What craft beer do you secretly despise?

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+1 to Fat Tire , wtf is that weird taste anyway?

I first had Fat Tire prolly 14 years ago at Grand Targhee in Wyoming. I loved it and couldn't wait to go out West again for more. Now that it's available in Florida, it's just not the same. I guess it's because it's coming from their NC brewery now. I wouldn't say I despise it or any other beer for that matter. It just seems like once production reaches a certain level, flavor suffers. I can't fault a brewery for being successful and growing. It just makes me appreciate even more breweries like Green Man, French Broad, Pisgah, or the Wedge. (Can you tell I love Asheville?)

The thread title is what craft beer you secretly despise, not what style you despise. What style you like or dislike really isn't an interesting conversation. So if you're gonna throw that out there at least back it up with "iipa isn't really craft beer for these reasons..." Or something else interesting like that. Otherwise you might as well have said "hopheads are idiots", which was maybe your intention.
The thread title is what craft beer you secretly despise, not what style you despise. What style you like or dislike really isn't an interesting conversation. So if you're gonna throw that out there at least back it up with "iipa isn't really craft beer for these reasons..." Or something else interesting like that. Otherwise you might as well have said "hopheads are idiots", which was maybe your intention.

I love hops.

I love lamp.
Oh, and while I'm at it:

Cisco Pedaler Blueberry. That was god awful stuff. And at $25/bottle it was actually offensive.
Someone awhile ago mentioned Magic Hat for being *****ecanoes to a local brewery. Funny that: they did the same thing to a Seattle brewery that locally distributes, keg-only. Said brewery (Georgetown) had the temerity to marget a "9lb. Hammer" porter. Which led Magic Hat to send a cease and desist, which both obviously made sense since a porter and fruit beer are identical and wasn't worth the lawyer fight. Hated 'em before, hated them doubly ever since.

Not new, but I feel like a lot of this thread is people unhappy with beers from the other side of the country/world not meeting the "hype" or being what they hoped for/expected. And, as someone said with regards to Pliny: that's the fault of beer drinkers, not (usually) the brewery. Don't drink Green Flash West Coast from the bottle anywhere, let alone the East Coast/Europe. Similarly, don't waste your money on Saison Dupont in bottles in America (go to Belgium and drink the dry-hopped version and cry you don't get it daily).

So, in the spirit of only hating on beers from where I've lived:

Rogue. Nice marketing department, guys. Call me back when you've moved beyond the late 90s/done something interesting/dropped your prices by 30%. Just pick one.

21st Amendment. DIAF.

Someone mentioned Mac and Jack's African Amber. So many good beers in Seattle are not available elsewhere. This is most assuredly not one of them.

Pretty much anything Boulevard does. It's fine, but holy Christ people in Kansas City think Boulevard ****s magic fairy dust.

Every. Single. Brewery. In South Carolina. North Carolina has fabulous beer, but there's now a local craze down here where decent NC taps are being displaced by SC crap. We're talking local-CA-brewpub-circa-1995 quality beer (I move a lot). Westbrook does a phenomenal gose, everything else they brew sucks. Holy City has a great porter, not much else is worth drinking. Brewery 85 and anything out of Columbia are total absolute swill.

Aaaand since we're talking about SC, let's give a shout out to an overly-priced, overly-hyped, and eminently mediocre gypsy brewer: Evil Twin!

tl;dr: I secretly despise nothing!

Sadly, that isn't the only brewery they've done it to. I was referring to West 6th brewery in Lexington, KY. Magic Hat said that their logo was too similar to number #9 because it had an upside down 9 (6) with a star behind it. Since they were only around a year old at the time, they didn't have the money to fight them in court and had to bow down to their demands. View attachment ImageUploadedByHome Brew1418997999.388233.jpg
Ill throw myself to the wolves.
I can't say that ill never ever like it or that I hate it with a passion, however I have yet to find a barley wine that I can stand. Maybe i just haven't found a good one but the first (and last) one that I tried made me cringe.

Let the flaming start lol.
I would just like to say that someone encouraged me to take multiple shots of Bison Grass vodka last night. It has since ruined my life, or at least my day.

If Bison Grass vodka was a craft beer, I would despise it.
Ill throw myself to the wolves.
I can't say that ill never ever like it or that I hate it with a passion, however I have yet to find a barley wine that I can stand. Maybe i just haven't found a good one but the first (and last) one that I tried made me cringe.

Let the flaming start lol.

No flaming, but I would suggest that you try more than one example of the style before deciding you don't like any of them...barleywine in particular has a huge amount of variety within the style, so you might find that you hated one but that another is life-changing. :mug:
Had a Victory Moving Parts v. 02 last night. Couldnt finish it. If it didnt say IPA on the label I would have not know it was one. Tasted like yeast and water but smelled like skittles. All in all, not a good beer; which is funny because I really enjoy many of their other brews
Delirium Tremens, brewed by Brouwerij Huyghe. It actually made me sick. Perhaps it was a bad bottle.
It's pretty funny to see so many beers that I really enjoy listed as "secretly hated", but to each their own.

+1 to anything by Green Flash, tried a few out of the bottle and at 2 GABFs, did not like.

