Finally have a Fancy Pants Phone

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Nov 6, 2007
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Well I finally got a new phone and moved on from the dreaded Razor. I am on my companies network and can't convince myself to pay for a phone line when I have a free oneso I'm stuck with their plan, which isn't horrible I guess. I DO get unlimited minutes. I don't get internet or even texting..... but it's free.

I bought the Samsung Eternity and just had them throw my service on it. This way if I ever get canned or decide to leave, I can siwtch their service back to the razor with the old SIM card and start a line on this phone. We got my wife one Sunday to repalce her Crappy Razr and after playing with it that night, I bought one Monday. I couldn't let my wife have the cool new toy! She played with it for 10 minutes and sat it down! I had to travel today for work so didn't get to play with it much, so I will be transferring files when I get home to check it out and will picking up a cable to check out the Samsung PC Studio software for syncing and media managing. So far I really like it. Hopefully someday our company gives us our texting back because I'm a Schmoe who prefers it over talking. Some people talk too much. Oh and of course had to go to Sam's Club to pick up a 4G MicroSd for 14.99. They tried selling me the exact same card at teh ATT&T store ON SALE for 46.97!

Anyway just wanted to toot my own horn and see if anyone else has experience good or bad with this phone. I have 30 days to take it back if I decide it's not for me. I looked at the newest Samsung Impression but for 80 bucks more you get a slide out keyboard (to accompany the on screen touch one like the Eternity has) and an extra 0.2 megapixels on the camera) Didn't quite seem worth it to me.
Cellphones are lost on me.

After 10 years of marriage and a second son my wife decides we both need phones. Pre-paid.

3 months ago, the phones came with 4 months airtime and ~200 minutes. Today, I still have 163 minutes. I think we've called one another once but, all is not lost as I at least have a phone to get the weekly reminders that the warranty on my 2003 GMC is about to go out as well as the nifty text promotional offers for savings on minutes and airtime.

Enjoy your toy.
What I want in a cellphone:

1. A small number of minutes that do not expire.
2. A battery that can survive in my vehicle's glove box for years.
3. A keypad with digits and a 911 button.
4. A microphone and a speaker.
5. A battery monitor that beeps loudly enough that I can hear it in the glove box.

When the minutes are used up or the battery finally dies, I pull the SIM and drop the phone in the mail. Then buy another.

They exist, but are not available in the USA. I had a Prepaid for a while, but got tired of paying for more minutes when I never used any.

Oh, I also want a jammer, so I can force people to hang up and drive!
Cell phones now will do more than my first computer, but I'm kind of a techno-idiot, I don't know how to do any of it. I mainly have it in case of emergency ( I drive quite aways to work ) and very seldom make calls with it. I think a fancy pants phone would be wasted on me.......I wouldn't know how to use it.
So you work for AT&T then?
No, my company uses AT&T

I only get the anti-cell phone crowd responding?? Jeesh rain on my parade! :drunk:

What I want in a phone:
Touch screen
aTerabyte Internal memory (some day I'm sure)
Blue Tooth ( No not just for a headset, although if used correctly they are nice.)
Projection screen and keyboard (dreaming again, but some day I guarantee it) They have an ink pen with this for gods sake!
Unlimited text and data
A full internet browser
Media Player that supports Music and Video (Not iTunes)
accurate QWERTY keyboard
Apps like the iPhone
Similar size to my current phone

I really see owning a phone and only a phone in just a few years with either a bluetooth keyboard and projecting monitor or a wireless monitor of some sort. I for one love the idea of having my whole world in my pocket. I know it scares some people, but being an electronics/automation/ guy from the media generation, I think it's it's awesome and it truly amazes me at the stuff we have available.
some bastards decided to start texting me. I've got three letters on each button. Responding takes me about an hour. Arsewipes.

haha it takes practice but you can get pretty fast at this if you care too and use it. Some use the T9 Feature, I for one hate it.
As a comedian said (don't remember his name ) Don't use this feature when you're drunk. He texted his girlfriend called back, What do you mean you want to Kick my Puppy" haha
Cool deal!

I live on my cell phone and on Skype...

I mean, when you are away from home 20 days AND nights each month, it is somewhat necessary. Not to mention I have Dispatch and Maintenance Control in MY FAVES, so that my numerous calls to them are free.

I dont like complicated phones, since I just call, texting takes too much effort... but congrats, I like toys too.
Cool deal!

I live on my cell phone and on Skype...

I mean, when you are away from home 20 days AND nights each month, it is somewhat necessary. Not to mention I have Dispatch and Maintenance Control in MY FAVES, so that my numerous calls to them are free.

