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Exactly. The dog will tell you when it's fed too much.
uh, maybe yours will but mine sure won't. she'll eat until she's sick... and then eat some more.

we have a family friend who is a vet. she has had to operate on numerous dogs who got into a big bag of feed, and then ate to the point that they needed to be cut open in order to remove the mass of kibble from their stomachs. they fill themselves up so much that they don't have enough stomach acids to break down the mass of food, so it just sits there. could potentially kill them.

so i guess it depends on the dog...
Friend of mine had a Yorkie who stole a steak the size of her off someone's plate and ate it all. The weight of the steak raw was literally more than the yorkie weighed.

I thought it was funny how much his wife stressed out about how much the dog ate, but apparently her fears werent entirely unfounded.

For the record, Yorkie was fine, but pooped nonstop.
Three dogs ranging 45-55 pounds. 1 cup dry kibble twice a day and a long walk.

Oh, and the wierd laying around. The Bassett will tell you why.
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Dirty, how did Little Dog cope with losing his 'brother'? I've got two labs that are both about 5 years old and they've been together since they were just over one. One we've had since she was a pup and the other we rescued. I sometimes think about how the dogs will react when one of them goes first...

Sorry, I missed this or I would have replied earlier. Little One handled it a lot better than we did, but I think to him Wags had been gone for many months before he actually died. Wags started getting pretty senile (not 100% of the time, but a good portion) the last six to eight months. At times it was entertaining (watching him run over to guard his food bowl from the cats who were only interested in the water bowl, eating treats he had forgotten he didn't like). Anyway, Little One had started acting like Wags wasn't part of the pack any more, sometimes even giving a low growl when he came into the same room everyone else was in. You really got the sense that Little One was thinking it was past time for Wags to wander off and die. It was pretty sad. I think if Wags hadn't gotten dementia before he died it might have been different.

And before anyone questions it, Wags wasn't suffering during this time. He was a little slow when he would lie down, but was otherwise quite spry for a dog almost 15 years old. Unfortunately, he ended up getting stomach bloat/torsion and it was too much for him.
We had a family reunion one year in a public park. We brought our dog and my cousin had her half-grown boxer pup. The two dogs got to playing and wrestling and got so excited and vocal about it some other folks in the park though we were holding dog fights and threatened to call the cops on us.
My Duke:
Tipsy that's a good lookin dog you have there. Our new puppy is getting acclimated and settling in nicely already. Momma even suggested that I might look into getting her a playmate from the foundation if the have any available. Were just waiting to see how that is going to play out now. Have a great weekend and everyone enjoy your dogs and remember it is too hot for them to wait for their human in the car. Bring them with you inside and keep some cool water handy always.

Wheelchair Bob
Here is scout. If the toy has a squeaker it will last a couple of days. Better this than the furniture. SWMBO wasn't very excited when I taught him to hunt rabbits in the garden.

So need some help with a little situation. Wife just called me and said our dog bit another dog and left a good gash they are taking her too the vet right now. Now my dog is an 85lb male Great Dane/border collie/lab mix the other dog is a 5lb female mix of who knows. I guess they were sniffing each other and then S hit the fan and the little one ended up with the gash. To those with more knowledge then me is this a worse issue then I think it is. He does great with our friends dogs but those are all his size. So I think it's just two dogs that didn't like what the other was doing and it looks a lot worse because of the vast size difference, but my wife is freaking out rightly so about our dog being put down and I'm trying to calm her fears. Thanks for the help.
Punity said:
So need some help with a little situation. Wife just called me and said our dog bit another dog and left a good gash they are taking her too the vet right now. Now my dog is an 85lb male Great Dane/border collie/lab mix the other dog is a 5lb female mix of who knows. I guess they were sniffing each other and then S hit the fan and the little one ended up with the gash. To those with more knowledge then me is this a worse issue then I think it is. He does great with our friends dogs but those are all his size. So I think it's just two dogs that didn't like what the other was doing and it looks a lot worse because of the vast size difference, but my wife is freaking out rightly so about our dog being put down and I'm trying to calm her fears. Thanks for the help.

