Brewbucket Mini

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
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I have been considering retiring my BMB's and Fermonsters in favor of SS fermentors.

I have looked at all the options which are really only 2 because I brew 3 gallon batches.

Looking for opinions on the Mini from SS Brewtech. I'm not crazy about the detached base or the lack of handles but the Anvil won't fit in my ferm chamber because of the fixed handles and valve. Also I think I can squeeze 2 mini's in and thats a huge plus.

How is the mini ball valve holding up on these and can they be cleaned effectively? I did see the thread where the valve on the 7 gal bucket was replaced with a vale that can be completely disassembled for cleaning. Not sure that would work on the Mini.
The detached base annoyed me in the beginning but I've gotten used to it now. Other than that I have had no issues with it. I've had no need for carrying handles, the weight with wort in it isn't a problem, just grab it around the lid and lift.
I have a mini and like it a lot. No problem with the valve, but I remove it after each brew, soak it a short bit, and clean and dry thoroughly. I left mine by the rim of the lid, and I put a bunch of two-sided Velcro tape on my base and mini to keep them “connected”. I don’t try and lift and carry by the base, but the base comes along for the ride when I pick the mini up by the lid. On other thing - I drilled a hole in the lid of mine, opposite of the airlock/blowoff hole, and have a thermowell installed for my inkbird probe. Works well. The stick-on strips work well too, if you want to go that route.

For what it’s worth, I liked the small 3 gal Fermonsters too, but the extremely thin walls bug me. Never a problem, but still bothers me.

I have a mini SS I use for 3 and 2gal batches. I use two small bungee cords to keep the bottom together with the fermentor still a bit flaky but better than having it loose. Just clip around the bottom lip and onto the retaining bracket.

I ferment clean wort to reduce trub so I can get pretty close to 3gals when it is done. I have fermented up to about 3.2gal without using fermacap and without making a mess but I think that is a yeast dependent kind of thing. I usually ferment a bit closer to slightly over 3gal.

Getting the tightness of the valve nut to keep it from leaking can be difficult at times, but lately I have only been using a single O-ring on the outside and it is much easier to get a leak free connection.

Point the racking arm sideways to slightly down during fermentation and it wont clog with trub and yeast.
I put a bunch of two-sided Velcro tape on my base and mini to keep them “connected”. I don’t try and lift and carry by the base, but the base comes along for the ride when I pick the mini up by the lid.

I was thinking of some sort of caulk or adhesive but wasn't sure what if anything would stick to that silicone base. ( I think thats what it is?) Does the velcro stay or does it come off occasionally?

I ferment clean wort to reduce trub so I can get pretty close to 3gals when it is done. I have fermented up to about 3.2gal without using fermacap and without making a mess but I think that is a yeast dependent kind of thing. I usually ferment a bit closer to slightly over 3gal.

Good to know. I shoot for clear wort also but thought I might have to reduce to 2.5 or 2.75 gallon batches with the mini.

Thanks for the feedback!
Do you keg? Why not ferment in a 5 gallon keg? They're perfect and you can do closed transfers. I do this for my 3 gallon batches. I especially like the low profile kegs for fermenting.
I looked into the mini brewbuckets too, but they really aren't big enough. They need to be at least 4 gallons, ideally 5 for plenty of headspace.