry.

Any annoying blue lights on electronics around the house? Tape them over. Sounds weird but they can be a trigger. I have an electronic scale that has a nasty blue LCD display that gets my eyes swimmy every time I use it. I need to get a better scale (it's my brewing ingredient scale), but for now I just use it as quickly as I can and put it away.

Lower the brightness of your screen too. I have a freeware software called f.lux that reduces the blue level in the screen lighting according to the time of day. At night it shifts the spectrum more red/less blue which doesn't screw with your melatonin production so bad.
No blue led's. They got the blue painters tape pretty much as soon as I saw them. I reset my screen frequency to 6500. I don't know if that will help, but I'm willing to try almost anything at this point.
Uggh, my sour starter has been in the shed since last Thursday and the temperatures have dropped into the 70s during the day and into the 50s at night. If the lacto didn't get the pH down I don't even want to think of what it is going to smell like. I'm praying for lemons, but a 3-coil steaming orange sick-dog turd will probably be more like it. Tomorrow I will lift the lid and check it out.
Uggh, my sour starter has been in the shed since last Thursday and the temperatures have dropped into the 70s during the day and into the 50s at night. If the lacto didn't get the pH down I don't even want to think of what it is going to smell like. I'm praying for lemons, but a 3-coil steaming orange sick-dog turd will probably be more like it. Tomorrow I will lift the lid and check it out.
Please keep good notes, even if it turns out bad. I am thinking that the only kinds of beer I'm likely to really enjoy are sours...

NO, I haven't passed out yet. I'm still working on it...
Uggh, my sour starter has been in the shed since last Thursday and the temperatures have dropped into the 70s during the day and into the 50s at night. If the lacto didn't get the pH down I don't even want to think of what it is going to smell like. I'm praying for lemons, but a 3-coil steaming orange sick-dog turd will probably be more like it. Tomorrow I will lift the lid and check it out.

You make sours sound so much more appealing than the sweaty barnyard variety. Tri-coil...yum
I can't seem to remember how to let go if the bag of muffins I made? oh well, I guess I'll type with one hand.
I love sours. I didn't really trip across them until I started homebrewing again. Totally mindblowing when done well, still pretty interesting when not perfectly balanced. It is a hard style.

My bet is that I have a 2.5 gallon stew pot full of Clostridium butyricum ready to dish out a cup o' cheese when I check it tomorrow, but I still hope. If it doesn't knock me over I'll try a taste and see if it is soured, then judge whether it is something I want in my beer. The Brett. ferment rocked out pretty hard, so I at least have that brew.

I've read that the butyric acid produced by the Clostridium can be partially converted into fruity esters by Brett., but excessive concentrations leave a cheesy stink. Brett. will chow down on a lot of stuff and make it right, but only so far.

To blend or not to blend, that will be the question.
LG, hope you're feeling better today, from what I understand migranes are very painful. Really do hope you feel better my friend.

I'm approaching 50 in a few more months; it's time to head back to the gym, get back into decent shape. Been at it for about 3 weeks now. Never been much into lifting, always been more of a runner but gave that up a few years back as it just takes to much of a toll on a body. Sore knees, back, shinsplints, etc.. These days I stick with the elyptical mostly.

Looking around the gym today (on a Navy base) I suppose the average age was 25+ years younger than me. Very motivational actually. When I was that age the last thing I wanted to do was work out, times have certainly changed for the better. Not to worried about loosing weight, just want to tone up, get rid of this old man beer paunch and get the cardiovascular system back into good working order.

Emjay, are you around? I've got a migraine, I'm drunk. Mostly because I have a migraine, and if you know what I can take with the alcohol I'd be grateful if you'd tell me. Once in a while, I'll take the following cocktail:

acetaminophen 500 mg
aspirin 650 mg
caffeine 200 mg
Shots, 3...or more.

I'm thinking that's likely to dissolve my liver though....

I wouldn't mix alcohol and Tylenol but everything else is fine
LG, hope you're feeling better today, from what I understand migranes are very painful. Really do hope you feel better my friend.

I'm approaching 50 in a few more months; it's time to head back to the gym, get back into decent shape. Been at it for about 3 weeks now. Never been much into lifting, always been more of a runner but gave that up a few years back as it just takes to much of a toll on a body. Sore knees, back, shinsplints, etc.. These days I stick with the elyptical mostly.

Looking around the gym today (on a Navy base) I suppose the average age was 25+ years younger than me. Very motivational actually. When I was that age the last thing I wanted to do was work out, times have certainly changed for the better. Not to worried about loosing weight, just want to tone up, get rid of this old man beer paunch and get the cardiovascular system back into good working order.


Way to go Dan! I'm really trying to get back down to 185 (I'm about 6'2") from my current hair under 200. I've got at least 20 lbs of fat to drop and a lot of lost muscle to get back from just a few years ago when I kayaked over 200 days a year. I always thought running was hard on my body, but I've been trail running and after the first few weeks and some better shoes, havent' had any of the leg pain I always associated with running on asphalt or concrete.
This is a check of the board's time posting system.

It is currently 4:26 PM East coast time.


Board says post time was 8:27 PM.

Where are these servers located? Or do I need to fix my profile?
This is a check of the board's time posting system.

It is currently 4:26 PM East coast time.


Board says post time was 8:27 PM.

Where are these servers located? Or do I need to fix my profile?

Under my account, I think it's edit personal options.
I checked in on the sour batch and ... it smelled OK! Still a little cheesy something, no worse than last week, but also something fruity in the smell now. I am going to take it in tonight and check gravity and see what the sour level is. It's been pretty cool last few nights and the temperatures are not that warm at all, mid 70s.

I'll also check in on my Brett. brew. I think if I am going to blend tonight will be the night.
Way to go Dan! I'm really trying to get back down to 185 (I'm about 6'2") from my current hair under 200. I've got at least 20 lbs of fat to drop and a lot of lost muscle to get back from just a few years ago when I kayaked over 200 days a year. I always thought running was hard on my body, but I've been trail running and after the first few weeks and some better shoes, havent' had any of the leg pain I always associated with running on asphalt or concrete.

Thanks, TNGabe! Sound like you and I have similar goals. Best of luck to you. I'm giving myself six months to be back where I was four years ago. I was looking at my legs and belly in the mirrow the other day, amazing how much my legs have shrunk and gut has grown. :drunk: Time to put things right!

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