Anyone ever make sake?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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Im thinking about giving it a try for the hell of it. Any good resources for ingredients? Suggestions tips etc?
I just made a batch a few months ago. If you go to your LHBS they should sell packets of Koji seeds and they should come with instructions. Also theres a ton of websites out there though they all say pretty much the same stuff. I'll give you a few of the good ones:

Also, small batches are the way to go steaming enough rice for 6 gallons is almost enough to make you never want to brew again...
Im having trouble finding the koji with out driving too far. Ive been doing some research obviously but its seems like I should be able to find this stuff easier.
This recipe is the most comprehensive recipe i've seen so far. There are simplified ones but i say do it all the way. I know its a little hard to find Koji but check if there are some local japanese markets near your area. Koji is the great basis for miso soup, so if you're a fan of that, It'll be worth finding it.

Take a look.