Wanting to show off my 1st brew! Brewer's Best - Belgian Wit

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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2010
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Finally poured my first brew's first glass after 2 weeks in the bottle. For a first brew, I am pleasantly surprised. Poured with a huge head, but quickly dissipated before the iPhone was ready for action - 1/4" head stuck around until the sweet finish.

Did not taste Blue Moon'ie like I expected, more like Troegs Dreamweaver - and honestly, it was the best wheat beer I've ever tasted. :tank:

I love this hobby. I have some Caribou Slobber clarifying now and am going to attempt some - wait for it - Deception Stout on Sunday.

Looks delicious!

I can't wait to brew another Wit!

If you get a chance, check out Austin Homebrew's Agave Wit. Best I've tasted, yet!
Wow... that looks great..Hope my first batch turns out as good.. Bottling tomorrow :)
Thanks fellas. Labels made in photoshop, printed and adhered w/ milk - could also use avery labels but the milk actually sticks better! I can send you a copy of my template if you like.

Agave wit = tequila beer? I don't know but I like the sound of it!
Nice! Now send me a case and I'll be happy to verify that its as delicious as it looks.
That does look great!
I've been surfing this site for a couple weeks now. I've wanted to homebrew for years but never got around to it. I've finally talked my wife into letting me do it and hope to be buying equipment within the next month or so. I can't wait!
Wheat beer is by far my favorite beer, Blue Moon, Sunset Wheat, Dog in Heat, etc...
I have the itch so bad!

I love the way your beer looks. Cloudy beers look more appealing to me than clear beers do. It's funny though, people I've spoken to (not many) have mentioned that any homebrew they have tried is nasty. I'm guessing so many people are used to the watered down American lagers like miller lite, bud light and so on that they just don't appreciate good beer. That or the homebrews they've tried were bad batches. Like I said I cannot wait to get started!
Cloudy beers look more appealing to me than clear beers do. It's funny though, people I've spoken to (not many) have mentioned that any homebrew they have tried is nasty. I'm guessing so many people are used to the watered down American lagers like miller lite, bud light and so on that they just don't appreciate good beer. That or the homebrews they've tried were bad batches. Like I said I cannot wait to get started!

Story: A little while back I went on vacation with pretty much my whole extended family. Standard protocol is to bring a case of beer for everyone to partake in. I don't drink a lot but, when I do, it had better be good or I just don't bother. I brought Sam Adams Oktoberfest and a case of Troegs Dreamweaver.

Day 1: Just pulled in to find a few uncles already at the beach house. Handed out some frosty brews to them - consensus was "Blech - wtf is this crap. Blech! God that's awful. Bring some real beer next time. Blech!

I went off to do my thing with the fiancee and returned to the house about 6 hours later to find every last bottle empty and at the bottom of the recycling bin. So, they didn't like the booze but the 4 guys were so thirsty that they were forced to kill 2 of my favorite cases like it was Natty Lite. They weren't home, they went on a run to Brew Thru.

They return with 10 cases of Yeungling. "Here, Yunko. We bought you a couple cases of Yeungling! You're welcome!"


I ended up buying a 1/2 case of Sam Smith's Oatmeal Stout and 3 4-packs of DFH 90 Min IPA and sipped on those for the rest of the week. All attempts by family members to sample my brew were, ultimately, welcomed by me but quickly rejected after their first sip. Finally, at peace!

I am the black sheep. I drink Pine tar and urine. Stay away from my booze.

Moral of the story - Before you put too much weight on any one person's opinion, consider what their beverage of choice is and go from there. My father gagged on the 90 min IPA - the fiancee says, "Mmmm - fruity" Go figure!

LOL. My inlaws live off of Milwaukees Best and can't stand beer with any flavor. Really, is there anything worse than Milwaukees Best (Hamms maybe?) Its a wonder how beers that taste like such crap can be so difficult to make from a homebrew standpoint.
Why o why doesn't my beer taste like store bought? Perhaps it's the fresh ingredients? Non-metallic taste? The fact that it is best served in a glass - how inconvenient!

Hooked on my new hobby. Thanks a lot forum.

Dang, I sound pretentious.
What's wrong with Yeungling !? Try living where you can't get it. Granted, its not the best beer in the world, but for the price, it beats the hell out of BMC.
What's wrong with Yeungling !? Try living where you can't get it. Granted, its not the best beer in the world, but for the price, it beats the hell out of BMC.

This is funny, I used to like yeungling, and still enjoy it every once in a while. I used to not be able to get it myself. I live in west virginia, and it only recently (last year or two) it came to our state. When i couldnt get it all the time, it was a real treat to crack one open and enjoy, then when i could get it all the time, it kind of lost its luster
*Sorry guys, I wasn't trying to hate on Yeungling. Truth is, I always hated beer, Yeungling included, until I tried a DFH Punkin Ale. That sparked my interest. I really only drink as a treat now. So I'll just abstain if it's not something I'll really enjoy.

Re: Milk as glue

Mind you, my experience is limited (total n00b) as this is my first brew. The milk is working fantastic so far! Sticks like a champ once dried - falls right off after a warm bath. I think that you'll find many of the people here have used milk at one time or another.
Thanks fellas. Labels made in photoshop, printed and adhered w/ milk - could also use avery labels but the milk actually sticks better! I can send you a copy of my template if you like.

Agave wit = tequila beer? I don't know but I like the sound of it!

Hey Yunk! Nice looking beer, and awesome looking labels...they crack me up.

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