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Another super-smooth brew day today. I brewed a MoreBeer recipe (session IPA) and was actually 5 gravity points above expected with a 5 gallon volume. Used my grain basket also for the large late hop addition/hop steep at the end of the boil.
I realize that reading about other people's brew days might be somewhat boring but I feel kind of compelled to also report the positive, since I always post when I have issues. People who watch this thread to make a purchase decision might otherwise get a skewed sense of the instrument's capability. When the Brewie works (and it is becoming definitely more and more reliable), it certainly makes your brew day much more enjoyable and less time consuming.
I know you guys know what you are doing but.....
A 120° C thermal switch is a safety feature and nothing else. If you put in a higher temperature switch the safety feature will not kick in until that temperature is reached. It is not the switch that turns on and off the power to control the boil temperature, that is controlled by the thermal sensor and the computer.
In other words, as made, the installed thermal switch has a 17° - 20° buffer between (the sugar content of wort gives it a higher boiling temperature) boiling and having the safety feature kick in preventing damage to the rest of the system. What is really needed is a more robust thermal switch. The safety switch should never kick in unless your kettle runs dry (clog, didn't add enough water or boil off) or you are dry firing your kettle for some reason (dev mode). Installing a higher temperature switch will undoubtedly cause more damage should a dry situation happen.
Just my 2 cents, I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but I want to make sure anyone reading this thread knows what the switch does and why it is there and what the consequences are if it is replaced with a higher temperature switch.

A couple of questions so maybe we can solve the failure issue of the switch.... Do you know how the switch is failing? Is it terminal failure or is internal? If you installed fans did you leave an air gap to allow air flow to the terminals of the switch?
I know you guys know what you are doing but.....
A 120° C thermal switch is a safety feature and nothing else. If you put in a higher temperature switch the safety feature will not kick in until that temperature is reached. It is not the switch that turns on and off the power to control the boil temperature, that is controlled by the thermal sensor and the computer.
In other words, as made, the installed thermal switch has a 17° - 20° buffer between (the sugar content of wort gives it a higher boiling temperature) boiling and having the safety feature kick in preventing damage to the rest of the system. What is really needed is a more robust thermal switch. The safety switch should never kick in unless your kettle runs dry (clog, didn't add enough water or boil off) or you are dry firing your kettle for some reason (dev mode). Installing a higher temperature switch will undoubtedly cause more damage should a dry situation happen.
Just my 2 cents, I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but I want to make sure anyone reading this thread knows what the switch does and why it is there and what the consequences are if it is replaced with a higher temperature switch.

A couple of questions so maybe we can solve the failure issue of the switch.... Do you know how the switch is failing? Is it terminal failure or is internal? If you installed fans did you leave an air gap to allow air flow to the terminals of the switch?
Thank you for emphasizing that using a higher temperature switch is not much safer than bypassing the switch altogether. Anyone doing this should be aware.
Firmware 3.1.2 has dry run protection, but there might still be some risk, e.g. in developer mode. As for your other questions, the terminals on the switch look fine, it is an internal failure. Air flow should make it to the switch from the fan mod, so I don't know why it keeps failing.
When did 3.1.2 drop? I've been so busy because we are finally getting spring weather here and I can get out in my yard and do something. Did they add back the fermentation tab? They didn't update the website.
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Sounds like a bad batch of switches, mine is still functional. Maybe do a search of the brand and see if there is another company making one that meets the same specs. With it bypassed I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving it to brew on its own like I have on several occasions.
I got the email asking if I knew what this is but didn’t say what it was after you clicked on it? I googled it and it was a new fermentation monitor....not sure if this is what they are promoting or something similar or just a random question?
Brewed my last Smash-pad today (on a B20+, in Europe).
The Armapod (Amarillo-hops) smash.

In my opinion it´s quite odd that all the pads have the same hopp-additions. 17 gr for 1-4 and 40 gr for dry hopping.
The grain, and the grain weight and hopping time differs, though. Some pads are 4 kg and some are 5 kg. They have the same (background) mashing scheme etc, but their final OG differs a little too much on the box and their expected final result.
Feels like they just selling the pads as simple as it could be. No alpha acid knowledge/values on the packs. So I don't know how it will come out, lets see in a couple of weeks.