I have a double IPA and double stout someone gave me. I may give away if they are that bad
I have a double IPA and double stout someone gave me. I may give away if they are that bad

Yes, if you have any beers listed on this thread it's probably best to just give them away. It's not likely that you'll enjoy a beer if some other random person across the country didn't like it.:drunk:
Yes, if you have any beers listed on this thread it's probably best to just give them away. It's not likely that you'll enjoy a beer if some other random person across the country didn't like it.:drunk:

if anyone ends up with the big bottles of Westmalle Dubbel, y'all just better do yourselves a favor and send them straight to me. the same with any IIPA, Sour, Bourbon Stout, Coffee Stout, Gose, IPA, EIPA, APA, EPA, Scottish 60, Scotch Ale, BDSA, Bock of any sort, Saison, Barley Wine of any sort... aw hell. just as long as it ain't an American Light Lager or American Hefeweizen you won't like it. send it to me for proper disposal.
if anyone ends up with the big bottles of Westmalle Dubbel, y'all just better do yourselves a favor and send them straight to me. the same with any IIPA, Sour, Bourbon Stout, Coffee Stout, Gose, IPA, EIPA, APA, EPA, Scottish 60, Scotch Ale, BDSA, Bock of any sort, Saison, Barley Wine of any sort... aw hell. just as long as it ain't an American Light Lager or American Hefeweizen you won't like it. send it to me for proper disposal.

Drinking American Hefeweizen is liking eating Tofurky for Thanksgiving
DFH 120 Minute IPA...
I used to do a lot of work on the Delaware River, and being the HUGE hop head that I am, was constantly searching for this Holy Grail of IPA's. Every store I stopped at was either unwilling to sell me one because of the rarity of this beer, or just didn't have it. I finally found a liqour store that would sell me 2... at 18 bucks per 12 oz bottle. Got the beer home, chilled on to 40 degrees, the other to 44 degrees. I cracked the bottle, poured it into my special IPA glass, smelled, sipped and BAM! Disappointment. A little piece of me died that day... and 36 bucks plus tax broker...
i think dfh 120 is way too sweet. I let it age for at least a year before i drink it.

I like some dfh stuff. I like dfh 60, but for the most part they miss the mark with me. I used to buy a lot of their stuff, but i stopped.

I'm not a big fan of grape must and chai tea in my beer. :d

i feel like dfh would rather make wine.

Everything made by Sierra Nevada
Most Barrel aged beers.
Overly hopped IPA's that play off the word "Dank"
Stone Arrogant Bastard

Yeah, I'm not a fan of that beer, or beers that are similar to it (to me). I'd put SN Celebration in the category. I don't like drinking beers with crap-loads of crystal malt and crap-loads of C-hops, so sue me. Bigger beers in a similar vein like Double Bastard and SN Bigfoot really don't work for me.
I am not a fan of any of the Sierra Nevada's.
However I heard enough good things about their Celebration Ale I bought a 6.

I also did the same with Founder's Breakfest Stout (but that is a gift)

I hope not to regret either choice..
I am not a fan of any of the Sierra Nevada's.
However I heard enough good things about their Celebration Ale I bought a 6.

I also did the same with Founder's Breakfest Stout (but that is a gift)

I hope not to regret either choice..

I haven't tried this year's Celebration yet, but a lot of people on here have said it tastes "off" compared to previous years. Just something to keep in mind going in.

FBS, on the other hand, shouldn't disappoint.
That's the most hipster thing I've read so far in this entire thread.

Thanks, man!

Alright, I'll get more specific. I hate Mikkeller. They did a single hop series where they had 6 different single hopped beers in available in a 6 pack. Stores were charging like $20-25 a 6 pack... NO F*CKING WAY.

And Rogue...over rated, over priced, not that good.

I don't secretly despise anything. Like someone else said, I have no problem voicing my distaste. I've always been one to be an iconoclast, so........
I haven't tried this year's Celebration yet, but a lot of people on here have said it tastes "off" compared to previous years. Just something to keep in mind going in.

I actually enjoyed it. My sixer did not last long.

I did not try it in previous years, however, so I don't know what it's "supposed" to taste like.
I actually enjoyed it. My sixer did not last long.

I did not try it in previous years, however, so I don't know what it's "supposed" to taste like.

Ive had previous years, and they were really really good. This year's, like a lot of people have said is "off". Which IMO doesnt mean that its not good, its just not like previous versions. I actually bout a case at Costco and Im thoroughly enjoying them, so no complaints on my end
I actually enjoyed it. My sixer did not last long.

I did not try it in previous years, however, so I don't know what it's "supposed" to taste like.

Did it taste like NyQuil? That's the gripe I've been hearing.

I had another IPA this year with a very distinct cherry Lifesaver/cough syrup hop flavor that, despite sounding odd, tasted pretty good. Maybe I'd actually enjoy it more than most.
I think Celebration is fantastic this year.

While far from despising, I'm getting irked with Stone's beers lately. Weird flavoring agents that don't work and just don't seem like honest beers. What happened to "nothing but water, barley, hops and yeast"
I would say Zombie Dust, but it's no secret to anyone that knows me, that I despise that beer. The artwork is nice though.
I am also a fan of this years SN Celebration. I got a 12 pack and have been slowly enjoying them.

I have to say I dislike Firestone Pale 31, and every barley wine I've tasted.

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