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Jan 18, 2020
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South Bend
I started brewing in December of 2018, and I just completed my 200th brew! I took some time to tally up everything I've brewed, and I get:

11 German top-fermented ales, including 5 dunkelweizens and 4 roggenbiers
16 pale lagers
5 altbiers
11 strong bocks, including 5 doppelbocks, 2 weizenbocks, and an eisbock
13 porters
14 stouts
13 English/Scottish/Irish ales
13 Belgians, including 6 tripels and 4 dubbels
16 American ales, including 9 cream ales and 5 wheats
17 pale ale/IPAs (including 8 red or black IPAs)
5 SMaSHes
6 wines, including 2 barleywines and 2 oatwines
26 smoked beers, including 8 Grodziskies, 7 traditional German rauchbiers, and a lichtenhainer
5 sour beers, including a weisse and an oud bruin
15 fruit beers
7 braggots
2 saisons
2 gruits
2 kartoffelbiers and a quinoabier

It's been a great hobby so far! Join me by posting your how-many-and-what list below.
Small batches ftw! At least half of those 200 are 2.5-gallon batches, and most of the rest are 1-gallon batches. I've done about 5 5-gallon batches, probably 10 32-ounce batches, and a few 12-ounce batches. I figure the more I can brew, the more things I get to try, and the more experience I get.
That is a very impressive list!! One of my brewing regrets is that for a couple years I didn't write down my recipes or track them in any kind of way so I'll never be able to count how many batches I've done.
Another list! I've used these hops, these numbers of times. I haven't done this before, and I wasn't expecting it to look exactly like this. Now I know which hops I should go out and buy in quantity. (Currently the only thing I have more than a few ounces of in my freezer is Magnum.)

If I have a choice between using a hop I've used before and one I haven't ... well, one of the main reasons I brew is to have beers that aren't like things I've had before ...

And yes, I plan to use Citra for my next IPA.

Tettnang 33
Hallertau 21
Saaz 15
Spalt 10

Magnum >100
Fuggle 21
Willamette 12
Cluster 9
UK Goldings 8
Styrian Goldings 5
Chinook 4
Northern Brewer 2
Pride of Ringwood

Calypso 4
Hull Melon 4
Harlequin 3
Mandarina 3
Pacific Jade 3
Apollo 2
Ariana 2
Talus 2
Bramling Cross
El Dorado
Sorachi Ace

Strata 5
Lotus 3
HBC-472 2
Sabro 2

Bergamot 4
I started brewing in 1997 but I took a break and did not brew from 2006 until early 2015. Long story short, I used to own a homebrew store, didn’t do well, went out business and was bitter and angry for awhile.

I started out brewing 5 gallon batches:

English Pale Ale - 10
Irish Stout - 7
APA - 6
Mild Ale - 6
American Brown Ale - 5
American Lager - 5
Octoberfest - 5
Best Bitter - 4
American IPA - 4
Irish Red Ale - 4
Pilsner - 4
Mead - 3
Munich Helles - 3
Old Ale - 3
Trippel - 3
American Barleywine - 2
Blonde Ale - 2
Cream Ale - 2
Dark Lager - 2
HSV - 2
Pre-Prohibition Lager - 2
Weizen - 2
Witbier - 2
Belgian Strong Dark - 1
Cider - 1
Dunkelweizen - 1
English Barleywine - 1
ESB - 1
Honey Brown Ale - 1
Munich Dunkel - 1
Pumpkin beer - 1
Rauchbier - 1

5 gallon batches - 97

Then I started brewing 3 gallon batches:

Blonde Ale - 14
American Pale Ale - 8
American Barleywine - 6
American Brown Ale - 6
Imperial Stout - 6
Mild Ale - 6
English Pale Ale - 5
Mead - 5
Best Bitter - 4
Double IPA - 4
English Barleywine - 4
IPA - 4
Irish Stout - 4
Octoberfest - 4
Weizen - 4
Irish Red - 3
Old Ale - 3
Porter - 3
American Amber - 2
American Lager - 2
Chocolate Stout - 2
Cream Ale - 2
Doppelbock - 2
HSV - 2
Altbier - 1
Belgian Blonde - 1
Eisbock - 1
Belgian Strong Dark - 1
English IPA - 1
Gruit - 1
Maple Wine - 1
Milk Stout - 1
Munich Helles - 1
Ordinary Bitter - 1
Rauchbier - 1
Rye - 1
Scottish 70 - 1
Session IPA - 1
Trippel - 1
Weizenbock - 1
Witbier - 1

3 gallon batches: 122

As I started in 1997 I’m coming on 25 years this May since I brewed my first batch.
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The 100 beers I've brewed since I hit 200 nine months ago are:

