Big Brew Day Disaster - Need Advice

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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2009
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Long Beach CA
Im a total clown. Had around 6lbs of grain in a colander and I totally f'ed up and poured them down the sink. Dont know why. I never do. Well it completely backed up my entire sink. Completely. I took all of the plumbing out etc. and it there were grains clogging everything. The main line is plugged and I am waiting for a plumber..

All of this occurred with 10 minutes left on the boil. Turned the stove off and have been dealing with this huge mess. I wont get back to the beer until possibly late tomorrow (if at all). Can I just fire it back up to a boil and do 10 minutes or so and continue? Or is it not worth it? Ill effects of doing this?
i wouldn't bother with the last 10 minutes, unless you had a 'flame-out addition' or some specific need.

i'd just rack it off all the junk into a fermenter
How much do you have to lose at this point? I'd go ahead with your plan. Anything that lands in the wort between now and tomorrow won't have time to get a foothold and then you will kill it by the boil. Cool it and pitch your yeast and you should be good to go.
Yeah, I had a couple ounces of hops that I was going to pitch. Im 50/50 on even dealing with this now. Definitely would not rack it without boiling it again though. An infection on top of this cant happen.
Yeah, I'd give it a 10 min boil just to sanitize it. You're not going to have exactly the beer you expected, but it should be decent nonetheless.

Of course, if you covered it while it was still boiling (or nearly so), I'd just put it in the fermenter. Do a search for "no-chill brewing" and you'll see that plenty of folks do something similar with no ill effects. And even if you missed the last hop addition, it won't change the beer too much. No aroma, but that's not the end of the world.
I thought of the no chill brewing when it happened. Unfortunately it sat without a lid for over an hour while I dealt. No plumber is coming tonight so I just fired it back up and will try to salvage the beer at least. Thanks for the input..
Out of curiosity, did the graims go through a garbage disposal first? Or just strait down the drain?
Go to the hardware store and buy a blow bag. It will be a lot cheaper than a plumber. That should easily move the grains out of the way.
Yes, through the disposal. Blow bag huh? Will check that out. Thanks. Would not believe how packed the pipes were with grain. No rice hull jokes please...

Kitchen is a disaster. Wife out of town thank god.
All you missed was a small hop addition at the end? Throw it in the fermenter, pitch your yeast and dry hop with those hops. It'll be pretty close to the same in the end.

I'd rather do that than leave it overnight because folks that do no chill and pitch the next day are VERY careful and they seal the wort up while it's still above pasteurization temps so it's very sanitary.
I thought of the no chill brewing when it happened. Unfortunately it sat without a lid for over an hour while I dealt. No plumber is coming tonight so I just fired it back up and will try to salvage the beer at least. Thanks for the input..

Just let it cool off enough for the yeast to be comfortable when you add it. You could dry hop for aroma if you like also. What was the style?

Really, I've done this way more than once.

Revvy, your opinion?
No also missed late extract addition and yeastex & irish moss.. It is now cooling in bathtub after firing back up for ten minutes and adding. Stressful.
Has the plumber came yet? If not, I would suggest going to the local hardware store and buying a plumbing snake and doing it yourself. It will probably be cheaper and save you calls in the future.
A plumbing snake is cheap, easy to use, and very effective. Get one, use it, put it in the garage. You never know when you, or a neighbor or friend, may need it again. It will probably make you a hero in the end. Either with SWMBO or others.
Sorry about your luck. RDWHAHB
Have a snake and trust me, I went to town with it. Not working. Pitched yeast a few minutes ago. No high hopes for this one. Was basically Ed's pale ale recipe but I mashed 4 lbs of Marris Otter and used S04 instead if 05. Was supposed to be an easy one..

PipeClog Pale?
Ok. Step one... get SWMBO to hold something over the drain, sealing it as best she can.

Step two... you go into the master bathroom with a cherry bomb and get ready to flush...
Hey Cat, you've been spending too much time at Oak Harbor drinking with the Marines with that sense of humor.
A blow bag is cheaper and easier to use than a snake. It usually works better too