Brewing (and what happends):
1. Moved the unit to the cellar (same building).
2. Fired it up, and after 10 min the screen didn't start (turned out I
ve lost the wifi).
3. Restarted and let Brewie use my smart-phones (phone- wifi to mobile network).
4. It fired up and looked for an upgrade. #1: The s..t will not start up unless there is a Wifi/Internet connection at startup. Why?
5. For the first time I could see Brewie in my phone :)
Unfortenatelly (misspelled), it was the same info on the screen...
6. But after leaving it, Brewie-app refused to connect.
So I could not get any update or alarm on the cell.
7. As before, I had a water inlet warning (but only once, before two), this must be a bug.
8. Brewing went well. But, low in og. Brew-House eff, less than 65%. Came out on 1,045, as the expected 1,049-50 as it should have been for a 5% beer.
9. Final I got 19L/5 gal in the bucket.
10. I even added 0,5L/one pint in the mash-tank. Else less would have ended up in the bucket. The efficiency is a bit low, but add grains and leave is a smaller issue. (add some grain is cheap - your time is not)
11. I'm more into low gravity beer, so I don`t mind that much. But the pads should be better designed for the real gravity - without pooking around during mash.
12. Except for the noicey "something" that started day 1, in my machine. I'm actually pleased to use the machine.
13. The Brewie is an amazing machine, but it can be much better. Hope, they will listen to me.
14. Too soon to give an opinion on the result. But it will come. Keep ya upgraded in a couple of weeks.
15. Next time: My own receipies…., yeah! Starting with a dry stout (as usuall).
16. Sorry this message was too long, but I for shure missed too many things too.

(If anyone didn't feel it was too long, so)
17. There is still a bit to do it a real automatic brewing machine.
18. Used Still Brewns bucket tips, thanks. It is nice to have cleaing water.
19. The unit still needs a manual cleaning mode. Now I use Dev.Mode (begin with a short clean and end up wit another one - in between dev mode).
20. Yes, I'm happy with the Brewie, but there is more to crank out of this machine (I hope most with SW- upgrades).

[Sorry for a too long reply]
[If things goes as I expect, an own designed stout is on the next run]
2. Fired it up, and after 10 min the screen didn't start (turned out I
ve lost the wifi).
3. Restarted and let Brewie use my smart-phones (phone- wifi to mobile network).
4. It fired up and looked for an upgrade. #1: The s..t will not start up unless there is a Wifi/Internet connection at startup. Why?
5. For the first time I could see Brewie in my phone :)
Unfortenatelly (misspelled), it was the same info on the screen...
6. But after leaving it, Brewie-app refused to connect.
So I could not get any update or alarm on the cell.
7. As before, I had a water inlet warning (but only once, before two), this must be a bug.

[Sorry for a too long reply]
[If things goes as I expect, an own designed stout is on the next run]

You are fine , your message is not too long.

I still get the water inlet error also, I actually get it more now V. 3.1.1 than I did with the previous version. I have been too busy to update to the latest version. It may be a few weeks before I will have time to brew or anything.

If you lost WiFi while updating firmware that will cause an error forcing you to have WiFi before it will or can continue to do anything else.

The phone app has a few errors on my phone.... again I haven't had time to let them know. The top button is cut off when there is a message if I remember correctly. Also you can't switch from one device to another without rebooting the machine, if you try it won't let you log in at all without rebooting. Needs a logout.
I still get the water inlet error also, I actually get it more now V. 3.1.1 than I did with the previous version. I have been too busy to update to the latest version. It may be a few weeks before I will have time to brew or anything.

Ok, the it is not just mine - good to know. But bad it's there.
Odd since it never, ever come up during cleaing. (Also run the full clean today)

If you lost WiFi while updating firmware that will cause an error forcing you to have WiFi before it will or can continue to do anything else.

No. It updated correctly a week ago. No problerm there. But this time I moved it to another location, There were no Wifi and Brewie just refused to start (get past the update check).
It was not until I let Brewie connect though my phones mobile network it fired up.
Odd. It seems like to be able to brew, one must have wifi. BUt only in the start, after that not needed,

The phone app has a few errors on my phone.... again I haven't had time to let them know. The top button is cut off when there is a message if I remember correctly. Also you can't switch from one device to another without rebooting the machine, if you try it won't let you log in at all without rebooting. Needs a logout.

