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  1. G

    Help me make the reddest beer that was ever red

    I did not know that... Thanks for the information. I think I know what is going to be next in my brewpot.
  2. G

    Removing Sediment from brew.

    You can also sanitize a fine mesh hop bag in boiling water and wrap it around the bottom of your racking cane before siphoning....keeps 99% of 'junk' from getting sucked up the racking cane.
  3. G

    No starter on a high gravity beer

    I wouldn't worry about it. I've done numerous batches using White Labs Yeast Products with O.G.s in the 1.070 to 1.080 range without using a starter. It may take 48+ hours to see active fermentation...but I've never had an issue. I'm fanatical about sanitation but apparently too lazy to make...
  4. G

    Cleaning hop bags?

    I occasionally throw them into a bucket of bleach water when sterilizing bottles...then rinse them very well...makes them white again.
  5. G

    Cooling The Wort Look at the above thread.
  6. G

    The Twin (and Conflicting?) Aims of a Starter

    I've been trying something new with my starters...after chilling, siphon off a specified amount, add the yeast, and letting it sit for 24 hours before pitching it into my carboy containing the remaining wort (which I keep chilled in my temp controlled fermentation keezer). I am curious to see...
  7. G

    Help me make the reddest beer that was ever red

    That might be kinda interesting to blend with a Hefe as well....
  8. G

    specific priming question

    Batch prime it. It will be much simpler and ensure uniform carbonation.
  9. G

    ebay aquarium temp controller build

    I built a ferm chamber a few month back with a 5.0 cu ft G.E. freezer. I didn't use a fan for any sort of circulation and a simple 25W bulb as a heat source. So far, I haven't seen any need for anything more elaborate after a half a dozen batches...temp is controlled to within +/- 1 degree F...
  10. G

    Will my chest freezer balance out?

    It's going to do that unless you add a heat source to compensate (unless you can program the controller to shut off the freezer a few degrees before your target). You've got a large cold mass (the freezer walls) cooling the interior and when the compressor shuts off, that mass still has...
  11. G

    Bleech vs sanitizer.

    I use bleach for sanitizing almost everything, but do keep some no-rinse sanitizer handy for small jobs when brewing (soaking for 20-mins in isn't feasible). As stated above, I figure bleach is simple to use, inexpesive, and does a great job of sanitizing. That being said, there are some...
  12. G

    High OG=lower efficiency and BIAB

    I unwittingly stumbled upon the BIAB process for my 3-gallon sized batches before I read it here on this website (if only I'd come here Nevertheless, I've found (like others have mentioned in other threads) that by taking the grain bag and dunking/batch sparging it in another...
  13. G

    Imperial Chocolate Stout

    I came up with this concoction a few weeks ago after reading some questions about the BJs Brewery Tatonka Stout. I've tried it and consider is a good stout, but not quite bold enough. Overall, very good beer; smooth and not too dry, good bitterness, a touch of malt with a slight toasted/burnt...
  14. G

    AG adding water after the boil?

    Since another member asked a few questions about this, figured I would provide some additional information. The '1-gallon bucket ice cube' process works great for getting the wort down to desired temps quickly. I typically brew 2.5-gallon or 3-gallon batches, so after doing a little cooling...
  15. G

    temperature: aging and brewing ale

    I primarily use hot water and bleach to clean and sanitize all of my equipment (carboys, bottles, hoses, siphons, etc.). I do mix up about a quart of no-rinse sanitizer on brew day to sanitize a few things during brew time...but 98% of everything else was cleaned and sanitized using good old...
  16. G

    AG adding water after the boil?

    Easiest way I've found to chill wort (assuming you need to add some water to bring it up to your desired volume)...sanitize a gallon bucket, fill it with sterilized water, cover, freeze...then when chilling your wort, remove the frozen mass from the gallon bucket and add to your wort...stir...
  17. G

    Berliner Weisse

    I have a Berliner Weisse fermenting as I write this...but I went about the process of souring a little bit differently. After mashing, I took half the wort (1-1/2 gallons) and placed it in a sanitized bucket, cooled to 120 degrees F, added a 1/2 pound of crushed 2-row pale malt, placed the...
  18. G

    Use champagne yeast to carb big beers

    Ok...I'll buy that... Here's my next question... Why use champagne yeast at all if the ale yeast is going to ferment the simple sugars anyway?
  19. G

    Use champagne yeast to carb big beers

    I guess I should have been more specific and stated 'fermentable' sugars. I'm still not sure how taking an ale yeast that only attenuates 80% of fermentable sugars and then adding champange yeast that will attenuate 100% of fermentable sugars at bottling time, plus priming sugar doesn't present...