WORST Non-homebrew you've had!

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Evan! said:
Can't believe it's taken this long for someone to mention the object of so much ire. I speak, obviously, of:
Rolling Skunk!

I do not understand how RR can even exist.
Yet, when I was in college, RR was considered the "Premium Beer of Choice".

A typical weekend consisted of buying 10 cases of "bottom self", like Old M, Natty, Golden A, etc. Then they would buy a case of the "Good stuff", which to them was RR., to get to the point where they would not notice how bad the bottom-shelf beer tasted.

To which I would say "Are you kidding me?"
I can understand the DMS-taste in "B". It seems to fit the style I suppose. But I don't understand the soiled-hop taste in "RR".

Me, I was homebrewing in my college room. ;) A few times the RA had said "What the hell is that smell", but I just blamed in on poor hygeine. lol

I had a really vile Canadian brew called "Moosehead" once...I believe it was completely skunked.
Loved Rolling Rock in my high school/college days, I look back and hang my head in shame. The worst on my list in order from cheapest to most expensive is:

Natty Light
Milwaukee's Beast
Miller Lite
Bud Light
I'd have to say that the Edmund Fitzgerald was the worst...didn't taste of beer and smelt funny....wasn't that pleasurable. Still don't quite understand why so many of yee enjoy it. :drunk:
I hate PBR. I was desperate for some beer and low on cash a roommate had left it here so I tried to choke one down. I have been known to not be too discerning when it came to tastes of brews IN THE PAST if I was trying to tie one on (I have been known to bring Schlitz Malt Liquor Blue Bull to parties cause I know no one will lift my beer). I swear to you I had to pour it out. I felt like I was blaspheming against God by doing this but I figured he knew it tasted like sh*t, too.

Nattie Light tastes exactly like Bud Light to me - Like watered down p*ss! The only redeeming thing that Nattie has going for it is that it manages to be cheaper than Bud Light.

I'd rather drink a handle of the cheapest, vilest, nastiest vodka than drink Heiniken and Rolling Rock! I swear I think the only reason that Rolling Rock is around is because morons love to throw out their theory on what the 33 means on the bottle. I swear I have heard this stupid conversation on multiple occasions! WHO THE HELL CARES!!! IT'S A CRAPPY BEER!

I would have to say the worst beers that I have really tasted would be natty ice and bud light they just didn't have any real taste to me execept barly and water that's all it tasted like.There's nothing really good going for it and the hangover the two produce is pretty bad .
The Beast light, AKA Milwaukees Best Light. Ugh, I only drank it because I couldnt drive to get better beer, and thats all they had. Never drank it again, and never drank with that group of people again either. Worst hangover, ever.
deathweed said:
Pearl... The only beer I could not get down even when smashed.... And I have put down my fair share of swill

Lone Star, the only place its tollerable is sitting in a tube on a river wetting yourself for 8 hours at a time

(I'll get flamed for this)yuengling lager... Tried it when I was on the east coast for a conference, I thought it was pretty vile. Tasted almost exactly what you would imagine a sweaty armpit would. Don't know if I got a bad batch, but it will take a lot to convince me to try it again.

Natty light/ice *Shudder*

I about p%ssed myself when I read that. I drink Lone Star from July-August when tubing or doing other outdoor stuff. It's like alcoholic water. Just right when it's 104 outside. I bought a "30 stone" cube of keystone ice for everybody helping me move from CS (I was broke). 4 other heavy drinkers and I couldn't finish loading the Uhaul because we were too drunk halfway through the box.
Junebug said:
I had a really vile Canadian brew called "Moosehead" once...I believe it was completely skunked.

I second that emotion - Moosehead is freaking horrible.
TexLaw said:
Cave Creek Chili beer is flat-out terrible, but I do not see it around here.
I had that once and loved it -- but I'm a pepperhead, so I'm biased... :rockin:

Honestly, I'm surprised to see Heineken singled out. I mean, it's not mindblowing, but it's a solid lager. The single most objectionable thing about Heineken to me is the *****ey post-frat singles crowd that loves it and calls it "Heiney" -- which still can't compare to the nails-on-the-chalkboard squeal of someone ordering an "Amstey." (PS: Why are the pet names only applied to beers from Amsterdam? Possible answer: because "Guinney" would be 100 times more annoying than "Heiney" and "Amstey" combined.)

As for commercial beers that deserve true scorn, I nominate anything that tastes more like a marketing executive than a beer (see: Blue Moon, "Miller Lite Brewers Collection," etc)...

But "worst" has to be a bottle of Tsingtao I had in Beijing. They reuse the bottles there, and this one in particular had some "floaters" in it. Wins on gross-out points alone. Then again, they were about 20 US cents per 22oz bottle, so I bit the bullet and bought another. When you find a bottle without floaties, it tastes exactly like Pilsner Urquell!
Some horrible beers that come to mind right now:

Miller Chill
Corona Extra
Grolsch (I actually buy them for the bottle... not the greatest beer, but I just cannot bring myself to dump it...oh well).
Some other mexican beer...although I don't remember the name it was a fruity beer similar to Miller Chill.