It is not much I ve used the app, since the connection with Brewie and my phone is only workin near by. But then I can look at the screen instead.
But also glad I had the phone during Full Clean, there was some little additional information.

Full Cean started out as a 3 hour long program. Gosch!
One can then only choose between a 6 minute clean, and a 3h clean....
(Full CLean finished after 2,5 h, though)
Seems like ther shoul be another cleaning option.
Odd since it never, ever come up during cleaing. (Also run the full clean today)

No. It updated correctly a week ago. No problerm there. But this time I moved it to another location, There were no Wifi and Brewie just refused to start (get past the update check).
It was not until I let Brewie connect though my phones mobile network it fired up.
Odd. It seems like to be able to brew, one must have wifi. BUt only in the start, after that not needed,

But also glad I had the phone during Full Clean, there was some little additional information.

Full Cean started out as a 3 hour long program. Gosch!
One can then only choose between a 6 minute clean, and a 3h clean....
(Full CLean finished after 2,5 h, though)
Seems like ther shoul be another cleaning option.

It has to do with the the amount of water that is being let in during an open valve cycle and the movement of water. Although the pressure sensor is very sensitive the short open valve cycles dutring the end of filling may not be letting quite enough water to chance what the pressure sensor is sensing. I don't think I have ever had it happen during the filling of sparge water but I can't remember for sure.

You should be able to brew without WiFi, I have and that was one of the selling features for me I want to be able to take it with me during summers at the family cabins.

All of the cleaning option leave something to be desired but at least the full clean really gets everything clean.
Added my first recipie today and brew a Dry Stout.
1. The screen is a bit small to add the information.
2. Why isn't the most natural values alreadi inserted (like 17 brew + 9 liter sparge, some predefined mash scheme (to start with) and 60 min hops etc,)
3. The preboil-option tricked me big (time for a laugh). Thought it was a stupid idea to set preboil time for singel hop cages. Now afterwards, I feel pretty stupid. Had a 5 min hopping and a IBU about 4.vActually belived i had made the 60 min hopping time before, but this tricked me 100%.
5. Now I have to brew a new stout wit double the IBU and mix them.
Glad I like Stout, and also need to lower the amont of roasted barley at home. But this was on the other hand the last brew (and cleen) as I saw it.
6. S h i t happens. But only once, since now I know - unfortenately the hard way.
7. Else I like Brewie more and more. Calculated an efficiency for 65% (from the experience form the Pads), but Brewie really brought that number up.
8. Will go for a 70% from here. Brew in a bag and sparge with the vort can never, ever be as efficient as sparging with water.
For those whom might complain adn think it is bad, we have to live with it. And as another person in this thread said; Grain is cheap, just add some more and save TIME instead of some lousy $$ on the grain.
9. Beware and check that the outlet hose is fixed to the sink. During Quick Clean I heard somtething and looked, the hose fell on the floor the same time the outlet started. Took some seconds to get to the backside and put it up again. For now I just twisted it with the inliet, but have to build something that makes it sit 100% in the sink.
Earlier I had the idea to let the cooling hose have an brass pipe fitting next tima as a weight, but after this accident I need to fix both the hoses.

Lastly I feel sorry for you 120 V people since it seems like it pushes the machine to a lot more heating issues as for us using 240 V.
Hope they will come up with a final solution.
As said, I like Brewie more and more (except for the SW).
101 C boil and temp is accurate compared to my thermometer, only difference about 0,2-0,3 C (about a half a degre F).
All of the cleaning option leave something to be desired but at least the full clean really gets everything clean.