7 German top-fermented ales, including an imperial-strength Kolsch
8 pale lagers
1 altbier
4 strong bocks, including a maibock and a roggenbock
5 porters
8 stouts
8 English/Scottish/Irish ales
2 Belgians
16 American ales, including 9 cream ales and 5 wheats
17 pale ale/IPAs/IPLs (including 3 black IPAs)
1 barleywines
8 smoked beers, including 2 Grodziskies and 2 braggots
5 sour beers, including two oud bruins and a Flanders red
8 fruit beers, with mango, passionfruit, blueberry, pineapple, and pomegranate
3 braggots
2 saisons
4 alternative-grain beers, using black rice (not good) and purple corn (excellent)
I'm at 114 batches since 2010. The first 30 were 5-gallon batches, and the last 84 were 10 gallons. Looks like I'm coming up on 1000 gallons brewed - a little over 25 ounces per day for the last 13 years.
I brewed my first batch 40 years ago, focusing almost entirely on basic Pale Ale. It's ramped up in the 21st century, along with my record-keeping: 171 brews since 2007. Around a dozen a year, usually on holiday weekends, until I retired, but things have ramped up since then. 17 brews in 2022! Almost all 5 gallon batches.
  • Just over one-third are IPAs.
  • Another 21% are strong ales, mostly what I call "Scottish Imperial" (really a DIPA fermented with Imperial Tartan).
  • 13% stouts,
  • 10% CDA/Black IPA.
  • The remaining 41% are scattered across various ales and even a bit of lager, including a few experimental brews like last summer's Cucumber Pilsner and October's Mole Porter.
Thanks, @AlexKay, for motivating this look backward. @Derp, 171 * 5 = 855 gallons = 109,440 ounces. 16 years = 5,844 days. That's only 18 oz. per day for the two of us and some guests, but there's also cocktails and (!) commercial beer in the mix.

Cheers, and (as @doug293cz says) Brew On!
I've never thought to figure how many batches I've brewed. I've been brewing since fall of 2008 and I have 385 batches logged in Beersmith. An average of about 27.5 batches a year. I started out with a couple 5 gallon extract batches, then did small 3 gallon batches, and have gone back and forth over the years between 3 and 5 gallon batches.
And now with the craft beer market being focused on NEIPA, pastry beers, and seltzers, it's NEVER been a better time to be a homebrewer.
Got more details?
It looked like this: What are you drinking now?

I used Peruvian morado corn, which I ordered from Woodland Foods. (Wouldn't recommend, eventually had weevils.) My grain mill can handle corn, but it took quite a few passes to get it through 0.032" rollers.

Recipe for 2.5 gallons was:
3.6 lbs. English pale
1.5 lbs. purple corn
0.1 lbs. Munich

2 g Magnum @ 60
7 g Lotus @ 5

Saflager 34/70

Did a cereal mash on the corn, 20 min. @ 150, 20 min. @ 170, 20 min @ boiling. Then cooled to 150, mashed in with the rest of the grain, brewed normally.

This made a very good cream ale. Maybe a touch more sweetness and fruitiness than would be typical? It's hard to say, given how much the looks of the beer determine perception of the taste.

Sugar Creek is now selling purple corn grits, and I'll go that route when I do it again. Worth the expense and the pain of a cereal mash, in my opinion, to get that color in the beer.

The 100 beers I've brewed since I hit 300 eleven months ago are:

17 IPAs, including 5 black, 3 cold, and 2 ultra-session (<3% ABV)
14 fruit beers, with base styles from Kolsch to barleywine, with blueberry, passionfruit, pomegranate, cherry, and watermelon
11 smoked beers, 6 with oak, 3 with beech and alder, and 2 with lavender
10 European lagers, including 3 Baltic porters and a maibock
9 alternative-fermentable beers, over half of them with rye, also including a kartoffelbier I could only bring myself to drink one of
6 American hybrid ale/lagers
5 adjunct light lagers
5 English ales
5 SMaSH beers, all of them lagers
4 low-ABV (<3%) beers (in addition to the 2 IPAs listed above)
3 gruits, 2 of which used Szechuan peppercorns
3 spiced beers, including a chocolate & bourbon Baltic porter
3 American stouts
3 German top-fermented ales
1 Flanders red
1 farmhouse ale

No ESBs, and nothing Irish or Scottish. No dubbels, tripels, or saisons. No Brett. Lots to think about on the way to 500...
I brew about ten to twelve 5-gal batches a year. I have about 60 recipes on paper and 30 or so in the Grainfather app, but that doesn't really cover the ones I've brewed multiple times. I'm guessing maybe 150 or so.

If I can count those mini beers in the starter flask it might push 200. ;)
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