Denver CMC group grain buy #6

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Should we try to get a CMC buy together for later in the Spring when we may be able to get a larger buy together?

I think that is a good idea. Personally, I only get the Pils malt and buying through CMC is definitely better than going to the LHBS.
This was CMG's response to me:

The other option is to get your federal commercial brewery license. It is possible you or your associates are already over the legal limit of 200 gallons per year for personal use? If you are giving your beer away, why not sell it? We will need a copy of your TTB license (Brewer's Notice) from the feds before we can sell to you.

Pretty funny. "Yeah guys, have you thought of opening a brewery? That's the easiest way to buy in bulk."
For those in Boulder/Longmont- Hop To It seems to have decent prices on full sacks, and I spoke to Mark at Bald Brewer (Longmont) who can do Rahr 2-Row/Pale/Wheats at $55, Maris Otter at $65. Might be worth calling ahead at BB, although he usually has sacks on hand (somehow, that place is tiny!). Maybe not the best prices in the world, but supporting the locals (in the case of BB, a 1 or 2 man operation).

Guessing that everyone probably knew of these two, but just in case...
We have investigated every other group buy's malting co.? Should be possible, but simply an increase in shipping. Utah? Nevada?

I will look into it, maybe you guys can too :)
CMG's response makes sense. Wholesalers are starting to crack down on direct to consumer and ebay sales. One reason is that it's a tax issue. There is no tax on wholesale purchases. Also LHBS will get frustrated and stop buying from wholesalers that sell to the public. It cuts them out of business just like if CMG started selling on their website direct to consumers. I like a good price just as much as the next guy and would love to see a group buy happen, but their stance doesn't surprise me.

At the last Hop Barley and the Alers meeting in Boulder, the guy from Hop To It announced that they were working on a group buy or discount system for 50lb bags. I think he mentioned buy 3 get one free or half off or something like that. Call them up and ask about it.
I'm in for a large order whenever we do this. If previous buys are any indication, I bet we won't have a problem ordering enough to make it worth doing a group buy.
I just contacted malteurop in great falls montana to see if they would be interested in shipping and supplying grain for a group buy.
I dropped the ball a little bit. I got busy at school and then just completely forgot about this. Sorry folks!

I am done with school on the 25th, though, so I could reorganize thing then if there was enough interest.
We just finished one outside this thread. Prices and selection were much better than we had going here. Another group buy will be scheduled for the fall. Email Dahoov to be put in the list.
We just finished one outside this thread. Prices and selection were much better than we had going here. Another group buy will be scheduled for the fall. Email Dahoov to be put in the list.

bummer, I was waiting to get in on the spring buy.
Well, if there is enough interest, I am happy to organize another one now. I would be in for 200-300 pounds. If you are interested, also include how much you would want in your post.

I guess I will see how many responses there are a week from today, and go from there. I believe the minimum quantity for a discount would be 1000 pounds.
I only want 50 lbs, but i'd buy up to 200 to make it happen, especially if we are talking around 50 cents a pound. Acefaser said the prices were good, but didnt say how much. I'm interested if we can buy under $1 per pound. I stopped by Dry Dock the other day and it looked like grains were 1.60-1.80 per pound. I havent actually brewed before, this will motivate me to fill up a couple of old soda kegs with beer.
If the price is right I would for sure be in for 200-400 pounds also.
I'm interested in the group buy but would like to know the price before committing to how much. can someone tell me?
It looks like we have enough interest. I will get a Google Doc started for a sign up sheet.

If there are any Admins on here, would it be possible to close this thread and start a fresh one that is not 12 pages long?
Alright, the Google Doc is up at the following link:

Sign-up Sheet for CMC Group Buy #6

Please add the appropriate information (columns A-F) to the document if you wish to be a part of this buy. The vital information from the first post, if you are to lazy to click back is as follows:

Colorado Malting Company Website.

Since Dahoov ordered a ton of grain last time, I have offered to take over planning the logistics for group grain buy #6. The info is mostly the same as last time, but here is the basic run-down:

The price break is at 1000 lbs. No further breaks are available. As an FYI the 5000 lb break is for commercial operations.

The price for all malted barley is 75 cents per lb or $37.50 per 50 lb sack.

The price for all malted wheat is 85 cents per lb or $42.50 per 50 lb sack.

Shipping is a flat $150 to the Denver Metro area (to be split by the total number of bags ordered).

I live in Boulder, but Dahoov has offered to host the delivery at his place again. This will allow for people to pick up their grain at their leisure. He works from home so scheduling pick up times should be easy.

After discussion about payment we agreed that it made more sense for one person to collect payment and give them one check. I am willing to collect the money and write the check. We can also open an escrow account but I don't know if there is a fee for this or how the logistics work. Suggestions how to handle payment are welcome.

A mid to late June delivery will give us plenty of time to get everything in order.

If people don't want a full sack, we can split them up for people at the house but we will need to make sure the orders total 50 lbs. The last of the grain that doesn't total 50 lbs will be dropped from the order.

Jason indicated they can do a special Belgian style malt in the 3-4 Lovibond range if there is enough interest. They malt in batches of 4000lbs but he said if we can come up with greater than 500 lbs he is confident he can sell the rest.

Originally Posted by Jason At CMC:

The Belgian Style Pale malt is similar to our standard Colorado Base Pale malt which is 2.0 - 2.5 L but the "Belgian Style" is 3.0 - 4.0 L which is slightly darker and a slight kiln modification is necessary to achieve the darker color in stage 2 and 3 of the kiln schedule.
And just for the record, the it seems that they must have been having a bad month when Dahoov contacted them.. I sent them an email confirming the prices listed above, and and got this back:

"Yes Sir, looks good

Our trailer is broken down so we may have to ship on pallets so the shipping can be a little more...but that should be very close."
just to clarify, the Colorado base pale malt is the same thing as 2-row base malt correct?
I'm interested in the special Belgian style malt. 50 - 100 lbs if anyone else is.
Just do what others have done in the past. Post a statement with a link to the new thread stating that this current thread is now closed.
I do not think continuing this thread is wise since there is to much conflicting information contained within it.