I dont like complicated phones, since I just call, texting takes too much effort... but congrats, I like toys too.

Not sure what Skype is.

I used to be on the raod 4-5 days a week myself and am most appreciative of not being anymore. Some guys enjoy it some don't.

I guess everyone has their toys. My problem is that I prefer them all, well the expensive ones at least. Electronic Gadgetry, Motorcycles *sigh*, brew equipment, random new hobbies.
some bastards decided to start texting me. I've got three letters on each button. Responding takes me about an hour. Arsewipes.

Just do like I do - if you text me, I will call you back. If you don't answer I will leave a really mean message on your voicemail about how I know you are holding your f@$#ing phone so quit texting me. :D
Just do like I do - if you text me, I will call you back. If you don't answer I will leave a really mean message on your voicemail about how I know you are holding your f@$#ing phone so quit texting me. :D

I understand the older crowd (not calling you elderly) not liking texting and just rpeferring to pick the phone up and call cause it's "quicker". But to me it's a lot quicker to text a two word response or question then get stuck on the phone with some jabber jaw.
I want a fancy pants phone with unlimited internet so I can listen to pandora in my car... but I don't want to pay $100/month.
i have the htc kaiser with keyboard and tilt screen.bluetooth,gps,video and mp3 playback but i cant find a brewing software for windows mobile
I have the Samsung Blackjack II. Cheap and pretty simple to use for text and e-mail. I don't talk on it all that much, but I bought this phone specifically so I could benefit more from text and e-mail capability and avoid talking on the phone. I completely agree with the above statement of texting two words instead of getting caught on the phone for half an hour. Geez a simple no will work, I don't need to burn 30 of my "anytime minutes" for a 'no'.

Congrats on the toy. Haven't had much time to play with that particular phone. The only phone other than my own that I've had a chance to mess with lately has been the freakin' iPhone. I just don't get the hype surrounding it.

I also have been searching for Windows Mobile brew software with no results.
No, my company uses AT&T

I only get the anti-cell phone crowd responding?? Jeesh rain on my parade! :drunk:

What I want in a phone:
Touch screen
aTerabyte Internal memory (some day I'm sure)
Blue Tooth ( No not just for a headset, although if used correctly they are nice.)
Projection screen and keyboard (dreaming again, but some day I guarantee it) They have an ink pen with this for gods sake!
Unlimited text and data
A full internet browser
Media Player that supports Music and Video (Not iTunes)
accurate QWERTY keyboard
Apps like the iPhone
Similar size to my current phone

I really see owning a phone and only a phone in just a few years with either a bluetooth keyboard and projecting monitor or a wireless monitor of some sort. I for one love the idea of having my whole world in my pocket. I know it scares some people, but being an electronics/automation/ guy from the media generation, I think it's it's awesome and it truly amazes me at the stuff we have available.

Get an iPhone. Good brewing apps, and if you're THAT anti iTunes (which I don't understand why, it's great at managing large music libraries) you can use Mediamonkey with a plugin to hook up to the iPhone. It's got app support out the ears, full exchange support (almost outlook), GPS (turn by turn very soon), and is a sleek phone. I'm a big fan of my iPhone.
Well, SWMBO's phone was stolen (among the rest of the world that was in her purse) so I took this opportunity to get my very own fancy pants phone that I can maybe respond to a text with in less than an hour.

Got the Blackberry Curve for a net $45 or so. I have no idea what all the stuff was I selected to come with it, but I think I'll be sufficiently over my head for a while trying to figure it all out.

As long as I can get it to vibrate in my front pocket it'll be worth it.
Get an iPhone. Good brewing apps, and if you're THAT anti iTunes (which I don't understand why, it's great at managing large music libraries) you can use Mediamonkey with a plugin to hook up to the iPhone. It's got app support out the ears, full exchange support (almost outlook), GPS (turn by turn very soon), and is a sleek phone. I'm a big fan of my iPhone.
I wanted one for the longest time, until I found out you HAVE to have a data plan with them. My company wouldn't pay for that. And I'm over the whole Apple thing. I'll leave that stuff to the teenagers. I've just heard too many people say that once past the hype, it's not necessarily better than any other touchscreen phone. Only thing is the apps available. They just opened the Eternity up to freeware apps recently so hopefully some cool ones come out.

Got the Blackberry Curve for a net $45 or so. I have no idea what all the stuff was I selected to come with it, but I think I'll be sufficiently over my head for a while trying to figure it all out.