Sorry to hear about the dog bite. I hope they wouldn't put your dog down for biting another dog. Mine is about 70 lbs, and loves other dogs. He's very submissive while playing, but I don't like him with my sister's tiny poodle mix. Her little dog is aggressive towards mine, and I worry that he'll put the poodle in his place with a too much force someday. Some small dogs just seem aggressive with bigger dogs; maybe it wasn't your dog's fault?
The city has to impound your dog with a court order if he/she bites a person; but in this case you may be liable for the damage to the other dog. I'v never meet a dog owner that would say their dog was a fighter and had temperament issues, that is a question you have to answer your self, and that knowledge will guide you in further doggy play-dates. A laceration in a dog could mean hundreds or thousands in vet bills.
Sorry to hear about the dog bite. I hope they wouldn't put your dog down for biting another dog. Mine is about 70 lbs, and loves other dogs. He's very submissive while playing, but I don't like him with my sister's tiny poodle mix. Her little dog is aggressive towards mine, and I worry that he'll put the poodle in his place with a too much force someday. Some small dogs just seem aggressive with bigger dogs; maybe it wasn't your dog's fault?

That's what I'm thinking, sucks because I wasn't there. He's snapped at her before because she tried to get into his food dish while he was eating. Good thing is it is a family members dog.

But I really dislike small dogs around my dog because that's all I've witnessed is the small dog trying to assert itself, I guess, to something that could make it a chew I don't really think my dog is suited for small dogs.
The city has to impound your dog with a court order if he/she bites a person; but in this case you may be liable for the damage to the other dog. I'v never meet a dog owner that would say their dog was a fighter and had temperament issues, that is a question you have to answer your self, and that knowledge will guide you in further doggy play-dates. A laceration in a dog could mean hundreds or thousands in vet bills.

Never had issues with people. Just this little dog my wife's family has. It's just not in his ordinary behavior for him because he gets along so well with every other dog we've ever met.
I'm not saying it was anyone's fault. I was walking my lab the other night and this lady had a little one pound dog that wanted to kill me and my dog.
I'm not saying it was anyone's fault. I was walking my lab the other night and this lady had a little one pound dog that wanted to kill me and my dog.

Sorry haha tone on the internet.

Yea maybe my dog just had issues with the wee ones.
A lot of people think that it's cute when their little dog acts aggressively, then when a larger dog reacts to it it's the big dog's fault something happened.
A lot of people think that it's cute when their little dog acts aggressively, then when a larger dog reacts to it it's the big dog's fault something happened.
This is exactly why small dogs get themselves killed, heh. You always see little dogs licking faces and jumping in laps and running rampant barking and whatnot... all of which is aggressive behavior but is OK cause they are "so cute". A large breed would never get away with that.

Then comes interaction with a big dog and it gets real really fast. The little one has spent its whole life unchallenged and treated like an alpha and when they try to pull that crap with a big dog the big dog typically proves them wrong. How fast it escalates and how fast the little dog figures out they need to back off typically determines whether they survive without serious injury or not.

Sadly it becomes the big dog owner's fault since they couldn't control their dog, even if it was provoked.
A lot of people think that it's cute when their little dog acts aggressively, then when a larger dog reacts to it it's the big dog's fault something happened.

That's what happened I'm guessing. My wife told me she noticed the tear 5 minutes after the bite but no blood and it wasn't bleeding which seems odd to me.

Just sucks because enjoyed the lake place where this happened but the other dog has judgemental owners so I doubt we well be able to bring our pup around without some big hoopla
So need some help with a little situation...... worse because of the vast size difference, but my wife is freaking out rightly so about our dog being put down and I'm trying to calm her fears. Thanks for the help.