Finally, the one beer that I if I were offered water or beer, I would take water:
Coors Light
Festina Peche

Had this at the Dogfish in Gaithersburg, MD. I frequently get their sampler and this was on it. It tasted like the piss of a donkey with a urinary tract infection that ate 23 bushels of rotten peaches.
I have to second on Cranberry Lambic and also add in SA Cherry Wheat in there. There's other SAs I dislike but these two just boggle me.

Also must agree with Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat...tastes astringent, like there's 5 ground-up aspirin in every bottle. My friends like to buy me this at bars because "it sounds German"...it's a rough journey to the bottom of the glass every time.

I still drink with the "plebians" here and there and can tolerate/drink "bad" beer generally, but I could not finish a sixer of Sweaty Betty Blonde. There's a few other craft beers around here that I disliked from the likes of Left Hand, Big Sky, etc, but purged my memory of the actual names and instead try to stay away from the brand names altogether.
Klainmeister said:
I'd have to say that the Edmund Fitzgerald was the worst...didn't taste of beer and smelt funny....wasn't that pleasurable. Still don't quite understand why so many of yee enjoy it. :drunk:
I don't understand your experience with EF. You must have gotten a bad bottle. EF is a excellent example of a Robust Porter.

As for my least favorite beers:

I can't drink any BMC style beers so I won't even include them. They all taste the same to me and it isn't pleasant.

I recently tried a Lindemann's Framboise. I thought it tasted like a bad koolaid. The it was way too sweet and fruity. The fruit flavors tasted artificial to me. And I have like several other sour beers so I don't think that was the problem.

The other beer was an IPA from Put-In-Bay Brewery on one of the Lake Erie Islands off the Ohio coast. The Brewpub was tiny with a glassed in closet for a brewery. The beer had a bad off flavor, like oxidation and rotten yeast. The only reason I could finish it was due to the large hops flavor counteracting the flaws. Even better they listed 3 beers on their menu a Blonde, an IPA and a Brown. After the IPA I thought I would try the Brown just to see if maybe there was just a bad batch. I was told they only made the Brown for the fall. This is in a tourist town that sees 90% of its visitors between Memorial Day and Labor Day. A very bad Brew pub experience from a beer point of view. The up side was the wait staff was pleasant and the food was good.

+1 on Cave Creek Chili beer. Do they still make it anymore? Haven't see it in a long time. The other would be Buffalo Bill's Pumpkin Ale.

But the worst commercial domestic I ever had was my first Schlitz back in 1978. I bought a sixer on sale in college thinking I would be "grabbing some gusto" and drinking better than the usual crap beer we usually bought. What a letdown!

Fruit and corn, all at the same time. Couldn't finish the sixer, it was so awful. I later found out that this was the beginning of the end for Schlitz. They had cut costs by cutting corners in the ingredients and brewing process. What I had was the result of those actions.
Heh, we were at a place to make our own 6 packs and she blurted out LONE STARRRR!!! like Dark Helmet does in Spaceballs.

slim chillingsworth said:
lowest scores from my RB account, all tied with zero points:

472 Miller Chill
473 LandShark Lager
474 Heineken Premium Light Lager
475 White Lightning
476 Steel Reserve 211 High Gravity
477 Corona Extra
478 Pearl
479 Lone Star
480 Grolsch Premium Pilsner
481 Natural Ice
482 Milwaukees Best Ice
483 Milwaukees Best Light
Off the top of my head in no particular order:

1. SA's Cranberry Lambic (wow)
2. Sunset wheat (is that even beer?)
3. Leinie's Apple whateverthehelltheycallit (there are a lot of cheap flavored almost beers like this that are just ungodly bad)
4. Sprecher's 2005 Barley wine (drinking this beer was one of my great achievements of the year. It actually took all of my roommates to cheer me on to finish it. Maybe it was bad, but good lord was that beer offensive!)

BTW- BMC beers have there place, don't always be knocking them. I'd like to see you come down to my local townie pub and order anything but a high life... you're liable to get sniped by someone in camo you didn't even see. Sometimes you have to let loose and live the high life.

That said, there is no excuse for things like the beast... thats just wrong....
Silviakitty said:
The two worst: Olympia and Milwaukee's Beast. *shudder*

Ahh, the Beast. When I lived in Raleigh, the punk neighbors and I would have keg parties with it. It was so ridiculously cheap, and horrible to boot. :( BLEACCH.
Boerderij Kabouter said:
Off the top of my head in no particular order:

1. SA's Cranberry Lambic (wow)

+1 on the Cranberry Lambic. That stuff's disgusting.

I'm tempted to say Steg 150 (from Wilkes-Barre, PA), but it's just a local variation on PBR. At least it comes in pry-off bottles, so I can re-use them with my wing capper.

My wife got me a bizarro wheat beer a few months back that was super-carbonated and tasted like tangerine soda. I can't recall the name off the top of my head, but it was fairly awful. It takes a close second to the Lambic.
Several years ago, my wife and I took advantage of my sister's long-standing offer to watch all three kids for a weekend, so we took off for Gettysburg, PA, about an hour from where we live. While there, we made it a point to visit the "Gettysbrew Pub", just to the northeast of town. I'd heard about the place and was anxious to try their beers.

