What's the best and worst beer you ever made to date?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2014
Reaction score
We all have one.
BEST: a heady topper clone that I swear was so good--and so short lived!!
WORST: a dogfish head 90 clone that just tastes thin, and way too sweet.
Non Sequitur. Your logic is in error. I am BROMAD, I am perfect brewer. That which is perfect must sterilize that which is imperfect. Sterilizing errors in all that is imperfect is logical in the pursuit of perfection....
Best : I have a Coffee Stout that is yummy and Honey Blonde Ale that everyone loves.

My worst: Lemon hef I made using Sorachi Ace hops. It tastes very shandy like.. might be good come summer time
Best: I made an American IPA but I called it a Beginner IPA because it was meant for people who don't like IPA's. It was the best of both worlds because IPA lovers enjoyed it and it helped covert people to the Hop side because it was a little maltier than normal.

Worst: My second batch was a brown ale that I over carbonated and it tasted like butt.
My Best : Either the Chocolate Chili Stout I made two winters ago or the Imperial IPA I made with seven different hop varities mostly added as late additions.

My Worst : My first attempt at a Smoke Beer. Nasty ****.
Best: Regal Pale Ale. An AHA Big Brew recipe. OUTSTANDING!

Worst: Roselare Red. I found out I don't like sours.
BEST: Nut brown ale, white IPA, & Sierra Nevada clone (Sorry, Couldn't pick just one)
WORST: I say none of them. My wife says my Bock was the worst. I say she was too impatient for it to age. Pfft, women.
Best: I've had a few that have stood out in my mind as downright incredible. I had a Wee Heavy that won me a number of medals, that when I killed the last bottle at maybe 2 or 3 years old, I'd call it a 45-50 point beer that'd hold its own against world class examples. I still have a few bottles of a Brett Tripel that's fantastic. My house Mild is also really good. My house Bitters too (Ordinary, Best, and Extra Special, all three), which is why I keep brewing them. I made a Düsseldorf Altbier that was really, really good. And I think my recent slightly tweaked rebrew of my 60/- is fantastic too. I've had a bunch of others that have been great, but those are the ones that stick out in my memory.

Worst: I've had plenty that weren't up to my very rigid standards (most beers if I think they're GOOD still aren't up to my standards), but only a couple that have been dumpworthy. My second batch was a Belgian Quad that fermented too hot and after 2 years still tasted like jet fuel. I also had a Strawberry Belgian Blond that I oxidized the piss out of and it turned into liquid cardboard. And then I had a spiced cider that just tasted like crap. Beyond that, they've all been at least drinkable.
BEST: Palmer's Pilsner with the Wyeast Czech yeast.
Worst: There are a few. They have all been extract beers. It's not the extract that's the problem. It's the fact that I can brew far too much too easily so I behave like a madman. This has helped me make some great beers but many many more losers!
Best: my double wheat IPA

Worst: rye whiskey porter that I scorched with my 5500w heating element, going to down size way to much power
Best: My clone of Fresh Squeezed IPA. Came out about as close to the real thing as I could hope for. Drinking one right now, in fact.

Worst: My very first brew, the Northern Brewer White House Honey Porter that came with my brew kit. It wasn't horrible...I drank em all eventually and a friend of mine really liked it, but it just didn't taste much like a porter and, looking back now, I realize how many mistakes I made (you all know the story).
The best: German Pils (kept on tap at all times), IPA, Munich Dunkel, Amber, Saison. After getting fermentation temperature control and better sanitation I haven't had any I needed to dump. I've had some recipes that I came up with fall a bit flat, but they've been quite enjoyable anyways.

The worst: I'm gonna have to go with my first two or three all-grain batches. I was doing full 5 gallon batches on my stovetop before I had my banjo burner. I was only able to hold a very weak boil, so I had DMS, hops not being isomerized enough, and some gusher infections sprinkled in. The ones that stand out are my first go at a munich dunkel which was a butter bomb, and an english IPA that was just plain bad.
Best: Cream Ale. Have a lot of people that keep asking me to make it again and again. Even netted a score of 41

Worst: Some apple beer concoction I tried making for my wife. Made 2.5gal of just two row and the remaining 2.5gal was apple cider... Tasted like fermented apple cider (go figure)
Best: "Charlie stout" it's a kinda clone of dark truth.

Worst: tank 7 clone that I somehow jacked up and tasted like skunk smells.
I don't leave much room in my head for the ones that sucked, been doing this too long. I've only poured one out because I couldn't stand it and I've only poured out a few because of infections.

Now, my best recipes are my
Dry Irish Stout
Black IPA

I have those recipes down and brew them all the time. Many others are really good, but still undergo scrutiny by me.
To be serious, My best, in my opinion, was my Cougar Country IPA. Citrusy, resiny, piney, herbal. Like crossing Pliny with your favorite IPA with a lil malt flavor. Expensive to brew but outstanding.
My worst would be a toss up between the bottles of hybrid lager version 2 that had leaky caps oxidize the beer. And the all DME Bavarian Hefeweizen with watermelon. It was ok to drink, but the watermelon in most of them was dark tasting from being a late boil addition (strained juices). Kind of a grainy sweetness, rather than the florally, nectar thing in a Paulaner hefe.
Best: American amber. It was the first beer I made after I achieved temperature control and turned out close to perfect. I've not since been able to achieve that level of near-perfection.

Worst: Citra IPA. I bought the hops from Morebeer during one of those 24-hour sales they have from time to time. They were over 50% off if I recall correctly. I thought they smelled real odd when I opened the vacuum pack, but I'd never used Citra before so I threw them in the pot when it was time. Apparently rancid hops are a thing. I didn't know that at the time. The finished product poured from the bottle with an aroma of freshly cut stinky cheese. It was quite foul. I checked back in on the beer over the course of a year, but the taste and aroma never seemed to fade. Into the drain it went.