Well-Known Member
Please tell me the shoeless dude from NH will be making the trek in the snow
I have to say he was the highlight of the last group buy.
Please tell me the shoeless dude from NH will be making the trek in the snow
I have to say he was the highlight of the last group buy.
new pick up info
the new date for pick up is saturday, february 22nd starting at 12:30pm
we will still need a few people to sort starting at 11am if you can make it to help out, please post
Anyway after all the BS I am back and able to post. If you are planning on coming for the sort please bring a tarp if you can to set grain bags on. We normally use the driveway to sort and I expect that it is going to be wet.
On future buys. The only way that you will be included is by sending me an email. Most likely there will only be 10 to 20 bags available at a time once every other month. I will send out emails to the folks who have helped the buy will get the emails first. Then I will send out an email to the rest. The next order is going to be the one that I place as an initial order for the brewery. So that one we could have a extra pallet or 2.
If you sent me a PM with your email I will need you to still email me directly. donovan.bailey.1 and add a gmail.com to the end. I am going to use the email system mailchimp to send out the emails so you might get some newsletters from the Brewery also. So just be aware of that and not assume I am trying to spam you.
Sounds good, I'll try to find a tarp but it's a bit too last minute for me since I'm at work. See you all in the morning!
If anyone is interested, I was given two 11-lb bags of US Goldings hops from 2008. They've been sealed and refrigerated the whole time. I'd be happy to give away at least one bag, and probably both.
I'd love to get some to use in some lambics as well if you decide to give away both bags.
Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew
Damn! Only if i get an equivalent value gift certificate for $500 worth of tasty DTR beers.
Also if folks are interested in the yeast slanting and culturing clinic I would be happy to offer a hands on basic class. If you are interested in coming to my house and learning to culture slants from start to finish send me a PM. If we can get say 10 guys and/or gals interested in a class I would be happy to teach one.
Does anyone have an interest in some bulk Belgian Candi Syrup? I can buy it in bulk for $4 lbs shipped. I would need to buy one type in 50lbs jugs. Check out the website
We could get any kind in the pouch. I could use from half to a quarter of a pail of the D-180
It comes in a 5gal pail so even if we split it you would only have 2.5gal
I Will be running a buy once the brewery is up and running
I am also planning on running a crowdfunding campaign soon. The big thing will be a bottle club that will include 8 bottles of the big beers, 4 bottles of barrel aged special beers, a SS growler that gets you $2 off fills for our first year. Tickets to the soft opening party and the one year party were you will have a chance to buy a bottle of the aniversry beer
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