Who drinks beer everyday ???

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I'm good for 3-4 beers a week but not everyday. If I have a hockey game then that total per week is doubled easily.:mug:
This has been discussed a lot on here and it always makes me ask myself if I'm drinking too much and the answer is always no. I don't think a couple a night as long as your leading a health life is a bad thing at all.
I'm in the one/night camp on average, including weekends. Sometimes three on a weekend night, sometimes zero on week nights.

That said, I'm testing my new kegging system, which has required two or three a night. I don't like it, but I've got to make sure I don't have any leaks or bugs or gerbils in there or something bad could happen.
My wife and I are at 1-2 a night and I usually skip a night or two each week. Two tends to be overdoing it for me though so I usually keep it to one.

I find, though, that it's difficult to make supply match demand at that rate when limiting oneself to homebrew. :(
The way that I look at it, if your overall health is fine, and the 1-2 beers each night with dinner is not impacting that, the who cares? Me, I found that I have high blood pressure, and that I have to lose some weight to get that under control. Because of that, I am limiting how much beer I am drinking, just because it adds a lot of calories to my daily intake. Once I hit my target weight, I am going to drink my 1-2 a night again, as long as my weight does not start going back up. If it does, I will either back off on the beer, or increase my time at the gym to find a balance.
1-3 per night for me. Sometimes more, if they're tasting especially good. Sometimes they don't taste so good, and I don't even finish the first one (Gasp!).:eek:
Usually about one a night for me, more on weekends.

Some weekends I drink two growlers, whoops!
1-4 during the week. Usually something with dinner. Occasionally a missed day.

A gallon or 3 over the course of a weekend.
The number of brews quaffed each night is direcly proportional to the size of the of the mug being used.
At least one but not more than 3 a weeknight is average for me. Friday nights i might hit 5 if i have the energy left after work. SWMBO only says something about it if it makes me fall asleep watchin TV with her.
1-2 a night without major issues. Wife's extremely sensitive to alcoholism. Most of her family is alcoholic. In spite of that, she bought me the kit last year to get me started homebrewing?!?
I have a homebrew with dinner while the wife has a glass of wine. So no problems here. She did mention a few weeks back her interest in making wine. I'm all for it.
Haaaaa I did not have one last night!!! She was laughing at me everytime I opened the fridge to grab an ice tea or water. I showed her....
Every day for me. Usually have a brew before lunch and then a 6er at night. Back when I was working at EA Games in LA I usually had 3-4 beers at lunch and then 4 or 5 Spatans.

How do you stay awake? 3-4 beers at lunch would mean I'm sleeping by dinner time...
I wish I could drink 3-4 beers at lunch without getting fired. Hell, I wish I could drink 1 beer at lunch and not get fired!
I usually limit my beer drinking to Thursday or Friday and Saturday and Sunday. This way I have 4 days where I'm not drinking. The only reason I don't have 1 or 2 every day is the extra calories that I'm afraid of taking in :(
i bring 1 beer to work with me [if i didn't have a beer for after work ,i wouldn't go to work] and 1 when i get home . and 1 on Sunday sports that's it .
If I'm drinking beer, I usually have no more than 3 or 4 on a week night. Could easily be 6 or 8 pints on a Saturday. If I'm not drinking beer, I'm drinking wine, whisky, gin, tequila, rum, etc. I don't drink vodka. I rest my liver a couple of days a month, at least. Everything in moderation, ya know.
I drink a beer or two a night probably 5 nights a week.

Ironically, getting into home brewing has actually _decreased_ my alcohol intake I think. I didn't fret much about knocking back 2-6 commercial brews in one sitting, but my homebrew is precious... and if I drink too much of it, it will be gone! :tank:
Since I built my kegorator I usually have 1 or 2 pints a night. It's just so easy pulling that little handle and getting a nice pint of beer!
OK, OK, OK. I said earlier in this thread that I drink 1/night. But last night I had 3. I'm so ashamed!

I feel better about the beers I do drink on a regular basis, now that I found this site
Beer Calories, Alcohol, and Carbohydrate Content.

I can now easily estimate how many calories I am taking in, and make sure that I keep things in the range I am looking for on a daily/weekly basis.

That's an interesting sheet. I noticed Sierra Nevada has a bias towards high calories, I wonder why that is. In other words I wonder what they do differently in general that makes their beers higher in calories.
Ya see I guess ive been with her for so long that she use to see the way I drank in college.
She understands my love for beer but still thinks I like beer because it gets me drunk. I love beer with a passion like all of you. I got over drinking beer to get drunk many years ago.

Make a habit of talking to her about your nightly beer, whether it's your homebrew or a bottle from the store. Tell her what you find interesting about it, how you didn't expect to find that much hop aroma in a really malty beer, how you're a little disappointed in this year's winter ale from the local brewery when last year's was so good, how you really wish you could figure out the smooth vanilla flavor in this stout so you could duplicate it in your own brew.

Details matter, and help solidify in people's minds the difference between a homebrewer's passion for beer as a craft, and a bro-magnon fratboy's passion for beer as the magical gateway to team vomiting and date-rape.

Oh, and 1-2 per night, most nights.
I TRY to drink some every night....that **** isn't going to drink itself ya know!

And as far as her telling you what is or isn't good for you...keep in mind that her heart is in the right place...but her head may not be. Even with studies that prove that a moderate amount of alcohol can be good for you, no doctor in his right mind will admit it, because then when you end up a lush, you sue the Dr. for telling you it's ok.

My doctor said it's ok. He cited certain studies and said good job. In fact, lately he hasn't been able to find anythign wrong with me, which drives him crazy! He also knows that as soon as he really starts ragging on me about diet and exercise, I'm going to tell him to step into the hallway and take a look in this mirror right here!

I have one a night usually, sometimes two (the other night a couple) but can go days without sometimes as well. I try to avoid the sugar in pop and I guess there is always water, but I mean, come on!
no beer last night.

no beer the night before!!!


i beat all ya'll!

well, i did split a pint of bacardi with the wife both nights....

when i buy beer, it is a 12 pack. (too expensive otherwise) and we never go to bed with alcohol left. that is 6 each.
what day of the week is of no Consequence.

lately, i have been having stomach issues with naturally carbed beer.... so thatz why the switch to rum as of late....im in bed by 9:30, and up @ 5:00 every morning and off to work. i am a functional drunk damnit!
I think the number of beers is directly related to alcohol content for me. In other words my home brewed beer hits me pretty hard so I can't drink too many. Same goes for store brought beers, some I can only have a couple others I can have several. I have been drinking more lately as talk of layoffs stresses me out and I need something to relax me in the evening so I can sleep. Usually have a few most nights lately; however I don't smoke, crave sweets or drink anything else so if not for beer I would have no vice. I don't go to bars anymore, not for a very, very long time. No kids so I am not setting a bad example either. I never believed that drinking alone means you are an alcoholic as many people at bars are; besides my future wife is always at home with me (we brought a house together). Even drunk I am not rude or in any way violent, I have been told by many people I change little (except to open up more) when I drink. Guess I sound a bit defensive huh?
Well I did not have any for the past 2 nights and I am at work till 3am so maybe when I go home and she is asleep I will have 1 or 2 then hit the bed.

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