Does SWMBO know that you refer to her that way?

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No... don't want to try to explain it....and certainly don't want her to think I might really think that.
Same here. She snickered. Of course...if you ask my kids "who's the boss?" they say "mom". Figures.

Yeah she does I think my SWMBO looks at HBT just about as much as I do sometimes even using my account on occasion. I pretty much have to watch what I say.
Mine doesn't, for the same reason you wouldn't tell your boss you would never think about quitting in a million years. No reason to tip your hand if they won't call you out. Luckily, the most I get from my wife about my brewing obsession is a "Hey, when are you going to do that citrus wheat again? Your IPA is too bitter!!!". She hates to admit it, but loves having a kegerator in the garage :D!
Yeah, my lady knows what's up. She knows that whatever she wants I'm gonna give her. But she also has enough intelligence to give me what I need to remain happy giving her what she wants... It works! :D
I never use the overused SWMBO term and I'm sure my dear wife would not appreciate it any more than calling her "the wife" She deserves all my love and respect,Except when she bitches, pisses and moans about the money I spend on my hobbies, obsessions, etc. and then there's the complaining about my drinking too much! FUUUK!
My SWMBO (gf I will likely be moving in with soon), already knows that we will be getting a 2 bedroom apt min, 1 for us, 1 for the hobby. She also loves being referred to as someone who must be obeyed. Then I smacked her around a little, Buffalo style
My gf caught me on HBT (she thinks i like this site more than porn......I Do), she saw 'SWMBO' and asked what it meant. I told her, and well.....she thinks we are all DORKS.

"If brewing beer makes me a dork....then I shall be the biggest dork of them all."
She thinks its the funniest thing ever. Then again, she is obviously awesome because she was the one that got me my first homebrew kit.
She's known for a long time that she only needs to let me THINK I'm the boss... we both know who the real boss is...

And yeah... she knows what SWMBO is....
I hate the term because I hate acronyms in general. I didn't even know what it stood for for the longest time. I call my wife "wife." Like, "Hey wife, get me some dinner!" Then she rolls her eyes and pinches me.
I called mine SWMBO for a week before she finally got it out of me what it meant. She was gettting kind of mad about it there at the end, until she found out the meaning. Now when I call her that, she justs rolls her eyes and tells me to shut up, with a little grin on her face.
The old lady left before I found out what it meant, so I never really had a chance to. But I did refer to her as "The Boss". Like whenever my buddy asked me to go golfing, I told him I'd have to ask the boss. She never really said anything about it, but like most of these posts, I think she secretly liked it. But then again, she was kind of a control freak. Stupid girls.
My wife had to explain to me what SWMBO meant. I don't refer to her that way, I just treat her that way. :)
Nice try! :D
Someone had to do it. :D

My wife knows what SWMBO means but I don't call her that. She goes nuts when people refer to their wives as old lady, the wife, etc. Can't say I blame her. They are their own people.

In a conversation with friends, I did let SWMBO slip when talking about my wife. They looked at me like I had three heads. I didn't bother explaining. I think they're still trying to figure it out.
The old lady left before I found out what it meant, so I never really had a chance to. But I did refer to her as "The Boss". Like whenever my buddy asked me to go golfing, I told him I'd have to ask the boss. She never really said anything about it, but like most of these posts, I think she secretly liked it. But then again, she was kind of a control freak. Stupid girls.

Hmmm....and she left you?
My SWMBO said "It's me or the beer, one of us has to go." I sure will miss her. But now I have more room to store carboys and equipment.
My SWMBO (gf I will likely be moving in with soon), already knows that we will be getting a 2 bedroom apt min, 1 for us, 1 for the hobby. She also loves being referred to as someone who must be obeyed. Then I smacked her around a little, Buffalo style

Haha that is too funny, because my girlfriend and I have been living in a 1 bedroom apartment for about seven months, and she told me the other day "We need a two bedroom apartment, that way you can have one bedroom for all your beer brewing stuff instead of cluttering up the rest of the house with it."

She is even willing to give me all the closet space in the second bedroom!!
Yeah I told her what SWMBO meant, she said it helps give her the delusion that she has some control over me. When I moved in with her in our 3 br place one room was set up as the bedroom, one as her closet, and one as the cat room. I promptly turned the cat room(I took this room because it's the largest room and its walls are not pink like her closet room) into a computer room for myself and now I'm making it into a brewing/computer room (notice the brewing is first).
Yeah she does I think my SWMBO looks at HBT just about as much as I do sometimes even using my account on occasion.

Well THAT explains those suggestive PM's "you" sent me a few weeks back...I figured it would be best to just ignore them and assume you were under the influence of apfewein or something...I also didn't have the heart to tell you I didn't swing that way... :D

(Tell her then that it is true what they say, the taller the man the bigger the.......Shoe size) ;)