I do not care for _ _ _ _ _

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People who feel the need to end email messages with things similar to the following

"Sent from my iPhone - Please excuse typos and brevity."

Instead it should be

"I cannnt typp on these tiny keyboards, sorry if i sound liek a teenageer"
The feeling that I'm expected to ask "how's it going today Bob?" even though I don't really know Bob and Bob doesn't know me and the only time we see each other is when we are both waiting on the coffee pot to finish dispensing caffeine so we can both go back to our desks and stay awake to continue the grind and even though I know Bob is going to say that everything is as great as it could possibly be because that is what you are supposed to say to people and if you don't then you are breaking some kind of office etiquette which makes the entire process of blowing sunshine up each others butts in a pointless attempt to fool ourselves into believing that we are happy in our office hell a waste of time since we know that we really just want to be doing any damn thing else.....

I also hate the word etiquette, and run on sentences, and cynical bastards, and posts that have no finality and finish in......
The feeling that I'm expected to ask "how's it going today Bob?" even though I don't really know Bob and Bob doesn't know me and the only time we see each other is when we are both waiting on the coffee pot to finish dispensing caffeine so we can both go back to our desks and stay awake to continue the grind and even though I know Bob is going to say that everything is as great as it could possibly be because that is what you are supposed to say to people and if you don't then you are breaking some kind of office etiquette which makes the entire process of blowing sunshine up each others butts in a pointless attempt to fool ourselves into believing that we are happy in our office hell a waste of time since we know that we really just want to be doing any damn thing else.....

I also hate the word etiquette, and run on sentences, and cynical bastards, and posts that have no finality and finish in......

I hate that this post is so great. Damn it.
The feeling that I'm expected to ask "how's it going today Bob?" even though I don't really know Bob and Bob doesn't know me ... because that is what you are supposed to say to people and if you don't then you are breaking some kind of office etiquette which makes the entire process of blowing sunshine up each others butts in a pointless attempt to fool ourselves into believing that we are happy ...

And the answer is just as hollow as the question.
When someone asks "How's it going" they are not really requesting an honest response. We are expected to give a reply like "great" or "wonderful" or somesuch ... even if we are absolutely miserable. This used to be tough for me to get my head around.

"How's it going" is rhetorical, a placeholder. I used to think it was about as valuable as using a pausitive (words used as a pause) like saying "uh" or "um" or "ya know" ...

There was a fascinating and amusing documentary from a few years ago in which they come to the same conclusion that I finally came around to about this stuff ... that is, to just go with the flow ... "Great, any better it'd be a sin!" (thank you Budd Fox)

I've cued the link below to just the bit where he talks about the "how's it going" question ... But if you've got the time, and can sit through a documentary that is filled with humor, insight and copious amounts of drivel ... it is very much worth watching from the beginning. A lot of us will see ourselves in the piece.

Like I say; I've cued the documentary to just the point where the narrator talks about that "how's it going" stuff. It was not the funniest segment in the video, but as a previous pet peeve of mine, it struck a chord.

This is the Canadian documentary: "i, curmudgeon" by Allen Zweig
The fact that so many products/programs are named starting with a lowercase letter which is then followed by capital letter like in iPod.
Small sinks & faucets/spigots that are 3 inches or less from the back of the sink/wall. The point of hand washing is to have clean hands, if my hands touch the sink whilst I'm rinsing, they are no longer clean & I must wash them again. One of these days, I'm going to put a kitchen sink in the bathroom so I have enough room to wash my hands without touching the damned sink.

And as for the outside spigots that are 2 inches long, with the faucet that has only about a 3/4 of an inch clearance from the wall: What moron thought these up? I bet it was some sadistic bastard with tiny hands & fingers, who was teased as a kid because of his abnormally tiny hands & now he's trying to get back at the rest of the world. And of course building contractors don't care, they just use whatever is cheapest when it comes to outdoor spigots; they either don't know or don't care that when you try to turn the water on or off, or attach/detach a hose, using your normal sized hands & fingers, that you will be forced to scrape your normal knuckles on the stucco wall.
End rant.
Regards, GF.
Small sinks & faucets/spigots that are 3 inches or less from the back of the sink/wall. The point of hand washing is to have clean hands, if my hands touch the sink whilst I'm rinsing, they are no longer clean & I must wash them again. One of these days, I'm going to put a kitchen sink in the bathroom so I have enough room to wash my hands without touching the damned sink.

And as for the outside spigots that are 2 inches long, with the faucet that has only about a 3/4 of an inch clearance from the wall: What moron thought these up? I bet it was some sadistic bastard with tiny hands & fingers, who was teased as a kid because of his abnormally tiny hands & now he's trying to get back at the rest of the world. And of course building contractors don't care, they just use whatever is cheapest when it comes to outdoor spigots; they either don't know or don't care that when you try to turn the water on or off, or attach/detach a hose, using your normal sized hands & fingers, that you will be forced to scrape your normal knuckles on the stucco wall.
End rant.
Regards, GF.

How about the 'automatic' bathroom faucets that the sensors seem to be aimed to turn the water on only when your hands are 2 inches infront of where the water will fall. Therefore once you get the water running (finally) it turns off when your hands actually get under the water.

Curses! Foiled again!
Small sinks & faucets/spigots that are 3 inches or less from the back of the sink/wall. The point of hand washing is to have clean hands, if my hands touch the sink whilst I'm rinsing, they are no longer clean & I must wash them again. One of these days, I'm going to put a kitchen sink in the bathroom so I have enough room to wash my hands without touching the damned sink.

