Hiding from the inlaw

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Sometimes I think my mother is my MIL. She has to be. No mother can be that judgmental, bitter, and irritating.
nutty_gnome said:
Is she selfish because she doesn't share her coke? That is pretty rotten.

My MIL is over at my house every day. She has learned to just visit when I'm not around so its all good. She keeps the kids busy.

No I don't want that crap. She is just very self centered. I don't even want to share any anecdotes even though there are many. Not many will shed a tear when she drops over.

My mom is the complete opposite. Bought a car for us because our credit sucks.
OK home priotection and defence falls into my area/duties. It not unnormal for me to hear a strange noise in the middle of the night or for the wife to; grab a firearm and investigate. I would say this happens 2-3 times a month.

And how many of these noises have resulted in a situation?
Man this is no way to live.
Are they after your home brew?
My Inlaws are visiting from Germany right now. They come every year and stay for a month. I get along with them just fine, but my wife is always ready to toss them out after the first week.

Part of the problem is that they treat this as their vacation, and we're their wait staff. They dont help with anything, not even clearing the table. My wife really gets pissed about doing their laundry, but just does it anyway to avoid the conflict. Since I'm gone 14 hours a day, there's not much I can do but listen to her complain when I get home.
My Inlaws are visiting from Germany right now. They come every year and stay for a month. I get along with them just fine, but my wife is always ready to toss them out after the first week.

Fish and visitors smell in three days.
Benjamin Franklin,
If ANYONE was screwing around outside my home @ 1:13am, they would get met face to face with the unfriendly end of a shotgun. Regardless of who they are or if I know them or not. I would follow up with a," I am sorry, I thought you were a burglar, maybe you should not be doing this at 1:13am...unless you like haviong loaded weapons pointed at you...or even better call the cops for a "suspected" peeping tom.

yep, it was the first and last time my MIL walked into my house without knocking.
My wife and i were living with my MIL for about 6 months, with our son. It was hell, the step-fil was a perpetual ******* and her mom treated us like we were 16 and our son was hers. Once we moved back out things got a lot better (and they got divorced). I love her real dad, he's a crazy south philly irish catholic and he approves of me.
MIL isnt too bad. She stays away for the most part, the only time we see her and her new (ish) husband is when theres a holiday or someones birthday. Sometimes she takes SWMBO shopping, but thats just to make up for being an absent mother all her life. Dont get me started. At least her husband is cool.

FIL is awesome, just dont get him started on politics.

Could be worse I suppose.
My FIL, on our wedding nite as my SWMBO were leaving for our hotel room, pulls me aside to give me the following advice:

"take it slow and easy"

...wait, what ?!?
tschoolman said:
My FIL, on our wedding nite as my SWMBO were leaving for our hotel room, pulls me aside to give me the following advice:

"take it slow and easy"

...wait, what ?!?

YES. Awesome.
Absolutely love my in-laws. Awesome people. In fact, my wife's entire family is great. Very close, tight-knit family. Even after 6 years of marriage I still haven't learned all the names, if they all moved to one spot they could form their own medium sized city! And I can't think of a single one that I don't like. Hell, I even get along great with her ex-husband! LMAO....

My family, on the other hand... I haven't spoken to my dad in 6 months, my mom for a year and a half or so, and it's probably been 5 or 6 years since I spoke to my brother or my sister. And I'm perfectly fine with that. I'm sure I'll bump into them all at a funeral or something down the road, but I'm in no big rush. Hell, couldn't even tell you for sure what cities my siblings live in.
My MIL wasn't too bad. She only visited a couple of times - the family was from Chicago, which was the known center of the universe and its own state, if not an independent country. Therefore, we were expected to go there. Once there, we weren't allowed to actually go anywhere, as it was too dangerous. When we insisted on visiting Chinatown, she was afraid I would get snatched by white slavers.

The two times she did visit were only a few days each. The aftereffects lingered on for much longer. Everything needed to be 'put away' (i.e. completely out of sight) and she would not sit down til this was accomplished. If she was prevented, she would sneak around behind my back. Problem was, she didn't know where anything went. And the searches began.........

