Help: Fermentation Not Starting

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New Member
Oct 31, 2023
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Made some mead tonight but it does not look like fermentation has started. I am very new to this, looking for some guidance.

Picture of Jug


  • Honey 3lb: Local Hive and Nate's
  • Cleaner -> Starstan (diluted according to instructions)
  • Yeast -> D47 (whole pack)
  • Yeast Starter -> AD343A Go-Ferm (1/2 tsp)
  • Yeast Nutrient -> North Mountain Supply (1tsp)
  • Water -> Spring Water
  • Jug -> Standard wide mouth

  1. Cleaned all equipment with cleaner for at least 2 mins
  2. Mixed 30ml of warm water at 95F with Go-Ferm. Once fully dissolved added entire pack of D47 directly from fridge (set timer for 25 mins, I did not notice any foam at the end of timer)
  3. Heated Honey slightly to make it easier to transfer, then emptied the all 3lb of honey into Jug then added spring water until 70% filled. Shaked to fully mix honey and water, for around 3 mins
  4. Added yeast mixture into must and mixed for around 2 mins
  5. Added yeast nutrient and mixed for around 2 mins
  6. Filled the jug to around 95% filled leaving some headspace.
  7. Added airlock as seen on picture.
  8. After that let it sit in my hallway area where I have my other mead jugs.
I made some raspberry mead two weeks ago and the fermentation started right off the bat, so much so that I had to remove some liquid cause the airlock kept getting blown. This new jug looks like its not doing anything, so i'm looking for some help on what to do next.

Thanks in advance!
This new jug looks like its not doing anything, so i'm looking for some help on what to do next.

What was the temperature of the must when you added the yeast? Assuming it was not too high (from the heated honey), the next thing to do is wait patiently.

Also, you say you didn't notice any "foam" after rehydrating. If by foam you mean krausen, there's no reason to expect any in the absence of fermentables. But the rehydrated yeast should have looked sort of "creamy."

ETA: 30 ml of water is barely over a fluid ounce. Did you really add a pack of dry yeast to 30 ml of water or did you mean 300 ml?