What stinks when burned on a light bulb?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
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At 33 years-old I have a roommate, well actually three of them. One of my roommates likes to fall asleep with his lamp on. It drives me flipping crazy. At 0130 I am sitting there staring up at my portion of the ceiling eight shades of super pissed off.

I guess I am lucky, the lower ranking troops live six to a room instead of four but I think I might end up taping this guy to his bunk and dragging it into the hallway, then throwing his damn lamp out there with him.

So that brings me to this. I am now planning to wage a passive aggressive campaign designed to make him and his little lamp miserable. I need ideas of things to put on the bulb so when it is on it produces a barely detectable odor that is very unpleasant.
you realize this will stink up YOUR room? Just put the lamp on a timer.
Also it sounds like you're a soldier, ever wonder why this guys likes to sleep with his light on? Perhaps something that happened? You could...maybe...talk to him about the issue.
That is why I want something that is not overpowering. I am willing to put up with it just so he searches for the source of the smell. We have small lamps that clip to the bunks so it will be really close to his head. It is either this or a tablespoon of sand in his bunk each day. I am not willing to resort to that yet. I want to be able to gradually step up the harassment over the next few months.
No we are the same rank. I told him the light keeps me up at night and he made a snide remark. It’s on now. I just placed an order for a turkey injector for my “Thanksgiving” prank. I am planning to snag a bottle of vinegar from the chow hall so I can inject it into the center of his mattress.
Cripes, tell him he needs to spend $5 on a timer for his light, or you're going to tell everyone that he needs to go to sleep with a nightlight.
Cripes, tell him he needs to spend $5 on a timer for his light, or you're going to tell everyone that he needs to go to sleep with a nightlight.

This is the best idea yet. :tank:

Sometimes the simplest methods are the best. Especially if shame is involved.

'Aw the big tuff soldier is afraid of the bogeyman and can't fall asleep unless the light is on." ;)
Alternatively, steal his lamp and replace it with a Hello Kitty nightlight. I could probably send you my daughters' if you need it, I think she's outgrown it. ;)
Alternatively, steal his lamp and replace it with a Hello Kitty nightlight. I could probably send you my daughters' if you need it, I think she's outgrown it. ;)

Screw the nighlight...go all out and replace his lamp with this.


I am trying to do something that he can't pin on me. That way it keeps him wondering what is going on. Watching him search his sqaure of the room for the next 9 months will make it worth it to me. I don't want to have to watch my back or end up with a fish hidden in my wall locker.
Put a drop or two of shaving cream on the bulb, bet that stinks when its warm.
:) Having lived in a all girls dorm for the duration of college. We played plenty of pranks on the boys, and on our roommates when someone snuck a boy in and we didn't want to hear "the do" all night :) SO here's what I have applied to light bulbs with the purpose of making a mess or stinking up the place.
No joke... I used everyone of these, with the threat of being kicked out of the dorm, written up, yadda yadda.... God I miss college :)

#1- Band-aids *They melt and stink*
#2- Playdough *Again... Melts and stinks*
#3- Anything made of silicone *Prolly the worst melting plastic smell ever*
#4- Mayo *Smells like a grease fire*
#5- Bathing suit bottoms. *Neoprene and polyester melts and smells*
#6- Plastic cup, like the ones from beer pong *Melt and stink and messy!*
#7- Lipstick *Melts and kind of smells*
#8- Holographic stickers *Don't melt as well... but boy they burn!*
#9- Vasaline. *Turns into damn napalm and stinks like hot used grease*
#10- Canned cat food *Torches, gets crusty, stinks!*

I was a bad girl... but that's what happens when you coop up a bunch of girls and tell them they aren't allowed to play with the boys. *grin*
Not that I condone this type of activity...but if you hide a small piece of fruit somewhere in his vicinity, it won't be long before he's hosting a large family of fruit flies.

A banana peel works particularly well.

So I'm told.
Keeping in the theme of this forum, East Kent Golding (hops). When that particular hop warms up, it smells like skunk. And it doesn't have to be to incandescent bulb temperature. If he has one of those corkscrew shaped CFL, you could shove a whole cone into the cavity made by the bulb and it should warm up enough to stink.
:) Having lived in a all girls dorm for the duration of college. We played plenty of pranks on the boys, and on our roommates when someone snuck a boy in and we didn't want to hear "the do" all night :) SO here's what I have applied to light bulbs with the purpose of making a mess or stinking up the place.
No joke... I used everyone of these, with the threat of being kicked out of the dorm, written up, yadda yadda.... God I miss college :)

#1- Band-aids *They melt and stink*
#2- Playdough *Again... Melts and stinks*
#3- Anything made of silicone *Prolly the worst melting plastic smell ever*
#4- Mayo *Smells like a grease fire*
#5- Bathing suit bottoms. *Neoprene and polyester melts and smells*
#6- Plastic cup, like the ones from beer pong *Melt and stink and messy!*
#7- Lipstick *Melts and kind of smells*
#8- Holographic stickers *Don't melt as well... but boy they burn!*
#9- Vasaline. *Turns into damn napalm and stinks like hot used grease*
#10- Canned cat food *Torches, gets crusty, stinks!*

I was a bad girl... but that's what happens when you coop up a bunch of girls and tell them they aren't allowed to play with the boys. *grin*

I actually laughed out loud on this one. I don't remember the last time I did that. On the same note, what about a condom with an "indiscernable liquid" that resembles something else inside pulled over the lightbulb. He won't want to touch it to take it off.
:) Having lived in a all girls dorm . . .
I was a bad girl... but that's what happens when you coop up a bunch of girls and tell them they aren't allowed to play with the boys. *grin*

After seeing pics, please o pretty please pretty princess tell us more stories about your college life. . .