One visit was Easter. We didn't find the dog's brush til Christmas. It was in the drawer with the cloth napkins.
MY MIL died back in February and I loved that woman. She stood up for me when my wife was giving me hell, fed me like a Christmas goose and wiped my face when I passed out in the soup bowl. Until just a few years ago my wife didn't get along with her like I did but then my wife started to understand her mother better and when she died my wife was crushed.
Now some of my BILs and SIL are another story.
Love my MIL. She is a great role model for girls/women, and I can see that in the the awesome women my wife is. I have a BIL who is like a brother. Some of the other in-laws I could take or leave. One BIL is not allowed at our home, my wife and I would probably fall over each other to get the first gun shot off at him....such is life!
OK home priotection and defence falls into my area/duties. It not unnormal for me to hear a strange noise in the middle of the night or for the wife to; grab a firearm and investigate. I would say this happens 2-3 times a month.

I am NOT advocating hurting anyone like the bizarro knife comment of yours. Ever hear the saying,"You brought a knife to a gun fight."? That is why I grab a firearm... ;)

Think for a moment how this would play out if the roles were revered in the OP. My FIL LOVES the fact that I do activily protect and love his daughter with a ferocity that can only be equal to or just less than his own.

Trust me, I'm all for personal rights, and I fully support the 2nd Amendment. I just have a problem when people try to act tough with gun and sound like a badass shoving a gun in someone's face like that's a situation to be taken lightly.

If ANYONE was screwing around outside my home @ 1:13am, they would get met face to face with the unfriendly end of a shotgun. Regardless of who they are or if I know them or not.

My point was, why would you shove a gun in the face of someone you know when you know they're no threat? He said he's put a shotgun in their face regardless of if he knew them or not. It's talk like that that gives anti-gun people ammunition (pun intended).
Also, my GF's mom is great. She's definitely pushing for us to get engaged a little harder than I'd like, but that's just because she wants to be able to call me her son-in-law instead of her daughter's boyfriend. As incentive, she's basically told me that as soon as we're engaged, I get upgraded to Christmas and birthday gifts of the same level as the rest of the family from both her and my GF's grandma (both very wealthy). So basically, I get engaged... I get a couple conical fermentors. I know that sounds like a good deal, but just imagine the setup I could put together for the cost of an engagement ring.

Her dad isn't my favorite person. It's been 4.5 years, and I still can't tell if he's just f**king with me of if he's for real. Both her brothers are cool.

So basically, I like her family more than a lot of people in my own.
I have to say I'm happy with mine for the most part. They both think I'm a good father/husband/man/hardworker (if they only knew that my job = 9hours a day on HBT). I cna hang out all day with my FIL and drink cheap beer, but my MIL is best served in small doses. Not her fault. She was home alone with 4 kids their whole lives while her husband drove truck (still does) so she was always in control. She's had problems giving that up.

Like Turkey mentioned, I like my whole inlaw family except one POS BIL who stays away for the most part. He's a nice guy when you're around, but everyone knows he's a POS. I'd hang out with my other BIL on a weekly basis for sure if he lived closer. I actaully look forward to going up to her family events to hang out with her brother and dad.
Both sides of parents are dead,siblings scattered to the four winds. They don't try to contact me,save for my lil sis. And she's a couple thousand miles away. I got along very well with my in-laws,like family should be. Salude de familia!!
My FIL passed away three years ago and in July my MIL moved in with us. It has its pros and cons. Love the built in babysitter, but she's always there... never leaves. The bigger issue is my SIL can't manage her finances and came to stay with us for 2-3 weeks... that was last April. Oh, and did I mention that her 4 kids are in our house as well when she has them (divorced, jc)? And both my MIL and SIL have filled my garage and my basement brewery area with their crap. :mad:

And they wonder why I brew so much beer...

/end rant
My inlaws are great people. FIL is the closest thing I have to a father now. MIL is a great lady; all class; very polite but not afraid to call a spade a spade. They live about 250 miles away so we see them ten or twelve times per year. Heading out to their farm for a long weekend or summer vacation is great; the kids love the animals and I really appreciate getting back to the rural setting (grew up on a farm myself). My wife's brothers and their families are good people too and my sister's husband is a good buddy, although I don't get to see them much. Overall, no inlaw complaints!

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