fermentation temperature ?

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Brewtus Maximus
HBT Supporter
Feb 20, 2011
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I have a question regarding wlp566 saison II ...... I have used 565,3711 etc and had great results and I also pushed both into the high 80's-90 with great results and that saison spiciness and I would imagine most brewers would agree saisons benefit from high fermentation temps. Regarding wlp 566 does the same hold true with the temperatures ? The site say max temp 76 degrees but it says the same for 565 and 3711 and we all know that it works great much higher than that. So, that said who had used wlp566 and what's a good temp range for the yeast an should I push it into the 80's like with the other saison strains ? Thanks ?
Ok it's been 2 days with no responses so I'll respond on my own findings so far as I had to do the brew and just am going with my years of experience and tidbits of info online........ this yeast is freaking nuts !!!!! I had a really hard time chilling the wort down as it was push 100 degrees F here in upstate NY and I only have a immersion chiller ( basic 3/8" x 25'). I couldn't get it below 78 degress and my kettle is too big to fit in a sink with a ice bath and to top things off my only swamp cooler is already in use. So long story short I went to plan C which always works great for me the old wet t shirt wrapped completely around the carboy and put a fan on her. got it down to 68 in less than 3 hours !!! I actually think it works better than my swamp cooler for quick temp drops. here's the deal now the Saison is sitting at 71 degrees in full on ferment and on a pretty high Krausen which I read online start it low and let it ramp to 80 over 2-3 days but here at 71 degrees this is going nuts almost to the point of me sanitizing a blow off immediately ( don't know why I'm wasting time writing this ) !!!! at 71 degrees what if I started at 76 !!!! and p.s. it's only been 8 hours. this yeast is a beast.
I wouldn't say your wasting your time. What type of beer are you making with the saison yeast? I brew mostly stouts and porters and have been looking for a higher temp yeast that might bring something to my beer.
No I don't think I'm wasting my time it's just really uncommon for HBT not to respond to a thread especially with a specific question ....... regardless of that I thank you for responding :) !!! I am using this yeast to brew a Saison as this is kind of a specific strain for Saisons. That is not to say you cannot brew other styles with it like Belgian pale ales, biere de garde etc..... I have never used this yeast before but I used it's big brther wlp565 many times with great results. In a stout or porter this may not compliment the roasted malts or the chocolate notes common for those styles. saison yeast is more peppery or clove like phenols and fruity esters..... but what your thinking does to me sound like a great really great experiment. If you decide to do it let me know how it turns out maybe your onto some new style that may be great ?!!! good luck. oh yeah and the higher the temps the more the phenols will present themselves ..... I would maybe blend a commercial stout and a commercial saison and see if you like the flavor .... just my .02
I think your idea of putting the two together is a great idea. I'm not even sure if I can get a commercial saison. I think I had one from Ithaca Brewery once. I'll take a look at the store and see if I can find anything. I was look on wyeast site this morning and saw an ale yeast that could handle a little higher temp. I wish I knew what the phenols and fruity esters would taste like. I did have a beer that got a little hot last year. I imagine the off taste I get from that, might be what your talking about. Thanks for answering my question. I let you know how the blending tastes.
we both live in NY but I'm not sure where Hammondsport is........ if you go to a beverage store or for that matter even my shoprite now sells craft and higher end imported Belgians..... what your looking for and it's very common is like Saison Dupont that's the name not the style ...it's called Saison Dupont that's a great example of the style though pretty straight forward that is wlp565 in that...... blend it with a standard stout like a left hand stout or if all else fails a guiness but that would not be my first choice in stouts....blend it out like 50/50 and see if it tastes good...... I could not imagine either of those beers would be hard to source . Good luck !!!
I can get Belgians. I actually just picked up a Strong yesterday to try, De Dolle Stille Nacht Reserva. I'll go back and see if I can find a DuPont.
No duponts today. He said there would be more in next week. I did remember seeing this beer Brasserie DuPont Monk's Stout. Maybe there is some hope for a saison stout.