Yeah! I saw that today, brewin Stout really shows what's left in the machine.
Worst thing it isn't pretty effective, keep on doing the stuff a bit too long according to me. But since it is atomatic, it doens't matter.
BUT WAIT a minute! THat is exaclty what it does, because "suddenly" it stops and ask for the two dishwascher tablets...
One part of Brewie I don't lite is that you never know when it wants you attention. I my world it shoud shurely state that:
"Hey I'm Brewie, let's clean your machine up"
"I'll do it for you but I will need your accistance after (eg.) 30 minutes"
"For you it will be at xx:xx a clock, check back and I'll fix the rest"
One part of Brewie I don't lite is that you never know when it wants you attention. I my world it shoud shurely state that:
"Hey I'm Brewie, let's clean your machine up"
"I'll do it for you but I will need your accistance after (eg.) 30 minutes"
"For you it will be at xx:xx a clock, check back and I'll fix the rest"

That is one of the things that I brought up in one of my many conversations with tech. Each stage of every step should have its own countdown timer. Be sure to email tech support and voice your opinion on the subject it will help get things moving along and reinforce our need for it.

Yeah I totally forgot about the pause in the cleaning last time also and it must have sat there waiting for me around an hour before I noticed. Minor inconvenience for now, I'm more interested in getting the timers right now for late adjunct additions. But audible alerts on phone/tablet are a close second along with a better short clean program.
Added my first recipie today and brew a Dry Stout.
1. The screen is a bit small to add the information.
2. Why isn't the most natural values alreadi inserted (like 17 brew + 9 liter sparge, some predefined mash scheme (to start with) and 60 min hops etc,)
3. The preboil-option tricked me big (time for a laugh). Thought it was a stupid idea to set preboil time for singel hop cages. Now afterwards, I feel pretty stupid. Had a 5 min hopping and a IBU about 4.vActually belived i had made the 60 min hopping time before, but this tricked me 100%.
5. Now I have to brew a new stout wit double the IBU and mix them.
Glad I like Stout, and also need to lower the amont of roasted barley at home. But this was on the other hand the last brew (and cleen) as I saw it.
6. S h i t happens. But only once, since now I know - unfortenately the hard way.
7. Else I like Brewie more and more. Calculated an efficiency for 65% (from the experience form the Pads), but Brewie really brought that number up.
8. Will go for a 70% from here. Brew in a bag and sparge with the vort can never, ever be as efficient as sparging with water.
For those whom might complain adn think it is bad, we have to live with it. And as another person in this thread said; Grain is cheap, just add some more and save TIME instead of some lousy $$ on the grain.
9. Beware and check that the outlet hose is fixed to the sink. During Quick Clean I heard somtething and looked, the hose fell on the floor the same time the outlet started. Took some seconds to get to the backside and put it up again. For now I just twisted it with the inliet, but have to build something that makes it sit 100% in the sink.
Earlier I had the idea to let the cooling hose have an brass pipe fitting next tima as a weight, but after this accident I need to fix both the hoses.

Lastly I feel sorry for you 120 V people since it seems like it pushes the machine to a lot more heating issues as for us using 240 V.
Hope they will come up with a final solution.
As said, I like Brewie more and more (except for the SW).
101 C boil and temp is accurate compared to my thermometer, only difference about 0,2-0,3 C (about a half a degre F).

I use my tablet to enter recipes, it is much easier. Hint - enter a few practice recipes after a few practice runs it becomes much easier. I can usually enter recipe in 5 minutes now.

The amounts are not entered because you don't have to make a full 5 gallon/19 liter batch if you don't want to. There is also no set amounts that you have to follow there are just too many variables that go into a batch of beer that change the end result.

Hops additions are set by time remaining in boil. Delayed hopping is for when you want more boil than you first hop addition needs, for example: 90 minute boil with a delay of 30 minutes would put your first hop addition at 60 minutes. Flavor additions generally at 15 to 20 minutes and aroma at 5 or so. That was another thing I brought up with tech about the countdown timers would be helpful for whirlpool hops or a pause in the cooling and run a hop cage at a certain temperature of our choosing (example - pause cooling at 150°F 65°C and run hop cage for 5 minutes). If you like these ideas be sure to let tech support know.

You can always make a hop tea to fix your ibu's. I have never done it but I have seen it mentioned here on HBT a few times. Might be something to look at.