Being a beer geek, I ordered up the sampler, I think it was five beers. In small glasses. Thankfully. I can't remember their names, what styles they were.......only that they were all bad, all tasted the same, and all were infected. And warm. Not celler temp - warm. I kindly asked the waitress if there was a problem with the tap system, or the refrigeration plant, or..........nope, she said, everything was working properly. Uh-hu..................

Well, The Gettysbrew Pub is a thing of the past, and there really isn't a mystery why.
rocketcrab said:
Several years ago, my wife and I took advantage of my sister's long-standing offer to watch all three kids for a weekend, so we took for Gettysburg, PA, about an hour from where we live. While there, we made it a point to visit the "Gettysbrew Pub", just to the northeast of town. I'd heard about the place and was anxious to try their beers.

Being a beer geek, I ordered up the sampler, I think it was five beers. In small glasses. Thankfully. I can't remember their names, what styles they were.......only that they were all bad, all tasted the same, and all were infected. And warm. Not celler temp - warm. I kindly asked the waitress if there was a problem with the tap system, or the refrigeration plant, or..........nope, she said, everything was working properly. Uh-hu..................

Well, The gettysbrew Pub is a thing of the past, and there really isn't a mystery why.

Haha, I went to a sorority formal at Gettysbrew! They didn't make too good of a beer if I remember right. They do have a new brewpub in Gettysburg now, I haven't been to it yet, but I hear it's quite good.
Professor Frink said:
Haha, I went to a sorority formal at Gettysbrew! They didn't make too good of a beer if I remember right. They do have a new brewpub in Gettysburg now, I haven't been to it yet, but I hear it's quite good.

That may be the Appalachian Brewing Company. It's a franchise operation, and they opened one in Gettysburg this past summer. I was going through there in September and stopped for lunch. I had the IPA - pretty darn good.

There was another brewpub in town years ago, just off the square, but I can't remember the name. Never got there, though.
... the question is, who is brewing these (= the several examples of off-products listed here), and who do they think will like their beers..??

- Breweries too cheap to do any better, anything that makes a buck?

- Group of consumers who just like it the way it is (was)?

Historically, in pre-prohibition times, it seems that each town has some sort of brewery, making ales and the early lagers. Was the general drinking public victim of the post-prohibition contraction...?

A note to New-Englanders: there is a good book in local libraries called "Beer New England", lots of good stuff about regional brewing history...
toadyus said:
Worst Beer = Molson Canadian...and I'm Canadian...

I can't beleive I'm reading that people don't like Heineken...probably the best beer I've ever had on tap in Amsterdam...but in the bottle I'll agree it's not that great.
WAAA???In Amsterdam?

Miller Chiller is freaking just nasty..hands down nastiest beer ever.

beergears said:
Historically, in pre-prohibition times, it seems that each town has some sort of brewery, making ales and the early lagers. Was the general drinking public victim of the post-prohibition contraction...?

:off: I wouldn't doubt it at all. In that roughly what 13 years, it was most likely impossible for any previous local brewery to survive until it was repealed. They probably found other jobs, who knows...possibly making hooch which was highly profitable at that time. Forcing people to 'be good' doesn't work because either they have good or bad intentions in a given situation to begin with. You can force them to obey laws by means of punishment, but that is something different.

Apparently no one here has tried this robust tasty brew because no one has mentioned it yet:D

But seriously, this is the first beer I ever tasted that had an extremely repulsive taste.

I mean, Bud light is drinkable because when it's very cold you can't really taste anything but carbonation, but MHL is just the most disgusting smelling, and tasting thing I have ever had the misfortune to drink.

And when I tried MHL, I was already a few good beers deep.:D
Well if you know Kalamazoo, MI: Any of the beer from Kraftbrau was pretty awful. And craziest thing, they just closed down. The only reason I went there a lot is because they would bring in some sweet bands, but their beer was brutal.
Heineken (Not too bad in a can...)

Carlsberg is overrated as well

What the heck is with these breweries and their green bottles? I am, if the beer wasn't skunked I'm sure it wouldn't taste too bad. Just like expensive versions of Bud.

I had some Duchesse de Bourgogne last week. I am not a fan of the soured beers. That was a hard one to finish (I basically drank it as quickly as possible to be done with it).
Liefmann's Fruitesse Framboos: Oh god, it's much worse than the normal Frambozenbier. It really tastes like sweet raspberry juice.

Samichlaus is really hard to drink too, although it is a good beer. It took me about an hour and a half to finish one bottle. Tastes like sweet amaretto.
Tiger Beer on Pulau Kapas (Cotton Island), Malaysia.

My wife bought it for ma and had not realized that on the island they don't kick the generators on til late morning and that is only if there are enough vistors to justify the expense of the fuel. The island for all intents and purposes was closd that night in preparation of monsoons.

Thus, it was lukewarm too. Blech. But at $9.00 US for a can I damned sure wasn't going to dump it as I hadn't had a beer in a few days.

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