Its not much different than if our kids get in a scrap and one little guy/girl has to to get stitches... Be the responsible dog owner and pay the vet bill and apologize profusely.....yes...even if your right.
I've had 13 dogs in my life time mostly all over 120 lbs and up to 500lbs with 4 Neo-mastiffs, I've been the ER many times for separating my own 95% gentle pets, but dogs are dogs just as kids are kids. If this is the first incident with your dog...don't worry...
A friend of mine had a really big dog. We think it was a king shepherd/great dane/shetland pony mix by the look of him. He was ALWAYS the alpha dog, but was big enough that he didn't have to bite if a little dog got out of line. I'm not making this up... he would just turn, lift a leg and pee all over the yappy little thing and walk away. :D I watched him do it no less than three or four times and that's just the times I was hanging around.
Well the dogs fine and the wife's calmer now. It has a gash more like a tear where my dog must have caught it as it was pulling away and happened to tear the skin.

I wish my dog would just pee on everything it wanted to impose its will on haha.
Well the dogs fine and the wife's calmer now. It has a gash more like a tear where my dog must have caught it as it was pulling away and happened to tear the skin.

Good to hear. Hope it all just blows over.

I wish my dog would just pee on everything it wanted to impose its will on haha.

It's a mixed blessing. One day he was out at the dog park and talking to a little hottie. He was just making headway and was about to ask her out when they looked down and saw the big guy doing his thing on the girl's dog. She was unimpressed.
Good to hear. Hope it all just blows over.

It's a mixed blessing. One day he was out at the dog park and talking to a little hottie. He was just making headway and was about to ask her out when they looked down and saw the big guy doing his thing on the girl's dog. She was unimpressed.

oh come on that's a sign he approved off her haha.
I think it makes a difference what the dogs day is like, and what the dog is like. I'm going to have her do hunt test, so I throw the Frisbee with her for about 45 min every day; pulse I take her for long walks. She dose the "butt tuck crazy run" for no reason at all, for those of you that have seen it. I'd feel better if she was in the middle of her weight class at 6 months.
You cant say that a house dog that lays on a rug all day, should get the same food as a dog that runs all day. And it's a puppy.
I wouldn't mind if she was a little husky, get it dog joke; seriously I wouldn't do that to her.

My dogs go on a 4 mi. walk daily and are fine with less than 3 cups of food/day...
Sorry, I missed this or I would have replied earlier. Little One handled it a lot better than we did, but I think to him Wags had been gone for many months before he actually died. Wags started getting pretty senile (not 100% of the time, but a good portion) the last six to eight months. At times it was entertaining (watching him run over to guard his food bowl from the cats who were only interested in the water bowl, eating treats he had forgotten he didn't like). Anyway, Little One had started acting like Wags wasn't part of the pack any more, sometimes even giving a low growl when he came into the same room everyone else was in. You really got the sense that Little One was thinking it was past time for Wags to wander off and die. It was pretty sad. I think if Wags hadn't gotten dementia before he died it might have been different.

And before anyone questions it, Wags wasn't suffering during this time. He was a little slow when he would lie down, but was otherwise quite spry for a dog almost 15 years old. Unfortunately, he ended up getting stomach bloat/torsion and it was too much for him.

Yeah, I could see that happening. I had a 15 year old Springer mix that passed last December. He was 10 when we got Bella and she took his passing harder than I thought she would. She started chewing up shoes and things and acting out which are things she never did before and this lasted about 2 weeks after Riley died.
Misplaced_Canuck said:
Indeed. I love that electronic fence! Of course Barley (the red one) won't set a paw within 10-ft of a white flag now, but that's a different story LOL


We had one of those that would beep before zap and our dog learned that quickly and is now terrified of beeping. So now if the oven gets turned on she bolts outside for 3 hours. We got home one night and the smoke detector battery was getting low and started beeping and she tore the honky Tonk out of the curtains and screen trying to get out