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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2014
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"Movember" is coming up. Asking gentlemen to grow a mustache to help promote men's health, but why not take it a bit further!

Weight is a huge factor in health, so (even though I don't tweet) I came up with the #gainabeardloseabelly hashcrap to maybe get all of us men into a weight loss mood while taking the mustache a little bit more (70's era porn stars kinda took that look).

What do you say? Who couldn't afford to lose a few pounds? I sure as heck could.

Gain a beard, lose a belly!

Starting Saturday, November 1, 2014, I, and hopefully with the help of others on this forum, will start a one month diet. During this time, I will not shave, in the "Movember" theme. Gain a beard, lose a belly. #gainabeardloseabelly
Great idea, and I fully support. Suggest changing the spelling from "loose" to "lose." :)
I did this last fall...dropped 50 pounds and I am in the best shape of my life. Try adding this to your routine.

Every time you get a beer, you have to do 100 situps and 50 pushups. That will get the ball rolling
Well, not sure I can pull a beard off but I can go for the other part. Always working and succeeding on it (though those who first meet me won't know that) and have dropped well over 100 with more to go. Still working on the beard but I think being female works against me there and probably will make me less desirable to the men-folk.
I did this last fall...dropped 50 pounds and I am in the best shape of my life. Try adding this to your routine.

Every time you get a beer, you have to do 100 situps and 50 pushups. That will get the ball rolling
That's a good idea. May look funny at the bar though. Maybe I should put my stationary bike next to my keezer. :D
That's a good idea. May look funny at the bar though. Maybe I should put my stationary bike next to my keezer. :D

Bars are okay to take off, but I did put my decline situp bar in the way of getting to the beer fridge. I usually lose weight drinking
Since getting out of the army November is when I grow my full beard out anyway. If I can spare the time I'll try my hand at dropping a pound or two. No promises though, 7day work weeks are beginning to get the better of me.
I am always getting my loose/lose messed up. I fixed the rest of my post.

Lose, just never looks right.

A few years ago I lost 35 pounds and have since put 5 of them back on. It went straight to my belly.
Kegs suck! I drank more than I should have while watching the Royals lose. <--ha ha, got it right (lose and not loose). Three days and it will be the first. Nothing like the start of a month to kick things in gear. One bad thing about this month is T-Day. Hmm.....food.

Does anyone have a goal?

After reading my last post, I realized that I said I lost 35. I did in fact do that during the initial diet, but did lose another 5 after. Now, sitting around 210, I would really love to kick another 20. I was at 180 during the beginning of my senior year of high school and was plump then too. Thinking achievable, I'll stick with that and go from there. Maybe grow a 10 lb. beard over the month and really surprise myself.

Losing weight sucks! Believe me. Imagine carrying around a gallon of water all day. 8 lbs. that would make most people tired after a few minutes. What if it was two gallons? Three? Four? Ten?

If this forum can get 1500 pages of "Guess the beer", we should be able to encourage a lot of people to get interested in losing that belly. A community of helpers is the way to go.

I'm interested. Kind of a group accountability deal.

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It would take me the entire month of November to grow a decent 5 o'clock shadow. :(

I'll just go easy on the Halloween candy and hit up the treadmill a little more.
Already have a beard but I did trim it to give you guys a fighting chance. Wonder-Beard powers, ACTIVATE! Form of.....A BEARD!!!!
SWMBO will make me trim my beard, I totally look like Wolverine (the X-Men, not Patrick Swayze). I'll trim tomorrow night and by 2nd week of November SWMBO will be pestering me to trim my walrus stache. She acts like she doesn't love the powerful masculine broom brush stache.

I really should stop being lazy and set up my bike trainer and attach my bike to it (makes it a stationary bike, rim driven). Wouldn't be a bad idea to do half an hour while I'm mashing or boiling.
Im in...actually started weight watchers a couple weeks back, and doing movember this year.

one thing tho, i dont hashtag haha
I don't hashtag either, but for the spirit of "groupness", it kinda made sense.

Good to see a few more getting on board with this. I am part Apache when it comes to beard growing...if you know what I mean, but I absolutely hate shaving! So I usually just keep everything trimmed. Yet, for this, I will give the wife the razor and let her have at it tomorrow night. She hates the stubble feel more than the look. Hmm, now it got me to thinking....she shave me....I shave.....wrong forum.

One more full day and then chasing the dream of being under 200 lbs.
I don't hashtag either, but for the spirit of "groupness", it kinda made sense.

Good to see a few more getting on board with this. I am part Apache when it comes to beard growing...if you know what I mean, but I absolutely hate shaving! So I usually just keep everything trimmed. Yet, for this, I will give the wife the razor and let her have at it tomorrow night. She hates the stubble feel more than the look. Hmm, now it got me to thinking....she shave me....I shave.....wrong forum.

One more full day and then chasing the dream of being under 200 lbs.

Same. My prime I was at 200, should ideally be at like 180-190, im at 238 now. Movember im doing a pencil thin stash, then ill probably do a yeard.
I did a beard last November, and I hated it. I'm not going to do one again this year.

But I could stand to lose some weight. A healthy weight for me ought to be around 180 lbs, but I have been hovering around 205 all year. I like the idea of doing push-ups and sit-ups to earn beer, but I will probably extend that to all non-water beverages.
The beginning is always the toughest. Cutting the evenings down to a couple beers instead of a handful or more. Starting slowly on the elliptical.

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