Tiger is SOOO busted by his wife...

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Maybe. On the other hand would the cops really care that much if you or I ran into a fire hydrant with no evidence of DUI? Doubt they'd bother sending cops to your house to chat. You'd just get a citation, like Tiger. I'd say that they spent far MORE time "investigating" the accident than they would have if it was Joe Schmoe.
Typically police don't like it when they are told 'no'. And in the case of you and me, they wouldn't have spent as much time because they wouldn't have just walked away from the scene without talking to the driver in the first place.
Maybe. On the other hand would the cops really care that much if you or I ran into a fire hydrant with no evidence of DUI? Doubt they'd bother sending cops to your house to chat. You'd just get a citation, like Tiger. I'd say that they spent far MORE time "investigating" the accident than they would have if it was Joe Schmoe.

You do realize that Florida is like NY in regards to domestic violence they have to investigate when there is any doubt about the incident. They were at the scene and saw his injuries . The injuries have been reported to not look consistent to the accident. And even if the victim refuses to press charges the police can, just had a high profile case like it here in NY.

Typically police don't like it when they are told 'no'. And in the case of you and me, they wouldn't have spent as much time because they wouldn't have just walked away from the scene without talking to the driver in the first place.

They didn't have a chance to talk to him at the scene as reported by the NY Daily News
'Police arrived to find Woods, drifting in and out of consciousness, lying in the street with his wife watching over him, Saylor said. He was taken to a nearby hospital about 10 minutes later."

you don't question someone who may have a head injury at the scene its done at the hospital if they are admitted or at their home . I don't know about Florida but in NY the driver has to fill out an MV-104 accident report if there was an injury or property damage in excess of 1000k in their own words and sign it or they face the risk getting their license suspended. So if you refuse to talk to the investigator you still have to make a statement about the accident.
Sounds like she was listening to too many Carrie Underwood songs, and thought assault and criminal mischief is legal if she had a good reason. I hate that song.
Well, that's what happens when you cheat on Swedish women. If you go dip your weener in the wrong sauce they're trained from birth to transform to mean m****rf***ing killing machines. Had he just done his homework...:)

Technically, can you own a fire hydrant? On your property or not, the FD always has access. Possibly destruction of public property? One photo I saw made it look like Tiger was across the street when he hit the tree/hydrant. The other made it look like he was on his property. Either way, if she kicked his a$$, she's wrong and needs to pay the price. If he would have kicked her a$$, it would be on. Probably all of us know or know of some woman who stayed with a man that was abusing her because she wouldn't or was afraid to do something about it. Rich people are just as cray as the rest of us.
I missed the "run" on Tiger's part. He hit a fire hydrant and a tree, and on or near his property, and did not flee anywhere.

I wasn't speaking specifically about his accident but I guarantee you that if you hit a fire hydrant the authorities will want to speak with you.
I wasn't speaking specifically about his accident but I guarantee you that if you hit a fire hydrant the authorities will want to speak with you.

I doubt it. They'd take my license and registration, and issue a citation. You really think they'd come back and interview me?

The point is that many seem to think that Woods received some preferential treatment with regards to the accident. I content that far MORE attention was paid to it by the cops because of who he was, not less. If it was Joe Schmoe and it was determined to be non-alcohol related then they'd have wrapped that up in 30 minutes.
I doubt it. They'd take my license and registration, and issue a citation. You really think they'd come back and interview me?

If you were hurt and were carted off to the hospital before they could talk to you... yes, they would want to come see you after you got out.
I doubt it. They'd take my license and registration, and issue a citation. You really think they'd come back and interview me?

If you hit and damaged a fire hydrant or other public property, left the scene, and either self-reported or not, I would bet a patrol car would show up.
My GOD... it is not over!

This is just getting too freaky. This guy should (a) never have gotten married, and (b) ought to end this one now.

I think we see him "take some time away from golf to concentrate on personal issues" pretty soon. Maybe an obligatory stint to rehab (whether he really needs it or not) for the pain pill thing.
I hope it was worth it, He is going to get taken to the cleaners. Why get married if you have that bankroll and can get Strange any time you want. I do not understand.
I'm more concerned about the celebrities that aren't gittin' any. Clearly this guy has no problem gettin' the ladies so good for him. :D

No, I heartily disagree. If he wanted to continue pursuing hotties, he shouldn't have gotten married. And he sure the hell shouldn't have had children.

