[Version 2 Release] RaspberryPints - Digital Taplist Solution

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Nevermind I play around with it and now it is fixed. I just deleted the Raspberry PI that was in the WWW folder and extracted a fresh one and it is working fine now.
So I just tried rebuilding my pints from a fresh noobs install, downloaded the latest version from the pi site. Nothing works, right off the bat the Wi-Fi config gui no longer exists as it does in the install directions, and all of the update, upgrade, install lamp commands give nothing but errors. Can someone direct me to the latest version that works for pints?
There is a network icon for the wifi in the upper right corner. Click on it, select your network and enter your pass phase. You will then get network connection and the rest should work
There is a network icon for the wifi in the upper right corner. Click on it, select your network and enter your pass phase. You will then get network connection and the rest should work

I got the Wi-Fi working, but still had errors on all commands?
I got the Wi-Fi working, but still had errors on all commands?

A screen grab of the console with a representative error or two might be helpful.

At least three things to be aware of with the latest release ("Jessie") of Debian/Raspbian:

- Chromium support is lacking (so far)

- in-bound html requests without an explicit path are now directed to /var/www/html instead of /var/www (which affects R'Pints - and BrewPi)

- the LXDE user startup file may have been moved to /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi instead of /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi. I haven't confirmed this one so just be aware of the possibility.

I suspect that second issue will require some tweaking to the R'Pints package to straighten out...

A screen grab of the console with a representative error or two might be helpful.

At least three things to be aware of with the latest release ("Jessie") of Debian/Raspbian:

- Chromium support is lacking (so far)

- in-bound html requests without an explicit path are now directed to /var/www/html instead of /var/www (which affects R'Pints - and BrewPi)

- the LXDE user startup file may have been moved to /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi instead of /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi. I haven't confirmed this one so just be aware of the possibility.

I suspect that second issue will require some tweaking to the R'Pints package to straighten out...


So from what I can figure out here both my wired and wifi connections are saying they are connected, and showing dhcp assigned ip addresses, but not getting net access. That said, with the issues pointed out above, for now f*ck Jessie, what version of noobs is the latest functional for pints? That the community knows of anyways. Thanks for the help btw. I'm pretty good with this type of stuff on Windows but Linux is like Chinese to me, no offense to any Chinese here. I have gotten this to work before by simply following the directions to a T, just want to repeat that again.
I'd also add that you should shy away from noobs installs altogether. I've had sketchy results using noobs for some reason, there's always something missing from the install I have to track down and install myself.
Okay so one last issue now, followed all the instructions, every thing seems to work except that after a pour the screen refreshes but the volumes don't change/update, any ideas?
Check that the flowmon service is actually running (use the Status command below)...

Start the service:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/flowmon start
Check the service:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/flowmon status
Stop the service:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/flowmon stop


[edit] Just realized that the screen refresh happens but the volume doesn't change.
For that to happen I'm pretty sure flowmon must be running.

So, triple check you assigned the keg to the right tap and the corresponding Arduino pin.
If you get the pin wrong the update isn't going to work...

Check that the flowmon service is actually running (use the Status command below)...

Start the service:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/flowmon start
Check the service:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/flowmon status
Stop the service:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/flowmon stop


[edit] Just realized that the screen refresh happens but the volume doesn't change.
For that to happen I'm pretty sure flowmon must be running.

So, triple check you assigned the keg to the right tap and the corresponding Arduino pin.
If you get the pin wrong the update isn't going to work...


Ran the second line of code to check status, checked out okay. Changed the pin number to the only other one setup for use no go, no refresh even.
Do you guys know if there is a way to go in and manually edit the beer styles to reflect the BJCP 2015 update?
8&9, same ones I used last build, so I know they do work.

Ok, let's first confirm what the Arduino is seeing:

- Stop the flowmon service
$ sudo /etc/init.d/flowmon stop

- Manually run the listener script:
$ sudo python /var/www/python/flow_monitor.py

- Pour a few ounces

A three line (iirc) blurb of text should appear in the terminal window.
One of those is the pin number (it'll be obvious which).

- Try the other faucet and see if you get anything at all.

