Can I switching from Maris Otter to 2 row in an Oatmeal Stout recipe??

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Apr 9, 2014
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I've been eye balling a pretty simple Oatmeal Stout recipe that I want to make and the original recipe calls for MO. However one critique of the recipe said to change the MO to Rahr 2-row.

What would this to the beer if anything? Would it change the flavor, head, or body at all? I've never used MO before but have always looked at it as something to use in place of 2-row when you want an authentic English beer. However with all the dark malt and oats would the MO really shine through that much or would it completely change the beer?

Here is the basic recipe for your analysis,

7.5 lbs MO
1 lb flaked oats
.5 lb English roasted barley
.5 lb English chocolate malt
.5 lb English Dark Crystal

Thanks for the help!!!
Perhaps the person making the critique wanted to clean up the malt character a bit. 2 row would do that. 2 row is also substantially cheaper. Maris Otter will add a bunch of warm, biscuity malt depth that the 2 row won't have. If you're going for an English interpretation of Oatmeal Stout, then I'd go with the MO. If you're going more American, go with the 2 row. Given the recipe, I'd say stick with the MO.
2 row is blander than marris otter. Marris otter has a lightly toasty warm flavor. Id use the marris otter, though with all the roast malts and dark crystal, you may not notice that much of a difference for the cost. It would be more important in something like an English bitter, or a brown ale.
giraffe, that's how I've thought of using MO, in ESB's or English browns. As far as the other grains go I'm not sure I'll seek out "English" specific. I think I'll just get standard chocolate malt and dark crystal (if they even exist haha).

But besides the flavor profile it shouldn't really mess anything up with the head or body? Should I maybe add some more oats to make up it?
Head and body are going to be similar enough, that you wont notice. English dark crystal has a much more dark fruit/fruitcake-y flavor than US domestic 80L. If you were going to splurge on one thing Id get the english on that.

English chocolate is a little darker with a tinge of burnt flavor. I actually prefer the milder US domestic on that in general. (there is variation by maltsters, but in general)