As long as I can get it to vibrate in my front pocket it'll be worth it.
Is it true that you have to have the Phone Service plan AND a blackberry plan? This is what steered me away from them.
Well, I'll see if it actually works when it arrives today and I'll let you know what I get for my money. I was eligible for an upgrade with Verizon, so I took the plunge.

so far I'm paying a total of $80/month for two working phones. I ~think~ I'm getting everything I wanted for that, but there is a strong likelihood my laziness will cost me some extra dough. I'm not so good about sitting there long enough to sift through all the information thoroughly.

Oh, I think texts will cost me 20 cents/pop extra.
Any smartphone will require a data plan if you use it to get email or internet (i.e. Samsung Eternity, BlackJack I & II, iPhone, Blackberry).
Any smartphone will require a data plan if you use it to get email or internet (i.e. Samsung Eternity, BlackJack I & II, iPhone, Blackberry).

True - I wasn't clear. Part of my $80 is for blackberry email service, which allows me to receive messages from up to 10 different email accounts. I think I'll also be able to surf the web, but that isn't very important to me, so didn't concentrate on that feature to make sure. It'd be pretty cool though.
True - I wasn't clear. Part of my $80 is for blackberry email service, which allows me to receive messages from up to 10 different email accounts. I think I'll also be able to surf the web, but that isn't very important to me, so didn't concentrate on that feature to make sure. It'd be pretty cool though.

Yeah, my comment was also for IrregularPulse. Bottom line is if you use your mobile device to push email and take advantage of the advanced features like GPS on the iPhone, a data plan is compulsory. Doesn't matter who the manufacturer is.

I just Googled the Eternity - while it has a nifty touchscreen, I rely on the ability to push email when I'm the road. Without that functionality, the Eternity doesn't do anything for me. Of course, this is all moot because I have an iPhone and previously used a BlackJack.
Any smartphone will require a data plan if you use it to get email or internet (i.e. Samsung Eternity, BlackJack I & II, iPhone, Blackberry).
Right, But I was under the impression for Blackberry you needed the regular plan with data option from your service provider and then also a plan from blackberry for you you ****@blackberry email address and what not the phone requires.
And for most phone you have the option to have JUST a phone or pay extra for the data plan and be able to use it's features, where as the iPhone, it forces you to have a $100/month Data plan to use the phone period. Again, this is all according to my seemingly knowledge less local ATT Store employees and could be wrong.
Data plan for the iPhone is $30/month - pushes email, internet, chat, GPS. Without the data plan, there's not much the iPhone can do frankly. So that's why it's bundled.

When I used my BlackJack, my data plan was $20/month + my normal phone service. Don't know too much about Blackberry's service, but the BlackBerry line is really an email device and phone second.
Data plan for the iPhone is $30/month - pushes email, internet, chat, GPS. Without the data plan, there's not much the iPhone can do frankly. So that's why it's bundled.

When I used my BlackJack, my data plan was $20/month + my normal phone service. Don't know too much about Blackberry's service, but the BlackBerry line is really an email device and phone second.

Just shows that my ATT people don't know anything about the product they're trying to sell nice.
I agree the Eternity is not a business phone. I am also limited to the plan my company is paying for. Can't really complain. I get to use it as a personal phone. If I ever decide to get a second personal account (don't really want to carry 2 phones and I'm on call 24/7 for work) I will definitely have data plan.
I have been cell phone only for over a decade now.
I am on my 4th smartphone, and will probably not even concider going back to a phone without a full keyboard,

Between my wife and I, we spend $160/mo on service, use 1400minutes/month and alot of internet connectivity (Unlimited internet and text on our plan)
ya know, I'm really starting to wonder why I have a land line.

I didn't bother with the voice plans at all with my new phones because SWMBO and I combine for less than 100 minutes/month. We can do that and pay the quarter/minute and still be cheaper than paying for the fewest minutes package. I do WAY more emailing than gabbing.

However, for less than the cost of the land line, I can get a minutes plan for us both and not have to remember to listen to messages when I get home or miss an important message because it was left on my home answering machine while we were on vacation or out shopping or whatever.

What would I really be missing without a land line other than telemarketers?
My cell phone doesn't even have a camera. It does do one thing well that many other cell phones have buried under layers of buttons and menus. It makes phone calls. :D
My cell phone doesn't even have a camera. It does do one thing well that many other cell phones have buried under layers of buttons and menus. It makes phone calls. :D

I know it sounds stupid, but that's my least favorite option on my phone :) I hate talking on the phone.