Do you ever drink BMC?

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The PBR or Dale's ?

The PBR, of course.

Dale's Pale Ale is great, and Old Chub is one of my all-time favorites. I really wanted to try some of the Gordon IPA but Total Wine only had Dale's and that Yellow whatzit pilsner... which I don't particularly want to try.
Personally my favorite non-craft brew is Rolling Rock, i used to hate it but then one day in college it turned on me and drank anytime we went out.

I also love PBR, i grew up on that stuff and always enjoy a cold bottle (for some reason cans never tasted as good).

I would rather have homebrew or microbrews, but sometimes i need light and cheap.

A friend of mine drinks RR and I can drink it fine but it has one of the most unique tastes in a fairly cheap beer. Wonder what it is, I mean what gives it that taste? I don't hate it but then again never really say I gotta have me a RR either.
99 times out of 100 I'd prefer to be drinking a nice strong belgian, or a good American craft brew...but there's a bar in my neighborhood that has dollar PBR pints all day everday. How can I complain about beer quality when I can get good and silly and take a cab home all for ten bucks.
Never, if it comes down to drinking BMC in the end of the night I just stop drinking.

Why would you want to waste your money drinking good beer at the end of the night? After 7 or 8 beers they don't have as much taste anyway, so I believe someone is actually doing a disservice (and wasting money) by continuing to drink craft or homebrew...If someone is wasted and they want any beer from my fridge, they get BMC, no way they are taking a craft brew.

Also, this assumes you are drunk. If your night consists of 5 beers and you aren't drunk, then I can understand a little more.

This whole thread is making me crave a PBR...might have to stop for one on the way home.
This whole thread is making me crave a PBR...might have to stop for one on the way home.

Many years ago in my early 20's we would go to a bar for lunch on Fridays. They had hand sliced roast beef sandwiches and fried long hots and PBR on tap. Delicious combination! :mug:
I drink Miller Lite and PBR. I'll drink a Coors or Budweiser if offered and I don't have anything, but I will always turn down a Bud Light.
Well what I was refering to was the amount of ingredients that go into it. There is less ingredients going into it but you pay the same price. So yeah, you pay the same for less flavor, aroma, alcohol...everything.

4.2 % as apposed to 5% . Bud lite is cheaper here than reg Bud good 3 $ a 30 pack .

Basically all Bud and the others do is add the enzyme alpha amylase which breaks down the sugars so that they can be more completely eaten by the yeast. When lite beer was first made they had a strange brew on their hands less carbohydrates than regular beer but it was also higher in alcohol because the yeast was able to convert more to alcohol. So recipes had to be Dr to get the alcohol down or the just blended water with it. Win Win for the breweries as now they had more beer with less ingredients either way they did it.
I wish we still locally-produced my favorite yellow fizzy macros: Olympia, Rainier, and Lucky. Ever since they moved production away, they took away good jobs and the beer was made with better water.

I also enjoy a nice PBR once in a while.

I drink Miller High Life quite a bit. It's dirt cheap, I'm saving up "high life points" to get some schwag from them, and I'm still a sucker for the Errol Morris directed ads.

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^^ it is a bummer to drive down the corridor and see Rainier and Oly no longer brewing.
Another alcohol related snobbery that is often unjustified is in scotch. The idea that only single malts are worth drinking or that older whisky is automatically better is unadulterated rubbish, as are most of the 'should never do that to good whisky' rules. he's having a go at the scotch drinkers. :)

For the most part single malts are better, but not in all cases. Of course Chivas Regal has built an entire elite brand name on a blended scotch. I'm not a huge fan, but they seem to do alright. I primarily drink single malt, but just last week due to cost I picked up a bottle of my favorite blended scotch (Pinch) which has a wonderful flavor and was on sale for $38 vs the $50-60 for the mid grade single malt scotches. It is like beer in that way. You can blend two high quality beers and still have a high quality beverage when you're done, or you can go with lesser starting malts, garbage in, garbage out he's having a go at the scotch drinkers. :)

I'm a scotch drinker. :) I just think that scotch snobs do more harm than good in getting people to appreciate the stuff.

I think snobs in general do more harm that good to their chosen fixation.
I'm a scotch drinker. :) I just think that scotch snobs do more harm than good in getting people to appreciate the stuff.

I think snobs in general do more harm that good to their chosen fixation.

I really don't think it is all about snobbery. I met a certifiable wine snob in CA. He had a huge wine cellar that he kept indexed in a data file so he could choose a bottle with dinner each night. All his bottle were valued over $100 ea, and he swore up and down he could instantly pick out a (cheap) $50 bottle of wine. Now that is snobbery. I can't fathom that a winery with mature grapes can't make a good wine and sell it for $20 a bottle. This guy was hung up on the social snobbery.

For beer however it is a little more cut and dry. BMC for the most part make a very light, very low flavor product. Many years back I used to drink a Coors product called extra gold that was a deep copper color and actually had some decent flavor components, but they appear to have sold the brand, or burried it. For the most part however, these guys make waterred down beer. It is a light bodied, light flavorred alcohol delivery vehicle. I really have to laugh when the BMC commercials toute "great taste" HUH???

