Grilled Cheese or Lasagne?

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Glorified Janitor
Jul 17, 2014
Reaction score
Ozark Mountains
Reading through Jaybird's Bucket List thread, I noticed that one thing came up very quickly. It's a certain act between three adults which is hopefully very pleasurable for all parties involved. Let's just call it " lasagne". Grilled cheese sandwiches are a popular dish around here so I will assume you know all about them.

I would like to pose a theoretical question. If you had to choose one or the other to enjoy for the rest of your life, which would it be?

Now let me clarify a bit. If you chose lasagne, you would OCCASIONALLY have a full on lasagne dinner with the works. Salad, appetizer, garlic bread, and dessert, but no more grilled cheese sandwiches. Now you might get the occasional taste of grilled cheese, sometimes half of a grilled cheese, hell you'll probably even get a couple bites of grilled cheese with your lasagne dinner. But never again will you sit down and have a whole, delicious, blow your mind, "proper" grilled cheese sandwich.

On the other hand, if you chose grilled cheese, you would OCCASIONALLY get to sit down and have a whole, delicious, blow your mind, " proper" grilled cheese sandwich, but no lasagne. Ever.

So what say you? Grilled cheese or lasagne?

PS: This question was posed from a man's perspective, but I know women enjoy grilled cheese and lasagne also. Just served a different way. You are welcome to chime in as well. Not trying to exclude anyone. Cheers!
Most people don't get homemade lasagne, so that's really not a reasonable expectation. Oh, sure, it can be an idea or a though, but it's not really something that can happen to the average person.

But grilled cheese?!?! Grilled cheese is like the fundamental right of every person who has a partner to help make it! Even without a partner, and just a friend or even a stranger, grilled cheese is something that can happen as it doesn't require any special preparation or a third person to help make it.

I say "YES" to grilled cheese! :ban:
As someone who's wife makes incredible grilled cheese and also knows the fine art of constructing a mighty tasty lasagna my vote goes to grilled cheese. Just can't beat comfort food.:D
Yooper, thank you for fixing that, and yes you are right about grilled cheese being an inalienable right. Just seems lasagne is a highly sought after dish for alot of people.

B boy, you still get beer either way. Thought that was a given.
Tuna sandwiches are a specialty of mine and would not want to imagine life without them. That said, they might get old after a few years with no grilled cheese....

And I dont care for polls. Or hot dogs...
I agree, for most people lasagne is not really a feasible answer unless it was guaranteeing that it will happen. Then again Grilled cheese is very nice.

How does the old terrible joke go?
Q - Which does not fit in this list? Wife, eggs, meat, grilled cheese?
A - Grilled cheese, because you can beat your wife, beat some eggs, beat your meat, but you cant beat a grilled cheese.
I do not advocate beating your wife. ever.

Besides, lasagne is a lot of work, as well as being stressful. You really do not want to be seen as being preferential to the cheesy corner piece over the center pieces, or vice versa.
Having had partook in homemade lasagna once with an ex- girlfriend I can truthfully say that, having had it, I can push the plate away. The time and effort put into making lasagna definitely makes it special occassion food. I officially decided that going forward, I am a grilled cheese guy, and if a surprise lasagna is made, then wonderful. Consistant lasagna? Kind of sounds way too filling. I am simple folk.

Come to think of it... that lasagna was the only reason I stuck around with that girlfriend as long as I did...
I was offered lasagna someone I just met. I'd like to report that I devoured that lasagna like a champ...but I'd be lying. Instead, I was frozen like a deer in headlights, only realizing what had just happened after the lasagna had gotten into a cab and disappeared into the night.
I am either proud or ashamed to admit that when I was a bachelor I only on 2 occassions ever turned down an offer of any cheese-based meal of any kind. One of which was using the wrong bread (he seemed to understand) and the other, Im relatively certain, would have looked something like a grilled cheese sandwich herself when pulled open.
There is a strong possibility that had it not been for grilled cheese, I would have starved to death in my early 20's.

Grilled cheese. (my inner Garfield is weeping at my decision)
Well it seems i've neglected this thread. Sorry bout that.
Looks like a landslide victory for grilled cheese. Everybody agrees that while lasagne is delicious, it require alot of prep work and resources that not everyone has access to. On the other hand, grilled cheese can be prepared at a moment's notice, provided you have someone willing to help prepare it or are extremely limber...

Having had my share of both dishes,I would have to go with the consensus view.

Long live Grilled Cheese.
I did get to have some lasagna (as per your analogy) back in college. But that lasagna had already had way too much sausage in it. And these days I'm not sure I'd be able to get through a whole lasagna anyway.

The more I think about this though, I think maybe you have your food analogy reversed. I mean, grilled cheese is a quick treat for a young person. Lasagna is a slow, hearty, fulfilling dish.

Besides, have you ever come home to a frozen grilled cheese?
I suggested lasagna for dinner once to my Better Half. After a grueling interrogation about just who I had in mind to make it, I finally managed to retract my dining suggestion, and that was that.
I couldn't even get a sandwich, of any sort, for the rest of the week.
Grilled cheese is a nice snack, but it's not a meal. And most of the time, you have 2 bad cooks slapping some processed American between wonder bread, coated in margarine.

No one spends 4 hours investing love into making a grilled cheese sandwich. And no one thinks a grilled cheese is better the next day.

But if you don't have at least 2 Italians in the kitchen, you're just a few snuffies making a casserole.
I'd have to go with lasagna. I had my share of grilled cheese back in the day, and it doesn't get prepared often enough nowadays. :eek::thumbdown:
Don't you know what it means to become an lasagna guy?

It changes everything. I'd have to dress different. I'd have to act different. I'd have to grow a moustache and get all kinds of robes and lotions and I'd need a new bedspread and new curtains I'd have to get thick carpeting and weirdo lighting.

I'd have to get new friends.

I'd have to get lasagna friends. ...

Naw, I'm not ready for it.
Every poster other than the good ol' Yooper has me confused. One person refers to a woman that would resemble a grilled cheese if explored, so to speak. Dude, don't nasty up the idea of a hot, gooey, steamy, sharp cheddar cheese filled packet of buttery toasted wonderfulness, with just a touch of Brown Mustard and sliced, home grown tomatoes. I am I way out there? Okay, maybe it's just me, and my ADHD gets me into trouble. I mean, some of you guys talking about a sandwich containing three "elements", two on the outside and one creamy in the middle, sounds like a school boy fantasy fulfilled when the parents were away for the weekend. And "lasagne", really? What kind of a euphemism is preferring the corner to the middle, dare I say "piece"? Ooey, gooey, hot and sticky, full of buttery fatty goodness, wait, was I talking about cinnamon rolls?
Oh ****, I'm sorry, I was thinking about me in my college days; lasagne, grilled cheese, all beef hot dogs, ( no wienies here). But now, life is so such much easier. When we talk about polishing our keg, everybody knows what we really mean.