You know you're addicted to brewing when....

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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2014
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I was laughing at myself because I am a new homebrewer, (Yes one of the Christmas newbz), and have been finding myself thinking about brewing 24/7 for the last two months. I have read the Joy of Homebrewing and have brewed my first batch. I am constantly on this website reading forums, researching ways to upgrade my homebrew equipment, or looking for my next recipe to brew (upgraded to AG already). I was laughing at myself because lately, it seems that the first thing I do is go to this website whenever I sit down on my couch, arrive to work, or go anywhere that I have time and access to it. It's like a teenage addiction to Facebook.

So anyways, I thought it might be fun to see some of your ideas to a fun thread topic of... "You know your addicted to home brewing when..."

I will kick it off with you know your addicted to home brewing when you dream about taking final gravity readings.
When you find your apple cider from the blue ridge mountains is puffed up you vent it and think you will rack in a month.
when you start adding chocolate malt or caramel malt to your coffee grounds. but then that isn't good enough. oh no! in got a few hop pellets too.

when you start adding hop pellets to the strainer when making green tea.

when you almost get in fist fights with friends & coworkers over "what real beer is".

when you take a leak and it smells like an IPA.

when you can remember the last 3 dates you brewed a porter, but can't remember your own phone number.
When you are willing to put up with the shock jock crap on brewing podcasts in the hope of learning something new.
You told yourself that you should ease into home brewing and not start a second brew until the first one is done and ready to drink, but then 2 days after bottling you find yourself at the LHBS buying the ingredients for you second brew. <=me today
How about going from first brew being a partial boil extract w/grains, second brew being a full boil extract w/grains, and you're at all grain BIAB boiling outside in a propane burner? Screw crawling and walking, I want to run!
When you have more beer than you and a small army can drink and you're still thinking about what you want to brew next and how soon you can fit it into your schedule.
You know your addicted to home brewing when you wish your wife's vagina smelled like a fresh bag of hops.
when you brew 11.5 gallon batches 2 times a week for 3 months and have more beer then kegs and need to buy more


I am running into this issue but with bottles.

When you have planned out 10 beers to make for the whole year and think "this should be a good start"
Everytime you happen to be out doing an errand a couple of towns over, you stop into the nearby LHBS "just to look around".

(I usually end up buying something.)
You know your addicted to home brewing when you decide to attend a different church in a town 45 min away that has the nearest homebrew shop so that you can go to the homebrew shop afterward every Sunday.
Since I started brewing, I've claimed 1 of the bedrooms as a beer room, and am real serious about getting a shed to use for a 1 barrel system. Plus part of another room is for storing bottles, and a small closet sized shed is full of my current 10 gallon system.

I know I'm addicted.;)

You told yourself that you should ease into home brewing and not start a second brew until the first one is done and ready to drink, but then 2 days after bottling you find yourself at the LHBS buying the ingredients for you second brew. <=me today

Same but I didn't even wait til bottling the first batch lol
Oh and mine I suppose..
When conversation is difficult to find with friends because all I want to talk about is brewing
I was addicted from the first brew back in the day. Before the first batch was even finished fermenting my brewing partner and I had upgraded to a 35 gallon bk, cooler MLT and hlt, pumps, and a propane burner. After a year or so of successful 10 gallon batches upgraded the MLT and hlt to 25 gallon each and added a second propane burner. Of course I didn't sell the cooler set... That's my "small" personal indoor/stovetop 10 gallon system. Oh and the large system is destined to become HERMS.

It's been an interesting few years. The addiction hasn't subsided at all. My friends all drink better beer and their farts are a little more pungent. Life is good!
When you are picking up ingredients at the LHBS for your next brew and you realize you need to buy another fermentor because you don't have any open ones at home.
When you buy spring-water for the next batch in a glass carboy to add another 5gal capacity to my collection.
When you find your apple cider from the blue ridge mountains is puffed up you vent it and think you will rack in a month.

Was the cider from Merciers Apple Orchard in Blue Ridge, GA? I bought 6 gallons from there to make some cider and left the gallons in my garage for a few days and one exploded. Always been a mystery as to whether it fermented and exploded or froze and exploded.
When you see a truck spreading salt on the road and you wonder if you could ferment in the bin holding the salt. ImageUploadedByHome Brew1390147990.843972.jpg
I was laughing at myself because I am a new homebrewer, (Yes one of the Christmas newbz), and have been finding myself thinking about brewing 24/7 for the last two months. I have read the Joy of Homebrewing and have brewed my first batch. I am constantly on this website reading forums, researching ways to upgrade my homebrew equipment, or looking for my next recipe to brew (upgraded to AG already). I was laughing at myself because lately, it seems that the first thing I do is go to this website whenever I sit down on my couch, arrive to work, or go anywhere that I have time and access to it. It's like a teenage addiction to Facebook.

So anyways, I thought it might be fun to see some of your ideas to a fun thread topic of... "You know your addicted to home brewing when..."

I will kick it off with you know your addicted to home brewing when you dream about taking final gravity readings.

Yep I am right with you. I have been brewing for a year and that's all I can think of.
When you are willing to put up with the shock jock crap on brewing podcasts in the hope of learning something new.

I agree the Shock Jock crap is annoying, I recommend Basic Brewing radio.

Back on topic, I knew I was addicted when every conversation I had with coworkers/friends ended up about beer.

Good thread, but isn't there a very similar thread called "you know you're a homebrewer when..."
When you are picking up ingredients at the LHBS for your next brew and you realize you need to buy another fermentor because you don't have any open ones at home.

I've done this! Now I have four primary buckets. Somehow I see them multiplying to 6 this spring. Shhhhh don't tell the big guy....
You realize you just spent 10 minutes staring at the carboy because the fermentation looks so cool.

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