If you took Coke, or Dr Pepper, or Coffee, or whatever, and waterred it down 50% you'd have the full flavorred drinkers complaining there to. It's not snobbery to lament the fact that the beverage is missing most of the flavor. It's not even so much that they taste bad. It's that they are mostly devoid of taste.
I agree with kornkob, scotch drinkers are far more finicky.

Currently enjoying a PBR...thank you for the idea OP! haha
I'm always up for a Mickeys Grenade. and an Ice Cold Coors Light on a hot day is pretty tasty. There's a time and a place for everything.:mug:
Yuengling once in a while for a cheap session beer that's not bad for what you pay for it. I haven't had a BMC in many years.
I'll drink BMC if I am going to a concert and need to drink 5 beers in 5 minutes before going inside where beer is 8$ a glass
Another alcohol related snobbery that is often unjustified is in scotch. The idea that only single malts are worth drinking or that older whisky is automatically better is unadulterated rubbish, as are most of the 'should never do that to good whisky' rules.

I usually have a bottle of Glenlivet around the house. Someone once talked me into buying a bottle Laphroaig Islay malt. I have no idea how anyone can drink that stuff. Tasted like turpentine mixed with iodine. My god, it was bad.
I usually have a bottle of Glenlivet around the house. Someone once talked me into buying a bottle Laphroaig Islay malt. I have no idea how anyone can drink that stuff. Tasted like turpentine mixed with iodine. My god, it was bad.

+1000 Laphroaig. The father of a friend of mine gave me a bottle as a gift about 4 years ago because he knew I liked scotch. I still have over 1/2 the bottle left. If you like swampy moss taste, this is the stuff LOL. I'm told it is an acquired taste. I watched a special on it once, and it is apparently aged in a room with a big screen floor and they burn peat moss under the screen to infuse the moss flavor into the scotch. It is not a casual affect, rather extremely potent. Gives me the heebee geebees just thinking back on the taste.
I agree with kornkob, scotch drinkers are far more finicky.

Currently enjoying a PBR...thank you for the idea OP! haha

Sure thing! Cheers! :mug:

Although, I am in the process of doing an extract brew (after 6 AG batches in a row, this seems far too easy) and kicking back with a nice Terrapin Rye PA right now.
+1000 Laphroaig. The father of a friend of mine gave me a bottle as a gift about 4 years ago because he knew I liked scotch. I still have over 1/2 the bottle left. If you like swampy moss taste, this is the stuff LOL.

That's just a different flavor profile that many people find is not palatable when brought to them unexpectedly. Properly watered (as many whiskys should be) Islay scotches can be quite nice. While Laphroaig is at the extreme end of that type there are several that come to mind that are okay, so long as you understand the unique flavor profile of that variety. Strathisla comes to mind. Ardberg has several good bottlings as well.

I personally find some of the varieties of beer to be quite distasteful. However I am capable of appreciating them for the style they are, despite the fact that I'm not fond of that myself.
I will definitely admit to drinking a fair share of PBR and when necessary, B, M, or C. I love beer, and certainly prefer "good" beers over the BMCs. But there are plenty of occasions where I would rather have a BMC than no beer at all...
+1000 Laphroaig. The father of a friend of mine gave me a bottle as a gift about 4 years ago because he knew I liked scotch. I still have over 1/2 the bottle left. If you like swampy moss taste, this is the stuff LOL. I'm told it is an acquired taste. I watched a special on it once, and it is apparently aged in a room with a big screen floor and they burn peat moss under the screen to infuse the moss flavor into the scotch. It is not a casual affect, rather extremely potent. Gives me the heebee geebees just thinking back on the taste.

+another 1000 for Laphroaig. I usually drink Oban or Doublewood but on some occasions I like my Scotch strained through an ashtray thank you very much. The best part is when a friend asks me what I am drinking and I give them a sip... No one bums my booze.
i never do. I just dislike it that much. I dont brew light beers because i dont care for them.

Ill drink water. thanks but no thanks
Chain saw beer. I'll have a few Busch Lites while cutting fire wood with my neighbor. Water just doesn't do the trick. When we're done, we have a pint of my homebrew.
A friend of mine drinks RR and I can drink it fine but it has one of the most unique tastes in a fairly cheap beer. Wonder what it is, I mean what gives it that taste? I don't hate it but then again never really say I gotta have me a RR either.

The "special flavor" in Rolling Rock is DMS.

I Don't often drink BMC, but when I do, I prefer Rolling Rock.
I tried the Budweiser American Ale last night at a party. It actually wasn't bad. Wasn't the best thing ever, but a step in the right direction. If I was at a bar that served just BMC, I'd order it rather than opting for soda.
I never drink any mega-swill. If I go to someones place and they try to hand me one I just tell them I'm not in the mood for any beer, which is a lie (cause I'm always in the mood!), but I don't have to be rude and tell them I would rather drink my own urine!:(
I never drink any mega-swill. If I go to someones place and they try to hand me one I just tell them I'm not in the mood for any beer, which is a lie (cause I'm always in the mood!), but I don't have to be rude and tell them I would rather drink my own urine!:(

Is it an economic decision because you don't want to support large corporations? Megabrews aren't categorically bad, there are some ups and downs like everything else.