I have managed to dump wort down the drain, dump wort on the floor, forget to reattach a drain hose after cleaning it and shoot water all over the place, not attach the fresh water hose all the way tight to the machine. If there is a mess to be made with the Brewie I figured out how to do it with style. The one where I didn't tighten the fresh water hose all the way was the best..... I also left our silverware drawer open just enough that the water coming out ran to the front of the counter and into the drawer and there was about an inch of water in the drawer before I noticed. I'm just glad there was a plastic silverware tray to catch the water.
I have not had my hose come out of the sink yet but I have thought that it could happen. Thought about putting a brass barb in the en't but water can shoot out pretty vigorously and I don't want it to shoot any further than it already does.
Firmware 3.1.2 has dry run protection, but there might still be some risk, e.g. in developer mode.

Do you have firmware 3.1.2? Or was it mentioned in an email from tech? I found a few minutes to plug in my machine last night before my family arrived for Sunday dinner and it didn't download any update.....
Brewed yesterday with 3.1.1. Restarted a couple times and no update for me.

Brew day was perfect. Calculated 65% efficiency. Best rolling boil I have achieved to date. 11lbs of grain into 7 gal total water volume (4.6g mash and 2.4g sparge). 75 min mash and 30 min sparge. Yeast took off like a rocket within 6 hrs. I am a happy camper.
Do you have firmware 3.1.2? Or was it mentioned in an email from tech? I found a few minutes to plug in my machine last night before my family arrived for Sunday dinner and it didn't download any update.....
I have firmware 3.1.2 but it might be a beta version that is not yet officially available. I signed up for the beta testing program.
I have firmware 3.1.2 but it might be a beta version that is not yet officially available. I signed up for the beta testing program.

That is weird because so did I. Maybe they took my machine off because of the error I had with my MCU Board. I did get the 3.1.1 before most other people but with the damage on my board I ended up being locked out of my machine for around a month.

Is the fermentation tab back? And did the phone/tablet app update?
Anything notable new in the beta other than the dry run protection?
I haven't seen release notes for it but what I noticed:
- no delay on the power button anymore
- you can skip steps during the brew now (with confirmation dialog)
- estimated completion time is more accurate
- no updates to iOS app
- no fermentation tab

Overall runs fine. So far no software related issues.
I wish the progress screen would tell you exactly which step it is on or a countdown to the next step (ie mash step 1 time remaining, hop cage 1 time remaining, etc) I’m always peeking to see if and which hop cages are running to see where it is at. Also, it seems like there is a delay for the boil timer to start (when not checking the boil delay box). I had a 60min hop addition and it appeared to visibly boil for 20 min or so before the 60min hop cage started. Does anyone know what the trigger is for the boil timer to start? Does it need to read 212f/100C to start?
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I wish the progress screen would tell you exactly which step it is on or a countdown to the next step (ie mash step 1 time remaining, hop cage 1 time remaining, etc) I’m always peeking to see if and which hop cages are running to see where it is at. Also, it seems like there is a delay for the boil timer to start (when not checking the boil delay box). I had a 60min hop addition and it appeared to visibly boil for 20 min or so before the 60min hop cage started. Does anyone know what the trigger is for the boil timer to start? Does it need to read 212f/100C to start?

I agree with all of those thoughts and have shared them with Mate over the years.

I believe the boil delay serves two purposes. 1) the machine does a few more clean outs of the mash tun to collect any remaining wort. 2) the delayed boil helps boil off rate and final gravity. I do not believe it is based on reaching 212, I believe it is a programmed time step, but haven’t measured it. The delay is very noticeable after draining the mash tun and reaching a near boil.
@Everyone: Still triies too keep up at Your pace here....
@HarkinBanks: The BIAC (brew in cage) seem much better than the orininal BIAB. But in the same time using Brewie an the Brewiwe-bags (BIAB) is far much better than the original PADS.
#2 Always thought that 600 screen was amller than a 400 screen, but now I know it is the opposite (In my wolld is lite grist/sandpapper). But by the 600 will be better than 400.
@Still Brewn: Must say thanks to all your wisdom to me, as I said before it all came too qucick (I don
t botheer about SW 3.1.2 right now), I hope to get back on each subject.
I use my tablet to enter recipes, it is much easier. Hint - enter a few practice recipes after a few practice runs it becomes much easier. I can usually enter recipe in 5 minutes now.

