War Movies - Your 3 Favorites

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Full Metal Jacket
Saving Private Ryan
Apocalypse Now

I was having a related discussion with some friends just a couple days ago: Best Vietnam movie. We determined that the most accurate film about Vietnam is probably Platoon, but it's more "movie" than "film" (more entertainment than literature). Apocalypse Now is the greatest film that takes place in Vietnam, but to call it a movie about Vietnam is like saying To Kill A Mockingbird is a book about growing up in the South. Full Metal Jacket fits the bill for me as being more literary than simply entertaining, but still being a full-bore Vietnam movie.

The Deer Hunter would be a dark horse candidate for best Vietnam film, but damn if it's not the most psychologically scarring film I've ever seen...
In no order:
Bridge on the River Kwai
Ken Burns: Civil War
The Deer Hunter
You guys who like Bridge on River Kwai should check out Hell in the Pacific. Pretty cool slow-burn film, same war.

I'll throw out another movie that is one of my favorites. It's a WWII movie, but I'm sure it's based on the famous Christmas Truce of WWI. If there ever was a good war movie for christmas eve, this would be it. If you're a war movie buff and you want one that make you feel good, check it out: A Midnight Clear (1992)
A couple more I like:

Three Kings (Desert Storm)
Hurt Locker

Let's not forget all that served and are serving in the Middle East and Afghanistan.
@passedpawn : Southern Comfort is a really cool movie. (I almost choked on my coffee, when I saw you categorizing it as a Vietnam war movie, but I looked it up, and sure enough, It was set in that time. I just never made that connection, since it is not set in Vietnam.)

If I have to pick only three movies, my list offers few surprises
Apocalypse Now
Full Metal Jacket

But, I'd also like to mention Stalingrad, a proper feelgood movie that really captures all of the wonderful glory that is war.