I dated a girl who went to Smith College. She said to me one day, "I've seen and done things with other girls you can't even imagine!"

After seeing pics, please o pretty please pretty princess tell us more stories about your college life. . .

I dated a girl who went to Smith College. She said to me one day, "I've seen and done things with other girls you can't even imagine!"


lol... I'd have to agree with her... All girls colleges and dorms are some crazy places! If you know a girl who went to an all girls anything, and she says she thinks lesbians are gross... she's lying to cover something up lmao!

As for my "girls only" college escapades... those are better left for a PM or a thread in the boneyard haha! I'm a married woman! I can't give away my secrets to just anyone! :p
pkincaid, I am so looking forward to future threads of your college antics :ban:
back to topic here..
Frank, tell him to shut the goddarn light off! If its really a problem and keeping you up at night bring it up to your co. Are you the only one bothered by it? If you just want a little payback than next time he's sleeping try super-gluing his hand to his face, than pull the fire alarm. In the chaos bust that lamp over his head, he wouldn't see it coming anyway :D
Shaving cream is on for the first phase of my year long torrment. This isn't just to be mean, it is also for entertainment. This is going to be a long year so I need something to keep me entertained. I want this to be just bad enough he walks around wondering if someone is screwing with him.

I swapped out the nametape on his cover (hat) with someone else's before we left the office. Today is my half-day (once day a week we get an extra six hours off) so I slept in. He came in an an hour after our shift started and turned on the overhead lights. Oh well, laundry will just get done early.

I just finished putting a screw in the inside of his nightstand. Now it makes a horrible dragging sound whenever you open or close it. I used an old screw that I found outside in the bunker so it would look like it had been in there a while. I put a knenex down inside the frame so the shavings would fall on it instead of leaving proof behind. When I picked it up it didn't even disturb the dust.
No we are the same rank. I told him the light keeps me up at night and he made a snide remark. It’s on now. I just placed an order for a turkey injector for my “Thanksgiving” prank. I am planning to snag a bottle of vinegar from the chow hall so I can inject it into the center of his mattress.

What kind of sissy ***** soldier are you? You're letting a wannabe sissy ***** of a soldier tell you of that he needs a light on to sleep?

I have a LED light I use for reading at night. I find the red light mode makes it easy to read and doesn't bother my girl at all at night. Now... it is a projection style light. Think flashlight type focus. so yes its field is limited, however when i turn it to white it lights up the room pretty good. red however gives great local light but doesn't reflect all that well to fill the rest of the room. or really at all beyond its focused area.
Shaving cream is on for the first phase of my year long torrment. This isn't just to be mean, it is also for entertainment. This is going to be a long year so I need something to keep me entertained. I want this to be just bad enough he walks around wondering if someone is screwing with him.

I swapped out the nametape on his cover (hat) with someone else's before we left the office. Today is my half-day (once day a week we get an extra six hours off) so I slept in. He came in an an hour after our shift started and turned on the overhead lights. Oh well, laundry will just get done early.

I just finished putting a screw in the inside of his nightstand. Now it makes a horrible dragging sound whenever you open or close it. I used an old screw that I found outside in the bunker so it would look like it had been in there a while. I put a knenex down inside the frame so the shavings would fall on it instead of leaving proof behind. When I picked it up it didn't even disturb the dust.

A screw left outside would only work if what you drove it into looked equally as bad. otherwise its a giveaway... unless he's a total idiot.
btw, if your willing to spend a bit. say 20 bucks at most. Thinkgeek.com has either the Eviltron or Annoyotrons which are great torment devices. Now, granted they are an Area Effect Weapon instead of a localized. But so is a stink bomb lightbulb.
Break the light bulb. Not the outside but the filament inside. Drop the bulb on the floor or other hard surface but not hard enough to break the glass. He'll wonder why he's burning out his bulbs all the time- defective bulbs? defective light(s)? God doesn't like him? He'll never know
Also, pour a tiny bit of sand in his bunk. Not too much to be obvious but enough to be a pain in the @ss. He'll notice when he's been laying down for a few minutes. You and the guys can bust his B@lls for being a filthy SOB.
I went with sand and a putting burnt out light bulbs I pulled out of a trashcan back in his lamp. As he throws the bad bulb away I replace it with his new good one and put it back in the next day. He has gone through 5 bulbs and two lamps so far. He is putting a surge protector in tonight.

This game is really a lot more fun than I planned.
We used to spit on the burning go-cart motor when we were kids and watch it bubble, burning saliva smells awful. I'm actually getting sick right now thinking about it.

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