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    • I
      ITV replied to the thread recommend me a new smoker please ..
      I also have the 18" WSM and I prefer the results (smoked ribs) over my ceramic grill (Vision Grill). My thought is that the water pan...
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      ITV replied to the thread Anyone use RIMS with a Cooler MLT?.
      I use a bazooka screen in the bottom of my MLT, I also have a rectangular cooler (with a bazooka screen) that I used for high gravity...
    • I
      ITV replied to the thread Anyone use RIMS with a Cooler MLT?.
      Going back to your original post about using a RIMS with a cooler MLT, below are some photos of my original MLT (10 gallon Home Depot)...
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    • I
      ITV reacted to Willy's post in the thread Upgrade fermenter help please with Like Like.
      Well.... I pulled the trigger yesterday and brought the beautiful Spike CF-10 home. So many add-ons - I think I hit the jackpot and...
    • I
      ITV replied to the thread Anyone use RIMS with a Cooler MLT?.
      Correct, that is how I do it. For piece of mind I start my pump with the heating element off until the temperature in the mash tun...
    • I
      ITV replied to the thread Anyone use RIMS with a Cooler MLT?.
      I have that setup and I can maintain my mash temps within 1 deg. F. I started out using a cooler mash tun but recently upgraded to a SS...
    • I
      ITV replied to the thread Upgrade fermenter help please.
      I forgot to mention one important detail, I have been married for over 35 years so asking for forgivness afterwards is much safer than...
    • I
      ITV replied to the thread Upgrade fermenter help please.
      When I bought my CF-10, I opted to ask for forgivness later as opposed to ask my wife for permission beforehand. I'm still glad I...
    • I
      ITV replied to the thread Upgrade fermenter help please.
      That is the older CF10 which is designed for 10 gallon batches, hence capable of holding 13 gallons. I have that model and spent around...
    • I
      ITV replied to the thread RO Water TDS.
      I feel that Gordon is great at recreating a receipe based on a classic beer that he has had. I brewed his replication of U Flek Czeck...
    • I
      ITV replied to the thread Going from Natural Gas to Propane.
      Besides changing the orfice (as you have done) I find that I need to readjust the air damper on my burner between the two gases. For my...
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