I have the best SWMBO

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Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2013
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So here I am halfway into a mash and halfway through a six-pack of homebrew (too much to drive safely) when I remember to check my propane level. :0 it's almost empty!

Told SWMBO about the crisis and asked her to go to the only open store and pick up a tank for me (thinking she'd say no). And she asks if I'll buy her a bar of chocolate too....

I love that woman.

Care to share any stories about how your SWMBO helped you in a great way in the name of good beer?


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Mine surprised me with a complete equipment kit when I came home from a business trip. Just because I had brewed with a friend a couple times and said I'd like to do it myself. She also encourages me to make more! ( though I think it's partly so she can drink more of my home brew).

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Mine got me propane once and secretly brewed me a beer for Christmas.

You got a good one!
Awesome! Rub her feet while she eats the chocolate. ;)

My wife would give you a big fat kiss for giving that advise.

My Christmas present was the mother of all BIAB bags, the ingredients to make an all grain dead guy clone, and a flask and stir plate. She went to the LHBS and told the guy that I wanted to do all grain but was afraid to make the jump so he sold her the stuff and she basically told me to "man the F up" and graduate to all grain. I cant believe how much better the 4 or 5 beers I have made since have been. Thanks honey!
My wife would give you a big fat kiss for giving that advise.

My Christmas present was the mother of all BIAB bags, the ingredients to make an all grain dead guy clone, and a flask and stir plate. She went to the LHBS and told the guy that I wanted to do all grain but was afraid to make the jump so he sold her the stuff and she basically told me to "man the F up" and graduate to all grain. I cant believe how much better the 4 or 5 beers I have made since have been. Thanks honey!

Was your wife the one on here asking advice for Christmas presents?
My wife would give you a big fat kiss for giving that advise.

My Christmas present was the mother of all BIAB bags, the ingredients to make an all grain dead guy clone, and a flask and stir plate. She went to the LHBS and told the guy that I wanted to do all grain but was afraid to make the jump so he sold her the stuff and she basically told me to "man the F up" and graduate to all grain. I cant believe how much better the 4 or 5 beers I have made since have been. Thanks honey!

I once watched the owner of the owner of the LHBS sell a keg system, and a kit+kilo setup to a woman looking for an xmas gift. I was in awe of his skills.
Was your wife the one on here asking advice for Christmas presents?

Yes she was. She can be very thoughtful and thank god. I really feel my beers have been waaaaay better since going all grain. All my extacts had a strange off flavor that made them difficult to drink and I almost threw in the towel. Now im back to being obsessed and making her regret her thoughtfulness. Thanks honey!
I have a brand new 5 gal oak barrel that she got me for Christmas. Can't wait to get home and give it a shot.
I've gotten some great "gifts" while the mash was all set. :D My SWMBO is the best.
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She ok'd the purchase of a new BK, MT, and HLT.

Plus she always helps me clean and tolerates my general absentmindedness. She's also gotten me propane on a few occasions. In a paraphrase of the wise words of Dr Evil; She completes me.

And she gets my dumb sense of humor...
Two weeks ago we where in the middle of a brew day and one of my brew Bud's couldn't make it to the LHBS. I asked my wife and she headed down and picked up his grain/ supply's. Also when we built our new house she was on board with a brew room being built in the basement. Now that I have taken over the rest of the basement she dose not mind and is happy I have a hobby I love and keeps me home.
Just got a wort chiller for my birthday. No more ice baths!!

I wonder if I were to scream outside, would you be able to hear me? Be aware on Sunday, I'm brewing. You might be able to smell the hops!

