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  1. B

    Raspberry Pi controlling Avantco IC3500 induction heater single kettle system

    Hi! I wanted to post the github I just published here so hopefully someone else is helped by this. Using a Raspberry Pi 3b+, DS18B20 temperature sensors, a 3.5" LCD screen, an Avantco IC3500 induction heater, and a 10 gallon kettle, I put together a system which has been making me very happy. I...
  2. melloworchard

    SS Brewtech 5.5 gal Kettle Induction Burner Recommendations

    Hi, I'm looking for some recommendations from you fine folks. I currently own a Mash & Boil, but I find myself only brewing 2.5 gallon batches. I'd like a nicer, smaller setup. And I also want my cleanup to be easier. I really like to get the 5.5 gallon SS Brewtech Kettle and would like to...
  3. Lesta80

    Dual Circuit Brewing (induction assist!)

    Hi All.. I have been brewing 2.5 gallon batches in my basement for the last 18months, using a 5.5gal Brewtech kettle and Duxtop 1800W induction plate - With a steady rotation of 2.6gal Torpedo kegs!! I recently refurbished an old box I had with an Auber EZBoil & controls, bought a Brau Supply...
  4. A

    Three Vessel Induction Brewing System

    I designed my very own induction brewing system that is based on a traditional 3 kettle system design. I wanted a way to brew great tasting beers, with the ease of brewing them in my basement. To do so I used 3 induction cookers and 2 pumps, powered by 3 dedicated electrical circuits run...
  5. ExMachina

    Moving to 10 gal electric--should I consider induction or just stick w/ heating element?

    The more I read, the more attracted I am to simplify and go with a single pot, eBIAB system (I was thinking RIMS before). Now that I'm looking at options I see that a 3500W 240V induction plate (something like this:
  6. Lmiller1708

    Avantco IC3500 Induction Burner Hacked by an Arduino

    I have been able to get the Avantco IC3500 Induction Burner working with an Arduino using a PID loop! Let me first give credit to the folks over at Openschemes for initiating this hack: Without them I wouldn’t...