Marriage is an agreement, a sacred contract. If you can't hold to that, then don't do it. Period.

Truth be told, El Hubbo knows that if he behaved in such a way, an angry woman weilding golf club would be the least of his worries. He knows that if something down south begins to twitch, he has a couple of choices: he can come and talk to me about it in a mature way so we can figure it out together, or he can remember that I have access to 180 acres and a backhoe and forget all about the southern spasm. :)
I hope it was worth it, He is going to get taken to the cleaners. Why get married if you have that bankroll and can get Strange any time you want. I do not understand.

Because, and this might come as a shock, some of us don't look at life in terms of money and how many women we can bed. Maybe he thinks the same and just lost his way... maybe he really is a ********* who had no business getting married... time will tell. What I don't understand is the mentality that being rich and famous means he would be better off dropping rolls at strip joints and banging nameless bimbos the rest of his life... getting married has nothing to do with "Getting sex whenever you need it". If one has the hormones and discretion of a 15 year-old, then yes, getting married is likely not something readily understood.
I keep hearing (in the media, didn't read the entire thread) that Tiger has ruined his 'impeccable/squeaky clean' image. Who in their right mind thought Tiger was squeaky clean? The guy curses like a sailor, throws golf clubs, stands idly by as his caddie practically attacks fans, yells at fans for making a peep during a shot, blows off fans seeking autographs, hangs out with the likes of Charles Barkley, engages in high-stakes gambling (on the golf course at least) and prob other things I haven't thought of. I'm not saying any of this stuff compares to what he's getting blasted for now but jeez...how naive/gullible does one have to be to think he's 'squeaky clean'? Boffing hotties fits right in with the profile imo.

However, I did think he was MUCH smarter than this. He was just a total idiot here.

I don't think the endorsement end of this is finished just yet. That can take a little more time to build enough momentum.

And I'm about sick of the media too. Last night ESPN kept replaying the 911 call for his MIL and I kept thinking; "WTF are we listening to this? Tiger's MIL fainting because of some stomach condition is NOT sports news." The entire 911 call...really? Is this nation that pathetic?
No, I heartily disagree. If he wanted to continue pursuing hotties, he shouldn't have gotten married. And he sure the hell shouldn't have had children.

Marriage is an agreement, a sacred contract. If you can't hold to that, then don't do it. Period.

Truth be told, El Hubbo knows that if he behaved in such a way, an angry woman weilding golf club would be the least of his worries. He knows that if something down south begins to twitch, he has a couple of choices: he can come and talk to me about it in a mature way so we can figure it out together, or he can remember that I have access to 180 acres and a backhoe and forget all about the southern spasm. :)

Check the statistics. Marriage is far from being a "sacred contract". It's a legal contract, and one that is broken "religiously".
:D I didn't even know what TMZ was until this whole Tiger thing. Still never been there and don't plan to ever go.

It's not only a website but a freaking TV show. all of these hack "jouralists" sit around drinking Starbucks coffee talking about how they saw one of the Baldwin brothers order a whiskey/coke on a flight from DC to LA.
Check the statistics. Marriage is far from being a "sacred contract". It's a legal contract, and one that is broken "religiously".

Oh, I know the statistics, and I've lived through that hell myself. Don't think that I'm clueless

To let me clarify some things:

I never said "religious" and I personally despise the term. It makes me think of 4-hour long church services and ministers demanding the tithe. Shudder.

I don't think that marriage looks just a certain way...like Ma and Pa and a coupla kids and decades of stagnation. I respect that different committed relationships can have different "rules" and be highly varied. I know some gay (gasp!) folks who have a loving committed partnership that is more healthy than many "legally married" folks that I know.

Marriage is a trust and requires ongoing tending/nurturing. Energy taken from that task and given toward pursuing other outside intimate relationships is self-defeating...unless one has hashed it out, at length, with an understanding partner and some firm guidelines established. I also know some pretty happily married folks who "share" their intimate lives with others in the bedroom. And they do so, successfully, to bring another dimension into their own relationship. But they have very firm boundaries and rules about it, to protect the feelings of their partner and the other "involved parties". While, from the outside observer perspective, that may seem to some to be infidelity, too..the whole goal of this, for them, is to enhance their togetherness and experience as a couple. There is no secret, no betrayal. And therein lies the difference.