Let us know what you see...

Do you guys know if there is a way to go in and manually edit the beer styles to reflect the BJCP 2015 update?

Sure! You can use phpmyadmin, open the raspberrypints database, open the beerStyles table, edit any desired records, then save the table.

It'll look like this:


I've searched the thread for a while and give up. Everything is up and running as it should, however, the two flow meters I purchased are showing excessive pours, (12oz would =approx. 250oz). They are similar to the Adafruit but a knockoff I from ebay. Does the pour need to be edited through the terminal or am I able to do it via GUI somehow? Either way, How would I edit it?

Ok so I figured it out. I didn't realize in the version 2 update you were able to do this via the admin portal. However, FTIW, Pin 11 was giving me astronomical counts. Switched to 9 and 8 and no problems.
I have installed the PIR_RUN.PY script from post 1236, and it works great. But, it takes about 10 seconds for the display to turn back on. Is there any way to speed this up?
That's interesting - it's nearly immediate for both of my systems, both the one on the keezer and its clone in my office. They both have a panel LED that lights up when the PIR monitor triggers, and that LED lights instantaneously, with the display right behind.

Is it possible your monitor actually goes into a stand-by mode that it has to wake up from? Is there an indicator on the monitor that you can see if it comes on before the display actually lights up?

fwiw, this is the pir_run.py code I'm using with support for that LED on GPIO 8. It also plays some background noise just for grins. You could hook up the LED to help determine where the delay is coming from, if it isn't self-evident...

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

cmd = 'xscreensaver-command -deactivate'
playsound = 'mpg321 /home/pi/bubbles.mp3'



	GPIO.add_event_detect(PIR_PIN, GPIO.RISING, callback=MOTION)
	while 1:

except KeyboardInterrupt:


It looks like the code that I was using was using the TV service which completely shuts off the monitor, while the code you posted was blanking the screen with a screensaver. Here is what I was using:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import pwd,os
import time
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

pir_pin = 7
GPIO.setup(pir_pin, GPIO.IN)
global start_time
sleep_threshold = 60
monitor_status = 1
cmd_sleep = 'chvt 6 && tvservice -o'
cmd_awake = 'tvservice -p && chvt 7'

while 1:
    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    print elapsed_time
    print monitor_status

    # turn off monitor after the sleep threshold
    # monitor_status value avoids turning of HDMI signal if it is already off
    if elapsed_time > sleep_threshold and monitor_status == 1:
        print "Turning Off HDMI"
        monitor_status = 0

    # turn monitor back on upon detection
    if GPIO.input(pir_pin) and monitor_status == 0:
        print "Turning on HDMI"
        monitor_status = 1

    if GPIO.input(pir_pin):
        print "Resetting elapsed time to keep monitor on while movement detected"

Do you see anything I could do to speed up the process, or possibly a hybrid of the two that would blank the display for a few hours, and turn it off after a few more?
I don't have a solution like that off the top of my head, but I imagine it could be done using timers in the code to transition from simple screen blanking to the tvservice commands. I don't actually have a configuration that fully supports tvservice so I can't test a solution...

It looks like the code that I was using was using the TV service which completely shuts off the monitor, while the code you posted was blanking the screen with a screensaver. Here is what I was using:

Do you see anything I could do to speed up the process, or possibly a hybrid of the two that would blank the display for a few hours, and turn it off after a few more?

Hey Goat,

I would guess that how quickly a monitor recovers from power saving mode could very well be variable. Can you SSH into your RPi from a different system? If so, I suggest the following.
1. SSH into system
2. run command 'chvt 6 && tvservice -o' (without the quotes)
3. wait for monitor to be in power saving mode and then run 'tvservice -p && chvt 7' (again no quotes).
4. Note the time it takes your monitor to wake up.
If it is taking a long time there is not much you will be able to due, it is hardware dependent.

The second option is to mess with the sleep times in the script. The
time.sleep(10) right under the while 1: line simply causes the script to wait 10 seconds every time it loops. I put this in because without a delay the RPi was going nuts reading the pin for motion too often. So if you happen to arrive at the start of that 10 seconds it will not even start to wake up until that 10 seconds is complete. If you show up at the 9th second it will wake up in the next second.