OK, but don't force us everyone else to buy a tablet. I still need a keyboard. for otherthings. Wish Brewie had a Windos version for the recdepie creation (but that is a rel minor thing right now)

The amounts are not entered because you don't have to make a full 5 gallon/19 liter batch if you don't want to. There is also no set amounts that you have to follow there are just too many variables that go into a batch of beer that change the end result.

First time I hear you saying crap, and did not listen. How easy would it be for Brewie and for beginners to say: today I want to brew 2,5 or 5 gallons of beer. Wouldn't it be better ti have pre-selected values over to 0?

Hops additions are set by time remaining in boil. Delayed hopping is for when you want more boil than you first hop addition needs, for example: 90 minute boil with a delay of 30 minutes would put your first hop addition at 60 minutes.

Yeah, I know that right now, but I did'nt in the moment. Learned the hard way :)
Today I brewed another stout +90 IBU and mixed both.

I have managed to dump wort down the drain, .......

Been there, done that... (not al off 'em, but they will come :)
I haven't seen release notes for it but what I noticed:
- no delay on the power button anymore
- you can skip steps during the brew now (with confirmation dialog)
- estimated completion time is more accurate
- no updates to iOS app
- no fermentation tab

Overall runs fine. So far no software related issues.

If you are around, skip steps (that you see have finished) is a great thing.
I agree with all of those thoughts and have shared them with Mate over the years.

I agree too. But what makes me really sad is that You have shared this 'over years'... and we haven't seen it yet.
Guess my ideas making this "wounderfull" machine getting even better is down the sink, too (and probalbly the same to 98%). Unfortenately.
Brew #6:
I had to get save my last faiulure with the preboil (witch tricked me last time), so today I made a new similar batch with a lot of hops + 85 IBU, and mixed them.
(Guess that I'm out of the box, but will get something drinkable in the end),
I was easier in the grain calc (calculated this dry stout with 70% eff. this time).
Even this time it went in the higher scale, and this time I didn't even touch the machine (mash-bag) at all - awsome (two points higher).
Added extra liter (a quart) to the mash, though, and still got two points higher than expected.
Hope the final result will be great too. If you ever come by at home feel free to have a sip... :)
As @Still Brewn said, "You will enjoy brewing with your new machine", and I can just say; yes I do!
People still argues about it taking homebrew out of it's phase/real meaning.
But, I will say it's even more enjoyable now to perect my skills. I'm still the designer of the beer. And I, for a moment, just let another one brew it for me, does it make me a worse brewer? Why should I have to be in the right minute to add the hops during the boil, when I can have a "new brew-slave" doing it? Does it make me a lesser brewer just for that?
No, don not think so. Right now Brewie eases things up for me (period).
Would I like it to be better in some parts? Yes! But fortenately, the most issues are SW-related, not HW-related.

Edit: Some misspellings corrected
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I agree with all of those thoughts and have shared them with Mate over the years.

I believe the boil delay serves two purposes. 1) the machine does a few more clean outs of the mash tun to collect any remaining wort. 2) the delayed boil helps boil off rate and final gravity. I do not believe it is based on reaching 212, I believe it is a programmed time step, but haven’t measured it. The delay is very noticeable after draining the mash tun and reaching a near boil.

I agree. And hope not only the preboil does this.
My first Brewie-pad had a boil ovwner (yeah, it started so well)
But in the next 5 I haven't..
Now I can not say if it is the preboil thing that is doing this,or it is in the system it self.
My first thought (and boil over) then was: Why don't they try to eleminate this?
As a Newie into Brewie - you can guess I'm wathing it better than You (hopefully - else it's not worth it in the long run).
I have just seen tha duringt the last 2 degree (C) it turn the boiler on/off during a 10 minutes period to break down the protein-bubble ad good as they can. So in my opion they have addressed that issue yes.
(I have alsos seen anoter soultion to address it, wich I hope to take up with the BW-team).
Make note! That I haven't brewed with another SW than 3.1.1. So what what was before that I don't know.
Have seen a lot of posts before about unhappy memebers, but the B20+ is (so far) just an amasing thing to me. [Still have my "real grer" and as usually used int in jan-fen before our competition]. Right now I can make ordinary beer all-year-round. Not spending >$6 dollar per liter/quart (high taxes in Sweden).
Worst thing: Brewie maybe turn into an alcoholic....,I love beer [Whom may I sue then]
Everyone is complaining about the keyboard on the machine... has anyone tried to connect a keyboard to the usb port? Or there are really cheap tablets (under $50) on amazon.
May 1st was a holiday here, so I tried to save my Stout (else I felt I had a break from "brewing" - AKA "Not Still Brewn").
Yes I fired up the mobile hotspot and it when on right away.
So, sorry - I can't tell if it was needed or not.

