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  1. D

    Should my mead look like this during primary fermentation?

    1. I've noticed that my primary fermentation mead has so much debris floating around in it. Is this just the yeast or is it perhaps just suspended fruit pieces or something sinister? Im wondering if this a problem? 2. My mead has also been covered under a towel and whenever I check up on it...
  2. B

    Solids appeared at surface

    Hi After racking off several of my 5L demijohns into two 25l demijohns in late October I have seen in the last week particles forming at the surface (See images below). I racked off the previous year's cider in the same way but didn't see this happen. The only workflow change has been the...
  3. N

    Using fermentation pressure to bottle

    Alright, I have a feeling I'm going to get roasted for suggesting this but better that then I waste my time and money! What I'm attempting to do: I'll be brewing a few 3 gallon (both extract and all grain) batches using equipment I already own with the BIAB method. I want to ferment in a...
  4. willbrown1020

    When to add campden and when to clarify?

    Hello all, When do I add the campden tablets to my newly racked mead of 5 gallons. I also have potassium sorbate but I think I’m supposed to add it when I bottle it. I also have clarification liquids called super-kleer kc finings. So when do I add the 3 of these items? Campden first, then...
  5. S

    Racking of a barrel ? Direct to bottling or clearing again in carboy?

    So I finally got myself a small oak-barrel for aging. just 2 gallon-barrel. My question is - how do you rack of an oak barrel? Since I cant see the lees? Do you bottle straight from the barrel or do I have to rack to a demi-john, and let it clear again? First time with a barrel, so hope someone...
  6. S

    Oak-Barrel-aging, racking off how?

    So I finally got myself a small oak-barrel for aging. just 2 gallon-barrel. My question is - how do you rack of an oak barrel? Since I cant see the lees? Do you bottle straight from the barrel or do I have to rack to a demi-john, and let it clear again? (I made some ice-cider, had it clearing...
  7. Melite

    Did i ruined my mead?

    Im new to this. After 3 weeks i didnt saw any more arilock activity on my strawberry mead (for 2-3 days) so i decided to rack my mead. I did a little taste test and it just taste flat... it doesn't have a special flavor... Its like, water with a little of honey that burns a little... Any...
  8. H

    Silicon Tubing Oxygenation During Racking

    Hey All: I have been using a 6 foot 3/8" ID silicon tube to close transfer beer from a stainless steel Brewbucket to a CO2 purged keg - for sanitation I boil it prior to using which is why I like it. I know that silicone tubing is notorious for oxygen permeability, but given the short time the...
  9. T

    Help for new brewer please!!! (Wheat beer)

    Before I start, I am very new to this. This is my 3rd ever brew, 1st being without a kit... So I've just started my latest brew - 1.8kg of Wilko limited edition Wheat Beer extract, 1kg brewing sugar, 500g light DME, 20 litres of water. Regular temp between 19-20C. OG was 1.046 and its been...
  10. S

    First time with 55 gal barrel fermenter

    My neighbor and I got access to a press this year so decided to step up our game from 5-gallon carboys to a 55-gallon plastic barrel (plus a few carboys on the side). Any tips or landmines I should watch out for? My first concern is whether to rack. Previously I've racked the cider off the...
  11. J

    Will finings affect bottle carbonation?

    Hi, I’m currently planning to brew a European lager. I will be adding finings at the end of the boil but I was also considering adding finings at the end of the fermentation prior to racking. I was hoping this would achieve a clearer end product. I am worried that the finings added at the...
  12. T

    First racking

    Hi all! I started the fermentation on December 23rd with 1.060 sg. Now I'm around 1.030 and the fermentation speed is around 114 FSU. Based on the jolicoeur's book maybe I should wait until 1.020 sg but in another section of the same book he wrote that an early first racking could be done...
  13. Sinisterdeer

    Racking time

    Okay I am having the darndest time figuring out my racking cane and how to get the siphon going.. I do not want to use my mouth if I dont have to. Any suggestions so that I dont risk contamination. Thank you!
  14. DanInSydney

    Should I rack my ale?

    I’m brewing an all grain Belgian Tripel. BIAB method. Hit my target SG, smells awesome & solid fermentation. It’s been in the fermenter for a week and plan to leave it there for one more to finish off. It’s very dense looking, completely opaque. It’s not really starting to clear and don’t...
  15. M

    Yeast Rinsing The "Better Bottle" Way

    Yeast rinsing has been covered countless times inpodcasts, YouTube videos, and a number of websites. I have been rinsing yeast with very good success for several years. I seem to follow the same practices as shown in all of the above outlets. Over the last year, I have started to switch out my...
  16. M

    Yeast Rinsing The "Better Bottle" Way

    Yeast rinsing has been covered countless times inpodcasts, YouTube videos, and a number of websites. I have been rinsing yeast with very good success for several years. I seem to follow the same practices as shown in all of the above outlets. Over the last year, I have started to switch out my...
  17. R

    So I took my sample today, and I would like some advice (first timer here)

    So I took the sample on my first mead today. Ive made some very crude recipes in the past but nothing with hydrometers or racking or any of that. This is my first proper attempt and I have been making a wild berry and treacle mead. It's stopped all air bubbles in the airlock, it's darkened...
  18. Ben E Lou

    Wild Yeast Cider Racking Questions

    I am new to homebrewing and have 3 half-gallon batches going. I have one half-gallon of cyser that I started yesterday. It already has about 3/8 inch of lees on the bottom rim (there's a bit of a slope, so I'm not sure it's that thick all the way across). I have an airlock on it and it doesn't...
  19. Julian Høstan Urrea

    Anybody tried making wine under pressure.?

    Hi. I have been toying with the idea of making wine under pressure in my fermentsaurus. Why? You ask. Well because I've had great result on making beer this way, and the extra heat speeds up the process. The pressure allows me to ferment at higher temps without the biproducts from the yeast...
  20. MaxTheSpy

    Secondary Fermentation Mead

    I've noticed that When I rack from primary into secondary (same size container as the first) I gain headroom because I leave out the sediment on the bottom, Headroom in secondary isn't good from what I hear so is there anything that I can do to take up that room? Could I fill it with a gas of...