What would YOU buy if you were me?

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Active Member
Aug 27, 2006
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Guam (where there are NO homebrew shops!)
Hello all,

This is my first post - I have been browsing the forum for a small time now... I would like to get opinions, input, or a "dream-list" setup you would put together if you were in my situation. what is my situation? OK, I'll try to keep it brief (but I'm partaking in some nice bitter right now, so no promises)

I was a pretty big enthusiest quite a time ago, eventually made it to an all grain setup - just a gott cooler kitchen counter deal, but produced some outstanding beers with it. Had the corny-keg/chest freezer rig, and did a LOT of reading on the subject - through different books and of course the forums (rec-craft-brewing mostly... is that even still around? My internet setup is a little weird right now and I can not do newsgroups) Anyway, being in the Navy, that came to an end when I took orders to Guam. I was told that I would be forced to live in the barracks since I was single at the time (I was mis-informed) and it looked like there were no HBS in Guam from my reserch. I could not see myself doing mail order anyway for grains and hops and such, So I sold off most all of my equipment and hung it up.

Fast forward to present time: I am now married, have done my time here in Guam "where America's day begins" and will be coming back to the states in about 6 months. I have a house here on the market, and it looks like we are going to do VERY well on it. The wifey (who btw hates beer) wants me to get back into brewing again, because "it makes me happy inside"

I have always drooled over the Sabco Brew-Magic system, and have already gotten the go-ahead to snag it if I want, as long as I let her build a "maxed out computer" Hmmm... so in exchange for something expensive and shiny that I want, you want something shiny and expensive that I also want?" ... Life is good!! (again, due to the increase in property value here, we will have a nice little stash to play with). So...though my wife will go with whatever I feel like spending, I don't think I want to buy a brew maginc AND top of the line everything else (like conical fermenter, cold room setup, etc etc - ya know?) I have been doing nothing but looking at "stuff" on B3, Nort6hern brewer, midwestsupply, etc. for a few weeks now - and I still have 6 months to go! So many choices... do I go with a cheaper all grain setip and a SS conical fermenter, shiny new conies, etc... I just don't know - I think I want to spend about 3 thoug MAX - so... what I'm asking is: what would be YOUR dream setup?

Looking forward to the input!
My dream system? Sabco Brew-Magic! Look no further, you got it right the first time.

If your wife likes wine, the kitting options have expanded tremendously in the last couple years.

I only did 6 weeks in Guam. My sub stopped there for a new towed array sonar after the engineer hosed ours with a stupid drill. Also dinged up our prop a bit, which is what actually took the 6 weeks to repair. Anyway, that was plenty of time in Guam.
Don't forget an extra bedroom for me to stay in when i visit!

who cares if you have no idea who the h#ll i am! :)

That brew magic system is a thing of beauty - it would be hard to say no to that. Funny thing is, I showed that to my wife last night and told her I was going to buy one. She just shook her head, rolled her eyes and left. Isn't that thing over 3 grand to begin with?? That's more than you want to spend right there.

The conical fermenters are pretty cool too....

I think I'd go without the cold room if you're looking to pick which thing you want to remove.
I don't know that I could cough up that much dough for a ready-made system. 3-5grand just to mash and boil...yikes! I can't imagine the shipping cost for those...

I'm assuming you have no equipment left. What "I" would do (and am formulating how I'm going to do it myself) is buy one of the midwest or nothern brewer AG kits...coolers or stainless and a big-ass boiling pot. Then buy a burner and just do it while you formulate how to get the most bang for your buck...and getting that bang before SWMBO decides the money is better spent elsewhere.

I'd start reading up on welding and such OR finding a bro/friend who would be willing to do the welding for you and start building the ultimate system/sculpture from the ground up. Most all of it DIY. I would make it ALL-stainless and fit it so that it can run off your home's natural gas.

The money saved would go toward conical fermenters that are precisely temp-controlled so you can lager right in the conical...or building of a cold-room...or both. A combo of Brewpastor's and Monster Mash's setup would be my goal...but a combo that would make them drool with envy :mug:
I think I'd spend $500 on brew gear, $500 building a kegerator, $1,000 to make a bar area in the basement, and the rest on cheap hookers.
the_bird said:
I think I'd spend $500 on brew gear, $500 building a kegerator, $1,000 to make a bar area in the basement, and the rest on cheap hookers.