To me, the whole legal component of this is a fart in a whirlwind. Neither Tiger nor his wife will ever be destitute. Folks tend to focus on the materialistic in these things, since it seems to be a safe, concrete topic. I'm bringing it down to brass tacks: betrayal.

To betray a partner is a whole 'nother ball of wax. To betray your kids? Even worse...exponentially worse.
It's not only a website but a freaking TV show. all of these hack "jouralists" sit around drinking Starbucks coffee talking about how they saw one of the Baldwin brothers order a whiskey/coke on a flight from DC to LA.
Wow, we are that pathetic.

Meh...I should talk...I watch reruns of SportsCenter.:drunk:
Thank you!! This show is the worst waste of television airtime in the world.
"Like, OMG, I totally saw so n so wearing sweat pants and the grocery store. Really so-n-so, sweat pants in public!!". This is news!

begin rant:

I keep thinking that the economy and the state of the country can't be that bad if show's like that still have the capital to exist.....

then again, maybe I'm wrong. :mad:

I despise the **** out of celebrity gossip crap and it's taken over the world on MTV and VH1 as well......

About the only TV I watch any more is the 5:30 news and sports. The rest is all crap. Then again, even the news and sports is mostly crap.

and why again is Tiger's MIL in the hospital even a story? Unless he socked her in the stomach with his titanium driver, it's completely unrelated.

Thank you!! This show is the worst waste of television airtime in the world.
"Like, OMG, I totally saw so n so wearing sweat pants and the grocery store. Really so-n-so, sweat pants in public!!". This is news!

I had to look it up, TMZ is owned by AOL and Warner Bros.
"Tyra' and "Ellen" are two of their other properties, apparently.

I content that some of the companies which are putting this junk on the public airwaves (excluding cable/'net, I guess), are actually abusing their license to use such airwaves.

Steps could be taken towards bringing this abuse up to the FCC, which is finally waking up from many years of general slumber (telecom issues, net neutrality, we hope),
I am surprised nobody has taken action on this front (I do not have proper citizenship or law training to do so). "American Idle" seems to apply here.
Oh, I know the statistics, and I've lived through that hell myself. Don't think that I'm clueless.

Oh, we've spoken before...I know ;)

I think often people use marriage as a "committment", basically taking that next step, saying they want to spend the rest of their life with that person. That's fine, perhaps even admirable if it's sincere, but it still is not necessary. People can live their whole lives committed to each other without getting married. And therein lies the problem...many people in this day and age don't see marriage as a committment, they just do it.

Wait...which thread am I in?

I'm just glad something "human" finally happen to Tiger. Everything seems to think he's so perfect, like a god or something, like a buddha that is a mix of all races. It's weird.

I'd say it could be difficult as a man of his stature to stay with one women, but you know what else is hard? Having a woman you absolutely adore that wants you to marry them, and not seeing any roadblocks ahead that would be a problem. I'm sure he didn't think about cheating on her when he married, but regardless it was a bad decision for someone like him to begin with.
Marriage is a trust and requires ongoing tending/nurturing.
So does any tight relationship between SO's. Marriage is in no way needed for any of this.

I'm just glad something "human" finally happen to Tiger. Everything seems to think he's so perfect, like a god or something, like a buddha that is a mix of all races. It's weird.
Like I said above, if you really look at it he isn't anything close to perfect. That was an illusion imo. Boffing hotties fits his profile to a tee imo. But being so stupid about it didn't.
Because, and this might come as a shock, some of us don't look at life in terms of money and how many women we can bed. Maybe he thinks the same and just lost his way... maybe he really is a ********* who had no business getting married... time will tell. What I don't understand is the mentality that being rich and famous means he would be better off dropping rolls at strip joints and banging nameless bimbos the rest of his life... getting married has nothing to do with "Getting sex whenever you need it". If one has the hormones and discretion of a 15 year-old, then yes, getting married is likely not something readily understood.

True, and I love being married, but when I get married I was ready to give all my love and devotion to one woman. Now Tiger has what, 11 women come forward they have been with him since he has been married. Does not seem like he wanted only his wife. and that "Getting sex whenever you need it" was what he did want.

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