Mine has done the propane thing before. She also did some research and got me a digital hops/grain scale for Christmas. She lets me have my Kegerator in the kitchen—probably because she drinks more than me. I got a good one.
My wife has never bought me anything for the "brewery" but she ALWAYS buys me beer... Like I buy her a dozen roses frequently she buys me 22s of various craft brews all wrapped up with girly little bows. She doesn't know anything about beer, she doesn't brew or even drink beer... But, she never complains, she always let's me brew when I want, and she has NEVER given up on my brewing when I certainly have... Quietly, patiently standing behind me in everything I do with an unwavering love... That's my wife. Though I obey her wishes I do so willingly and with great respect. For a woman who could care less about beer she cares about me with the utmost consideration. I TRULY have the best little Lady Bird...

Thanks Baby!

I've gotten some great "gifts" while the mash was all set. :D My SWMBO is the best.

You Win!!

My wife runs to her parents to get me good water. Mine smells! This saves me a "long" visit with the inlaws also! This reminds me-- tomorrow's brewday!:rockin: She'll need to say hello for me today!!;)
My wife has never bought me anything for the "brewery" but she ALWAYS buys me beer... Like I buy her a dozen roses frequently she buys me 22s of various craft brews all wrapped up with girly little bows. She doesn't know anything about beer, she doesn't brew or even drink beer... But, she never complains, she always let's me brew when I want, and she has NEVER given up on my brewing when I certainly have... Quietly, patiently standing behind me in everything I do with an unwavering love... That's my wife. Though I obey her wishes I do so willingly and with great respect. For a woman who could care less about beer she cares about me with the utmost consideration. I TRULY have the best little Lady Bird...

Thanks Baby!


lets you brew? That's so nice of her.
My SWMBO made a trip for me in the middle of my boil. A friend of ours ran out of gas on the highway about 15 minutes away and already a few beers in so she was all game to go get some gas and take it to them. She also comes to my LHBS every time I go and asks me multiple times before leaving if I'm sure that's all I need (pretty much implying that it's okay to buy something else within reason )! She's a keeper!!

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My wife on more than once occasion has run to the LHBS for me when I realized that I didn't haven't enough hops or the correct yeast. As long as I leave the kitchen as clean as I found it, we're all good...LOL
Two weeks ago I was on the fence about buying a grain mill. I took SWMBO to the LHBS to look for ingredients when she told me to pull the trigger. When I got it I found out it was on sale too. Love my SWMBO!
Mine just okayed $2500 in electric work (200 amp service upgrade and a dedicated 100 amp sub panel) for my garage brewery.

She's also a willing designated driver when I brew at my buddies!

Grocery shopping - have you tried this beer yet?

Last night told me she wants to add a rec room onto the house. Including a bar, brew area etc. "somewhere to put all my brewing crap" in her words. I love her.

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She asked me, what strain of hops she should plant.

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Today is my 11th anniversary, so this is a great opportunity to praise the SWMBO. She has picked up propane, ingredients, beers; she has tended my fermentations when I travel for work. She has learned to make mead, apfelwein, and wine, and spreads the joy with her friends. She tolerates my long brewdays, helps clean on occasion, and most importantly, doesn't loudly complain about my (self admittedly ridiculous) brewing purchases and the time I spend on beer.

We are headed to SD Monday for vacation, and she'll tolerate my stops at bottle shops and maybe a few breweries. Dinner at Pizza Port, hooray!
My GF is into beer, but not brewing, so she helps critique and drink my homebrew and any other good beer we find along the way. We've done some great beer road trips together.
Hello, My wife helped me build a temp controlled Brew Room, she hangs out with me during every brewing session, dose most of the clean up while I am transferring and pitching.

Now she just bought me a brew dog (Rottweiler Puppy) He will come home tuesday evening.

my wife is Great !

Cheers :mug:

Here's a pic of the Brew Room!

My wife refers to herself as my "brew wench," helps with bottling, encourages me to brew as often as I have time for, and gladly helps me drink the fruits of our labor.