Let me know when the hookers are showing up. I'll bring the kegs.
Exo said:
I can't imagine the shipping cost for those...

I'm assuming you have no equipment left. :mug:

Shipping would prolly not be a factor, wifey is from nearby, so we would just combine a little family visit time with picking it up. Even if I don't buy the brew-magic, i will still prolly stop there and pick up some cornies - they are a just a couple dollars more then average for their used ones, but they look VERY shiny :) (I like shiny things :)

And yes, I have NO equipment left whatsoever (well except for a handful of books and my brewing notes) Somewhere out there is a dude (cant remember his name) boiling wort in MY pot, and drinking beer from MY keg! Humph!

Just got a decent offer on the house - will prolly have to move on base or find a short term lease for our last 6 months - it's gonna be a gruelling time of wait - I'm pretty sure 6 months will feel like 6 years!
I would build a system like Monster mash has 1 barrel is plenty for me.
I dream of that system.
First off, Thanks for your service to the United States! I certainly appreciate it!

Ok, now back to beer. If it was me, I would go with this puppy.


20 Gallon Easy Dump Beer Sculputure

Go for the stainless deal with all the options.

Now back to the Weissbier! I've made it through Ireland. Now I have to survive Munich during a Festwoche!
EdWort said:
Now back to the Weissbier! I've made it through Ireland. Now I have to survive Munich during a Festwoche!

Did you figure out how Guinness get's the sour-note to their beers? Did anyone slip and let you know?

good luck with a fest!!! I'm jealous.
With some time and a little help from eBay, you can build a pretty good system much cheaper than you can buy it. Plus you get the satisfaction of doing it yourself.
Nate said:
With some time and a little help from eBay, you can build a pretty good system much cheaper than you can buy it. Plus you get the satisfaction of doing it yourself.

Nate, Nice set up!
Exo said:
Did you figure out how Guinness get's the sour-note to their beers? Did anyone slip and let you know?

No one in the pub knew (nor do I think they cared at that point). They did seem to enjoy a good pint though. The Guinness & Smithwicks was Grand. I had a couple of pints of Scrumpy Jack Cider. It was a tasty dry cider like my Apfelwein.

Today being Saturday, I'm going for a drive through Bavaria's Hop growing region before parking the car for the night and walking into the Altstadt for a meal and some beer. I'll take my camera with me instead of that crappy camera phone.
EdWort said:
First off, Thanks for your service to the United States! I certainly appreciate it!

It's my pleasure... expecially since I have it VERY easy in the military, in fact, it does not even feel like I am IN the military!

Nate said:
With some time and a little help from eBay, you can build a pretty good system much cheaper than you can buy it. Plus you get the satisfaction of doing it yourself.

Holy cow Nate, that ceartainly looks like a professional commercially bought rig to me! I think you are in the wrong business... you should be making turn-key systems for a living - I bet you'd steal a big share of Sabco's and B3's business!


So far I have definately decided to go all out on the kegging rig - 6 or 8 cornies (say 3 or 4 for serving and 3 or 4 for conditioning at the different various stages) 2 or maybe even three chest freezers, say one 7ish footer for serving, one 8ish footer for conditioning, and maybe one 5 footer as a dedicated fermenter. I'm kinda a 1/2-way DIY'er, I think I can do up a nice kegerator system with the tappers on the outside and all, but I'm a little shy about building an all out RIMS or HERMS rig.

I think I will end up waiting on the Brew-magic deal for the time being and just go with a standard Gott cooler deal, spend the money on the kegs and freezers, maybe a conical... speaking of which, does anyone here have one of those plastic conicals? Is it worth the 200 bones? or should I just pony up the 500 for the ferminator? I really like the idea of being able to drain off the trub on the first day, then again when most of the fermenting is done, and finally collect the last slurry after several weeks to use again for the next brew. Not to mention, I HATE syphoning!!! Anyway, if anyone has a plastic, or had one then went to to the ferminator, or even just had the carboy inverter deal (that one looks like more hassle then it's worth to me, but I have not seen it in action). Let me know - give me your ups and downs on all of it, K?

Well, as I said, 6 months to go, so I will prolly change my mind a million times before then, but at least it is a nice source of daydreams for me right now :)
Whoops, looks like there is already a plastic conical thread going... anyway, if there is anyone out there that can compare the two or even three (carboy inverter, plastic and SS conicals) out there - would like to hear all about it!

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