Ack! Help please

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Active Member
May 5, 2014
Reaction score
Kingston WA.
Hi all,
So I've just bottled but have yet to cap my first ever batch and it hit me that I had forgotten to stir in the priming sugar. I boiled my sugar and water, added it to my bottling bucket and racked the beer onto it, then after several minutes, I proceeded to bottle it up. It was only near the last few bottle that I realized I had not stirred... What are the odds that racking onto the sugar mixed it thoroughly? Should I pour the bottles back into the bucket or cap away???

Thank you for looking in!

You should be ok just racking into the bucket should have stirred it sufficiently enough. When I bottled I never used to stir and didnt have any problems.
A lot of people are totally against stirring, and they do alright! You should be fine. I'm a stirrer myself, but I'm betting your beer will carb nicely.
Thank you all very much! We're bottled, capped, relieved and not so patiently waiting... ;)
And, now that my gear is freed up, I think I'll look for another recipe.

Cheers y'all,
I've had issues with my bottles not carbing evenly. So, I usually add in my priming sugar incrementally as the bottling bucket fills. At the end, I give it a gentle stir. On the other hand, I've never had a totally flat beer or a bottle bomb when my bottles are uneven. I don't think you'll have a problem, but if they're uneven, try something different next time. There's only one way to learn.