I'm a lucky guy.
Mine does not like beer, thinks I'm crazy for spending so much money on "beer stuff" and is always dogging me about getting my gear out of the basement and out to the garage. However, she has gone to lhbs with me, suggest we do local brewery tours (and even gone with and been my DD) and has bought a Stirstarter in the past, and this year for my birthday bought me a new wort chiller. Well, I was in heaven, til the second present came today..... I now have my humble beginnings.
See attached pic.
I'm thinkin she's a keeper.:rockin:

I had some friends show up for an epic brew day today. My wife stepped out for a bit and came home with pizza and snacks for my buddies.
Love this thread. Where would we be without the women who love us?

Mine okayed the brewery and bar area build-out in the new house, judges the brews, drinks the ones she likes, and, get this: came up with the idea for our last Christmas Card: a liquid Christmas Card: Bottles of a Christmas Ale with a personal Christmas Card/label on it. And she went to the LHBS to pick-up the grain bill! It was my first 10gall batch - a Red Brickwarmer Ale - delicious (according to many friends who enjoyed it).
Mine bought me a kick ass hot rod... I don't ask for gifts anymore. She won't brew with me, but is the first in line to try one when they are ready! If I ran out of propane I'd be walking, cause chances are she had brews with me. Luckily it's only 1/4 mile to get propane.... But after the first 100 feet, that sucker gets heavy!

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I had mentioned to my wife last October that I thought it would be fun to brew my own beer. She gave me a non-committal grunt and that seemed to be the end of it. I didn't really even think about it again.

Christmas rolls around and the first gift I open is Palmer's "How to Brew." She then said something like, "now you can learn about it before you commit to anything."

The kids were opening their gifts and having a great time. My 11 year old hands me a card; I open it and find a hand written note. And so started the scavenger hunt. There were different part hidden all around the house. Each piece of brewing equipment had another hint to where I could find the next gift. Once all was done, I had all the equipment and an ingredient kit for my first brew.

I've become obsessed like everyone else. She's never complained. Whenever we visit our LHBS, she points out things asking if I need them. She never says a word about cost. She keeps the kids out of my hair when I brew (although my 11 year old daughter loves to help me bottle.)

I'm a lucky man. She said she jumped on the chance to get me going because I needed a hobby. She recently had back surgery so I have to everything around the house while also working full time. She wanted me to have something I could call my own. She enjoys tasting what I've created and will give her honest opinion, not just blow sunshine up my shorts.

I love that woman.
My wife bought me my beginner kit too. Bless her. I think she is in a current love/hate with the hobby right now. Sometimes she is happy that I spend time doing brew stuff sometimes she is not. I haven't made a beer she loves yet so hopefully that will change soon!
Here's a bumper sticker for ya, Nice brew rig, sorry about your small penis.
Please do not ban me for this.
My wife has gone to get propane when I forgot to fill the spare. When the pipeline is too young to really appreciate the new beers, and the fridge is empty, she will ask what style of beer I would prefer, and goes to the store for me in the middle of her "honey do's" I am working on. She also bought me my brew kit as a Christmas gift, and I was stoked! A few months back, I bought two turkey fryers on sale for $20.00 each. I assured her that one will be used for turkey frying only. Two 30qt pots, 2- 50K BTU burners and stands, saved me a lot of money. I have learned the way to stay out of trouble ( mostly) before/after a purchase is to show I got a gigantic deal, then she is okay with the purchase. As long as my expenditures float in the less than $40.00 bracket life is good. I once made her a BIPA, that she was just crazy about, and I showed her why I only made a half batch; buying the required hops was brutal on the wallet. A few months back, I ordered a 40qt heavy aluminum pot delivered for $53.00. When I showed her the regular prices she calmed down instantly, and, happy wife, happy life, was restored. If I ask her to, she will always help pick up a full BK to move to the cooling tub, and then back to the fermenter racking table. She is my best friend, and I love her. I normally like to bottle when no one else is home, to help prevent any dust, dog hair, etc. doesn't get stirred up when I bottle. When my daughter is home she always wants to help. I fill the bottles and she caps them, generally cutting my bottling time in half.