Right now I have som much sepread stuff, don't know what to brew next (or need to buy new stuff). Pilsner malt, and a bag of Roasted barley and some chocolate, flaked oats etc. Saaz and some other low alfa hops. Only ale-yeast, no lager yeast. (usually I don't brew lagers - but still have about 10 kg malt).
Any tips? Pilsner malt base with ale-stuff, haha.
Everyone is complaining about the keyboard on the machine... has anyone tried to connect a keyboard to the usb port? Or there are really cheap tablets (under $50) on amazon.

I would rather have a real windows-(or for the other ones a Linux and/or Apple)program.
Create recipeis etc. and either send it through WiFi or use a usb-stick and insert recipes (and why not upgrades).
WiFi should be an option, not a must (if that now is the truth - as I had the machine stuck until it get Internet connection).
How did everyones weekend brew sessions go. We had several tornados here during Sunday dinner with the family so no progress on brewing for me because of cleanup all day monday. This has been a suck year for weather in Nebraska. But hey, my baby hop plants survived the 105 mph winds.
We had several tornados here during Sunday dinner with the family so no progress on brewing for me because of cleanup all day monday. This has been a suck year for weather in Nebraska. But hey, my baby hop plants survived the 105 mph winds.

Sorry to hear. Our weather is no like it use to be in May, still cold. But this is nothing compared to Yours.
Hope everything is fine with you and family and the hops (sure they will survive . as it is a weed).
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How did everyones weekend brew sessions go. We had several tornados here during Sunday dinner with the family so no progress on brewing for me because of cleanup all day monday. This has been a suck year for weather in Nebraska. But hey, my baby hop plants survived the 105 mph winds.
Kinda kept up with the woes. Cousins are on farm land south so they missed alot of the chaos. Grandparents are gone but lived in Lincoln. Hope all is well or at least gets better. GBR!
Started to look back in this thread, i.e. re-read it.
You people are amazed about 1850W, here our spike would be 2300W (230v). So Brewie is ONLY 1850w as we see it.
But I'm not complaining, as I think Brewie is fast enough in get to boil.
Feel sorry for you (120v people) with 15 amps, and some with 14 gauge.

Clocked the pre-boling today 50 minutes (I don't know how you US-people translate that into "YOUR minutes", as volume and weight isn't the same as here :)
@Still Brewn.
Thanks for the simple advices here, like to use chill-water, and so one. You are my god here. but it seems like you are and old stud like me - forgetting simple stuff sometimes...

Brewed a Schwartz-bier today (see next thread).
1.Brewie impress on me. (OK there are still some I want to be changed for the future)
2. Some people like to add recipes, but (As I see it), don't work. Because during years the alfa-bittering can be totally different. And what I know today, about Brewie they have just assumptions of the expected IBU. I.e Magnum is 15% alfa, mine was 13%.
4. I.E. It will shift during the years, bittering is not fixed. So adding a recepie to Brewie is a waste of time - as I see it. Someone wanted some post-state to come back. I would like it to be simpler to just add ones times.
5, Have some pics to share, but think I will reduce them first.
6. But overall with the Brewie, I get more and more optimistic about the machine.
7. I have enough during a brew-day to do. Brewie is just a slave. Hope I can get more and more to him, and ease up a day (cleaning kegs and Brewie).
8. Am i pleased? Yes. Brewie (for me) is a perfect brewmate. Standing besides it, one can get crazy, because some steps are done, when you look at it, be h..l yeah, the have to know that the machine has done it's job.
(but water inlet issue could ruin a brewday if you are not aware). Think coming back 6h later and it still compaints about the water intet (twice) for thr first 1/2 a hour.