Düsseldorf Alt bier Step Mashing??

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Mar 31, 2012
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Green Bay
Here is my Düsseldorf Alt recipe I have been working on.

Benny Alt
Düsseldorf Altbier
Type: All Grain Date: 8/5/2014
Batch Size (fermenter): 11.50 gal Brewer: Kevin Rennes
Boil Size: 14.21 gal Asst Brewer:
Boil Time: 90 min Equipment: 20 Gallon BoilerMaker™ (15 gal/57 L)
End of Boil Volume 11.96 gal Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 %
Final Bottling Volume: 10.50 gal Est Mash Efficiency 75.0 %
Fermentation: Alt Taste Rating(out of 50): 30.0
Taste Notes:

Amt Name Type # %/IBU
12 lbs Pilsner (Weyermann) (1.7 SRM) Grain 1 59.3 %
3 lbs Munich II (Weyermann) (8.5 SRM) Grain 2 14.8 %
3 lbs Vienna Malt (Weyermann) (3.0 SRM) Grain 3 14.8 %
2 lbs Caramunich II (Weyermann) (63.0 SRM) Grain 4 9.9 %
4.0 oz Carafa III (Weyermann) (525.0 SRM) Grain 5 1.2 %
4.00 oz Spalter [4.50 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 6 32.4 IBUs
2.00 oz Spalter [4.50 %] - Boil 20.0 min Hop 7 9.8 IBUs
4.00 oz Spalter [4.50 %] - Boil 5.0 min Hop 8 6.5 IBUs

Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.050 SG Measured Original Gravity: 1.047 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.013 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.011 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 4.8 % Actual Alcohol by Vol: 4.7 %
Bitterness: 48.7 IBUs Calories: 155.5 kcal/12oz
Est Color: 14.4 SRM

Mash Profile

Mash Name: Temperature Mash, 2 Step, Full Body Total Grain Weight: 20 lbs 4.0 oz
Sparge Water: 6.23 gal Grain Temperature: 72.0 F
Sparge Temperature: 168.0 F Tun Temperature: 72.0 F
Adjust Temp for Equipment: FALSE Mash PH: 5.20

Mash Steps

Name Description Step Temperature Step Time

Beta Sacch' Add 10.35 gal of water at 150.4 F 144.0 F 15 min
Alpha Sacch' Add 0.29 gal of water and heat to 160.0 F over 15 min 160.0 F 15 min

Mashing at 2qt/lb ratio due to my temp probe in my tun being at the 8.5 mark to cover it. I heat my strike water in the MLT threw my HERMS setup that way I don't have to transfer any of my HLT water I need for step mashing.

Mash Out Heat to 168.0 F over 10 min 168.0 F 10 min
Sparge Step: Fly sparge with 6.23 gal water at 168.0 F

Carbonation and Storage

Carbonation Type: Keg Volumes of CO2: 2.4
Pressure/Weight: 10.20 PSI Carbonation Used: Keg with 10.20 PSI
Keg/Bottling Temperature: 38.0 F Age for: 21.00 days
Fermentation: Alt Storage Temperature: 38.0 F

Set up is 15.5g HLT, 20g MLT, 20g BK. HERMS Electric setup with High Gravity EBC-III controller.

Ok so here is my question, I'm doing a Step Mash with my HERMS electric system from High Gravity Brewing. I'm fairly confident that I can achieve the alpha Sacch' rest temp withing 15-17 mins with my HERMS electric setup by having my HLT at around 175 to 180 degrees. The MLT has a temp prob but will only use a pump to get up to temps, once it hits temps it stops pumping.

I feel another 10 - 15 mins or so to reach from 160 (alpha Sacch' temp) to mash out of 168 degrees.

Im not going to even bother with a protein rest as It will take forever to hit 144 and by then conversion will be mostly done.

I feel that the time to rise is why I will only rest for 15 mins at the temp because it will equal out to be around 30 minutes each rest with the rise time. Am I way off on all this here?

Just wanted any input on this process of step mashing as I've never tried it before. I did a single rest for my Oktoberfest at 153 for 60 mins last brew and held temps nicely and the mash out was pretty good. Wanted to try my hand at step mashing to see if it would work. I know that the malts are highly modified so its not really necessary any more to step mash but I want to feel like a traditional German brewer from Düsseldorf. Should i just say screw it and let the system hold at 152 for 60 mins and then mash out as call it a day?

My ferment schedule is 10-14 days primary or until done at 58* in a sealed conical.

5 days to ramp down to 38* slowly.

21-30 days in my kegs lagering and carbing up at 10 psi.

I've done a bulk lagering in my conical by just dumping all the yeast out the bottom and letting it all sit in there for 30 days at 40*. I would like to use the kegs to lager to free up my conical for more beers as I have more kegs than my one conical.

Any input on all this? :drunk: