Homebrew podcasts

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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2016
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Anyone know of good Homebrewing podcasts? I've listened to a couple, but nothing too great. Wondering if there are any good ones out there.
It's not a podcast but every Sunday 10-noon our local radio station has a program called Music to my Beers and they play songs related to beer and the entire discussion is on craft beers sometimes they have our local breweries come in. you can listen to it here and the facebook here
Two others are Homebrew Talk and one called Brewnology. It's less polished than the others, literally two guys in a basement talking about BJCP categories and judging.
I think you have to wade through a lot of banter and commercials with the Brewing Network podcasts. Experimental Brewing is put together well.
+1 on Beersmith podcasts too.
I recently started listening to "Come and Brew it" and really enjoy it. The BN stuff has way too many commercials to be listenable for me. Beersmith & Basic Brewing are both great, depending on the topic. Come and brew it has a more laid back style than any of the others and covers good topics.
the content on the BN podcasts is good, but the commercials are too long, too frequent, and OBNOXIOUS.

Can we talk about some of these ads? Why do these advertisers think that their audience is a bunch of adolescent boys? I'm not a prude, and I don't have a problem with profanity, but some of these ads are incredibly unprofessional and make me want to take my business elsewhere.
the content on the BN podcasts is good, but the commercials are too long, too frequent, and OBNOXIOUS.

Can we talk about some of these ads? Why do these advertisers think that their audience is a bunch of adolescent boys? I'm not a prude, and I don't have a problem with profanity, but some of these ads are incredibly unprofessional and make me want to take my business elsewhere.

I understand your point, but I am actually on the opposite end of it all. My main reason for going back to the BN is how obnoxious the whole thing is. For me, that's a big reason I like home brewing.
I'm on the side of the BN ads being way to intrusive to make the content worth listing to. 4-5 ad breaks of 3+ minutes in a hour podcast is WAY too much and they're the same ads repeated in each break. Play them once and move on. People don't start podcasts in the middle.

As I understand it, the BN does do live casting and that might make the ads more appropriate. But edit the stupid things down to one instance in the podcast.

I've tried coming back to their shows several times and just get turned off by the 7 minutes of content, 3 minutes of ads format. Save that crap for AM radio.
+1 on the Brewnology podcast. And yes, as one of the two halves of that, it's honoring to be mentioned here with such great beer knowledge.

I also find that Basic Brewing is a good listen, most of the time. As well, sometimes you get homebrew inspiration and/or help on shows like Brew Sessions Radio and Four Brewers Podcast.

Cheers and Happy Brewing no matter where you find your information from.
I've tried coming back to their shows several times and just get turned off by the 7 minutes of content, 3 minutes of ads format. Save that crap for AM radio.

Especially when the first 15 minutes has zero content - it's just Jamil and John BS'ing about what conventions they went to recently.
the content on the BN podcasts is good, but the commercials are too long, too frequent, and OBNOXIOUS.

I'm not a prude, and I don't have a problem with profanity....
If you want to take your business elsewhere because of the sexual content of the commercials, then you are a prude...being shocked by sexual content is the basic definition of being a prude.
I've learned a lot of valuable things from BN podcasts. Sure, there is plenty of stupidity and some commercials, but overall, its a worthwhile resource.
James Spencer at Www.basicbrewing.com.
He is how I got started in the hobby. I found his podcast and 10 years later I still listen every week.
I began all grain brewing when my wife got me his Step in to All grain DVD.
So informational. And PG rated.

Also the Brewing network is good. But it's a lot more R rated
I enjoy come and brew it. Good info for all levels of Brewers. I also like fhumentaboutit out of Brooklyn-lots of stuff that I wouldn't make but enjoy hearing about.

I listen to brewing with style before I make any new style. You just skip the commercials.
If you want to take your business elsewhere because of the sexual content of the commercials, then you are a prude...

Nah. Life without sex would't be fun, and I swear all the time. What sane person doesn't?

But when I want to learn about a brewing topic or pass some time daydreaming about a hobby when I should be working, then I just want to hear about brewing. I am not the least bit shocked by the adolescent content. I just think it's farking stoopid and, frankly, it's beneath me. Jamil and friends may have plenty to offer, but they bury it in a pile of drivel.
If you want to take your business elsewhere because of the sexual content of the commercials, then you are a prude...being shocked by sexual content is the basic definition of being a prude.

Many of my favorite movies of all time (including the Big Lebowski) don't shy away from 4-letter words. When I'm around close friends, I use some pretty colorful language in casual conversation. Bad words and sexual content don't necessarily offend me.

My problem with these ads isn't really the language or sexual content. It's their overall *********/fratboy quality. It's like they're little kids who don't really know how to use "bad words" correctly, but think that it's cool to cuss. They come across like someone who's idea of high comedy is an ejaculation metaphor.

Anyway, my end of this discussion has gone on long enough. The folks at the BN clearly know a lot about brewing, and I have learned a lot from listening to many hours of their podcasts. I hate the commercials, and while I haven't boycotted any businesses because of them, I think that they are extremely stupid and turned up to 11. However, that's what the fas forward button is for...
I agree to the above, I enjoy the sour hour and look forward to it but after the 20 mins of ads and then listening to them talk **** about stuff which is either off topic or personal and then... the random full length songs they put in??... there is hardly any time for the actual content (which is great usually but they never do more than an hour show so there's little in there).

Basic brewing is a great podcast and covers loads of different areas. There's also an Aussie one called 'Ale of a time' which I've been enjoying.
the content on the BN podcasts is good, but the commercials are too long, too frequent, and OBNOXIOUS.

Can we talk about some of these ads? Why do these advertisers think that their audience is a bunch of adolescent boys? I'm not a prude, and I don't have a problem with profanity, but some of these ads are incredibly unprofessional and make me want to take my business elsewhere.

This is pretty much why I've stopped listening to the BN, except for the Sour Hour, although that is starting to suffer from the same commercials issue. :(
My problem with these ads isn't really the language or sexual content. It's their overall *********/fratboy quality. It's like they're little kids who don't really know how to use "bad words" correctly, but think that it's cool to cuss. They come across like someone who's idea of high comedy is an ejaculation metaphor.

Nailed it.

I don't doubt that Jamil and John have a lot of knowledge to impart, but they spend the majority of their shows doing everything but that. They've turned the BN into the Howard Stern Show for brewing.
Regarding Jamil and gang: seems like Jamil is quite messed by the end of most of his podcasts now. In fact, seems like he begins them that way. Sounds like Foster Brooks (anybody remember that guy?). I don't mind the sex stuff, or any other content really, but it's all delivered in such a sophomoric way that I don't find it very funny. The misogynistic comments towards the lady in their group is a little uncomfortable I think. I still listen to his shows though because among the trash there are gems.
I agree. I'm not offended by any of the content of the commercials (or the shows for that matter). I think some of them are just _stupid_ for lack of a better descriptor. Every time I hear the Niko commercial, I'm just like Really? This is the best you can come up with to represent? Bad Ass ***** Jane? That's it? That's all you got? I do however listen to just about every show on the BN and enjoy them. I do like listening to Jamil, John, and even Tasty talk about their schedules and travels and conferences. I enjoy hearing about home brewing and craft brews from around the world. I find it interesting.