Part of my preference for craft brewers is supporting small businesses and the local economy. I buy local first, craft second, macrobrewer third, but I don't get hung up on it if I have to go for choice 3.
I'm skeptical of some of this over-the-top hatred of BMC brews. I think there's a lot of self-congratulatory posturing going on here. :)

I'm 48 years old and I'll bet I was enjoying Samuel Smith's, Duvel, and Ayinger before half of you bastages were even born. No one appreciates a good beer like me. But c'mon, you guys can't put down an Old Milwaukee at the ballpark? Can't share a pitcher of Coors at the sports bar with your buddies? Wouldn't drink a Bud handed to you by a friend on a hot day? Geez.

That's my rant. Carry on my wayward sons.
I've been thinking about this idea that not drinking BMC is some sort of snobbery. It is just like going out to eat. There are so many places to go why would you choose to go to a place that serves crap food on cheap china with prison issue silverware? Does this make you a snob?
I love pizza, I could eat it every day even after working for nearly ten years on and off in a pizza joint. There are great local places (micros) and great chains (macros) and then there is Dominoes (BMC). I do not nor will I ever voluntarily order a Dominoes pizza. It is not worth the money I could spend anywhere else on far better pie and I do not enjoy it when I do have it. It has no place in my world under any circumstance save for a host offering it to me then, as I metioned earlier, I accept out of courtesy (if i am really hungry). Does this make me a snob?
THe OP asked a fair question and got some fair answers. Nobody's calling the swill drinkers rednecks. :mug:
It has no place in my world under any circumstance save for a host offering it to me then, as I metioned earlier, I accept out of courtesy (if i am really hungry). Does this make me a snob? THe OP asked a fair question and got some fair answers. Nobody's calling the swill drinkers rednecks.

This has been one of the more civilized discussions about BMC at HBT in my memory. There have been posts that BMC is for the unwashed masses and that, because of their awesome knowledge of that which is better, drinking anything but their chosen brews is some sort of slumming and those that do it are somehow lesser beings.
Although I have yet to make my own (Soon...very soon) I have loved beer since I was 10 years old and my Dad gave me my first sip (Shlitz). I love Miller High Life and can and will and do drink many of them. It is the cheap beer of choice in New Orleans (Never more than 3 bucks in the fanciest of French Quarter bars). I keep High Life in my fridge at home. I spend alot of time in bars when in New Orleans and will generally have a couple Micro Brews then maybe an Abita (Technically a Micro but to me it is more of a Mini Macro here) and then for the rest of the day/night will drink High life usually with a shot of Jameson every few beers. If Dixie was still made in New Orleans I would drink it. I really love good import and craft beers but cant afford to drink them with all the time, hence one reason to brew at home??

When at my house in Mississippi I drink High life through the day when working on the farm and usually Lazy Magnolia brews in the evening. If you havent had anything from Lazy Magnolia Brewery in Kiln, MS I suggest you find some.

My wife who is usually a wine or liquor drinker until recently would never drink anything but Miller Lite. I have gotten her to expand her palate to appreciate Abita Amber, Blue Moon and Hoegarden and Kronenbourg but thats about it so far. But I got nothing but time! LOL!

Budweiser hurts my head.
Its absolutely absurd to say that we are above a BMC beer, sure, most of us brew beers that enjoy a depth of flavor and body that far surpasses the stuff, but I believe few of use could count ourselves as honest to say that we won't drink it.

I myself am currently sitting on the couch, watching football and enjoying a couple of tallboys of PBR. Say what you will, but it taste damn fine. I have plenty of other options, but I prefer not to relegate 70% if of my paycheck to the consumption of craft brewed beer.

Sorry, it just irks me terribly that we all try and play this game of being so much better than a few bud, miller or coors. When enjoyed in the comraderie of good friends, it beats the hell out of water.
I drank a bunch of Bud Lite at a party this weekend while playing beer pong. I wouldn't use homebrew or microbrew for a drinking game. Between rounds I was sipping on 1554.

I've experienced more snobbery among BMC drinkers than people who primarily drink craft or micro. Especially Coors drinkers.
I've experienced more snobbery among BMC drinkers than people who primarily drink craft or micro. Especially Coors drinkers.

I remember, as a teenager, serious smack talking between Miller Lite and Bud Light drinkers in my circle of friends. I was the odd man out cuz I drank whatever was cheap at the time. PBR, Shlitz, etc.

I just never liked Bud Light and still don't. I have a friend who will ONLY drinkBL. Although if I am beerless I will accept one and I keep a 12 pack for when he is at my house, I really don't like the taste. I find Coors light to have no taste.

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