So it really depends on if you find your delay is hardware or the script. Note that I would not take that delay below 4 or 5 seconds to avoid over polling the RPi pins. For my setup, I find the 10 second delay works well. When I enter my basement and walk around the corner the sensor sees me and even if it takes 5 or 6 seconds, by the time I a at my keezer the monitor is usually on, or will be in the next 2 to 3 seconds.

I hope this helps.

Hey Goat,

I would guess that how quickly a monitor recovers from power saving mode could very well be variable. Can you SSH into your RPi from a different system? If so, I suggest the following.
1. SSH into system
2. run command 'chvt 6 && tvservice -o' (without the quotes)
3. wait for monitor to be in power saving mode and then run 'tvservice -p && chvt 7' (again no quotes).
4. Note the time it takes your monitor to wake up.
If it is taking a long time there is not much you will be able to due, it is hardware dependent.

The second option is to mess with the sleep times in the script. The
time.sleep(10) right under the while 1: line simply causes the script to wait 10 seconds every time it loops. I put this in because without a delay the RPi was going nuts reading the pin for motion too often. So if you happen to arrive at the start of that 10 seconds it will not even start to wake up until that 10 seconds is complete. If you show up at the 9th second it will wake up in the next second.

So it really depends on if you find your delay is hardware or the script. Note that I would not take that delay below 4 or 5 seconds to avoid over polling the RPi pins. For my setup, I find the 10 second delay works well. When I enter my basement and walk around the corner the sensor sees me and even if it takes 5 or 6 seconds, by the time I a at my keezer the monitor is usually on, or will be in the next 2 to 3 seconds.

I hope this helps.


I occasionally noticed the 10 second delay so I changed the polling rate to something like 1 to 2 seconds. I haven't noticed any lag with the Rpi in terms of performance. Even at 1 second the Rpi still has hundreds of millions of clock cycles between each time it polls the pin's state.
The new raspberry pi zero is out and it's $5. It has a spot for the gipo header but it isn't attached (you have to add it) it also does not have the on board nic, but you can add a nic as well via usb.
Pretty cool - but this shrinkage trend is tough on sixty-something year old eyes.
I'm going to need more powerful readers to see what's on that little thing ;)

Ironically, while this would be an awesome platform for various IoT projects, with the venerable ARM chip (same as on the Model 1) it's not supported by W10 IoT, so for now it's *nix or nothing.

Good luck finding one for that $5 any time soon, though...

This thing seems to be kicking my butt trying to get it installed.
I started by downloading noobs and could get as far as installing the chromium browser but no luck with that.

Searched much further in this thread and about page 145 found not to use noobs. Have spent since 5:30 this morning getting rasbian installed on the sd card and repeated tries to install am getting all kinds of errors. I'll see if I can post some pics I took with my phone in a few minutes with the errors.

With the original install with noobs I could get to the point where I could see the apache2 page from my desktop but that was where it all ended.
I tried most of last weekend and all of today so far and am about ready to sell the whole thing. :)

Dont give up. Raspberry Pints is really cool when you have it up and running. If I can get some free time this weekend I will format a different card and attempt a reinstall and see if I can help make sense of it all. Sometimes these installation processes change depending on the version of the OS.
I saw that right away when I downloaded noobs the first time. Nothing at all like the instructions on the rapints page but managed to get around most of it.

Getting rasbian on an sd card proved to be a long and peril fraught with several writing tries that just ended up with a still blank formated card for about 5 tries. But finally figured that out.

If it didn't take so long I'd try it again and try not updating the OS. But I'm pretty sure that wouldn't work either. So I'm going to wait on some advice before I take a hammer to it.
Do you happen to know which versions of wheezy work with pints. I got the latest image and it didn't seem to work.
A few pages back it was suggested not to use. Noobs at all so I tried the latest wheezy image today.

UK is playing right now. I'm out.
There are a bunch of problems with the way Jesse handles apache that won't work out the box with rpints. if you use noobs you'll most likely get Jesse. find the previous version of rasbian wheezy and install that instead.

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