And as for the outside spigots that are 2 inches long, with the faucet that has only about a 3/4 of an inch clearance from the wall: What moron thought these up? I bet it was some sadistic bastard with tiny hands & fingers, who was teased as a kid because of his abnormally tiny hands & now he's trying to get back at the rest of the world. And of course building contractors don't care, they just use whatever is cheapest when it comes to outdoor spigots; they either don't know or don't care that when you try to turn the water on or off, or attach/detach a hose, using your normal sized hands & fingers, that you will be forced to scrape your normal knuckles on the stucco wall.
End rant.
Regards, GF.

How about the 'automatic' bathroom faucets that the sensors seem to be aimed to turn the water on only when your hands are 2 inches infront of where the water will fall. Therefore once you get the water running (finally) it turns off when your hands actually get under the water.

Curses! Foiled again!
that'll keep you floccers from making fun of my tiny hands! you big handed bastards deserve all the stucco scraped knuckles you get!!!!
I hate showing up to the post office just past 11:00am thinking pretty smart of me considering some taxpayer funded unionized jobs still get an hour for lunch and they might actually close the building for lunch, only to find the door locked because they take their lunch at 11:00.... I am only there to retrieve a package the mail lady refused to deliver because she saw some ice in my driveway. Oh well, back to work until 11pm, maybe another day, or when the snow finally melts in the spring time i can finally get the package that contains some made in china gadget that I could proabably almost made myself in the amount of time spent to earn the pitiful wages spent to get the stupid thing..
Kim Kardashian or any of her family (including Kanye). My blood pressure rises just seeing them on TV or printed page. I wish they would just go away. The way our TV and press carry on you'd think they are the Royal Family.
Also do not care for hollywood types that make shoot-em-up movies with full auto rifles blazing, that then come out for gun control in a PSA or interview. A bit hypocritical eh? Glamorize guns on the silver screen, then tell US citizens guns are bad? Whatever...

PS I think anyone should have the right to own whatever gun they choose, provided they are responsible with it and abide by the laws.
I hate showing up to the post office just past 11:00am thinking pretty smart of me considering some taxpayer funded unionized jobs still get an hour for lunch and they might actually close the building for lunch, only to find the door locked because they take their lunch at 11:00.... I am only there to retrieve a package the mail lady refused to deliver because she saw some ice in my driveway. Oh well, back to work until 11pm, maybe another day, or when the snow finally melts in the spring time i can finally get the package that contains some made in china gadget that I could proabably almost made myself in the amount of time spent to earn the pitiful wages spent to get the stupid thing..

on somewhat the same lines: our postal service refuses to deliver mail to your house if you don't shovel the snow off your sidewalk and walkway even though they WALK ACROSS THE FLOCCIN' LAWNS and NOT the sidewalks.
Kim Kardashian or any of her family (including Kanye). My blood pressure rises just seeing them on TV or printed page. I wish they would just go away. The way our TV and press carry on you'd think they are the Royal Family.

Sometimes I feel like a side effect of not having actual royalty lording over us is that we somehow feel the need to appoint our own. See also the American obsession with William & Kate. Somewhere in the last 240 years we went from being sick of the British monarchy to hanging onto every detail of their lives.

Sometimes I feel like a side effect of not having actual royalty lording over us is that we somehow feel the need to appoint our own. See also the American obsession with William & Kate. Somewhere in the last 240 years we went from being sick of the British monarchy to hanging onto every detail of their lives.


If we have such a desire, I'm sure we can come up with a better example than the Kardashians...
Kim Kardashian or any of her family (including Kanye). My blood pressure rises just seeing ...

I definitely have no use for kanye ... oh, wait ... yes I do, people like that we grind em up and use 'em as ... uh ... oh, nevermind.
an upgrade from piece of paper coated wire?

I love em. They make excellent cord wraps, and if you're desperate, guitar picks. I keep a baggie for them in the junk drawer.

I do not care for auto insurance claim reps. Your client rear ended me. He's at fault, by law, every time. Get me a rental NOW, talk to him later.
an upgrade from piece of paper coated wire?

I love em. They make excellent cord wraps, and if you're desperate, guitar picks. I keep a baggie for them in the junk drawer.

I do not care for auto insurance claim reps. Your client rear ended me. He's at fault, by law, every time. Get me a rental NOW, talk to him later.

I like to break one side off and flick them at people. I was like an assassin with those when I was in JH/HS.
I like to break one side off and flick them at people. I was like an assassin with those when I was in JH/HS.

I haven't done that in so long. Completely forgot about it. I always preferred flinging paper clips with rubber bands.

I don't care for people who THINK I'm an insurance claim rep. No, I don't care who was at fault. If you don't want to pay for the goddamned damage, take it up with your insurance claim rep.
People who are described by others (or worse, much worse, themselves) as having a "lust for life" or a "can-do attitude" or "living life to the fullest" are honest to God really starting to piss me off.
Filing taxes. Even though i get thousands back every year, there is a lot to dislike about the whole thing. It just feels dirty.

They sent an audit letter for '08 last year and wanted $8k. I turned it around and found my mistake and they ended up sending me another $2k. Just absolutely f**king stupid considering how many hours I have to work to actually make $2k.
Oil companies. Anyone else think they are forcing the workers to strike intentionally just to drive gas prices up so they can reap high profits on gas they made with cheap crude?