Things about your co-workers that annoy you

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We just recently got an official policy clarification that drinking alcohol at lunch is, in fact, acceptable. Of course, there are a few conditions: don't do it in the office, don't drive a company car when you drive to/from lunch, if you appear visibly intoxicated, you will be disciplined.

Small victories... :goat:
Small victories... :goat:

That's pretty cool, was it an issue previously? I wonder about that a lot, despite the fact that I'm not concerned about it. My boss takes me out for lunch beers now and then, we've seen other engineers out on lunch, but if someone sees him he tries to mask his beer real quick. The other guys drink liquor on lunch, not worried about a couple ipa's. He's just weird.
That's pretty cool, was it an issue previously?

Not really. We had joked about it some with my old boss (we thought it was allowed but limited to 1 drink only, he thought it was expressly forbidden), but no one really pressed the issue or abused the privilege*. It's just nice to know I can have a beer with lunch and not have to worry about one of the teetotalers narcing on me.

*There is one rumor where a couple of the older guys supposedly parked their company car in an unassuming location and walked over to a strip club for a couple hours in the middle of the day, but I don't think it was ever substantiated.
Not really. We had joked about it some with my old boss (we thought it was allowed but limited to 1 drink only, he thought it was expressly forbidden), but no one really pressed the issue or abused the privilege*. It's just nice to know I can have a beer with lunch and not have to worry about one of the teetotalers narcing on me.

*There is one rumor where a couple of the older guys supposedly parked their company car in an unassuming location and walked over to a strip club for a couple hours in the middle of the day, but I don't think it was ever substantiated.

At my first real job (using my degree, sorta) we used to have beer lunch fridays (and often would catch a decent buzz). My direct boss jokingly gave me and a coworker some crap when he saw us walking out of the sorta nudie bar one lunch that we had attended with a dozen other coworkers. That was a cool company as they provided beer and wine to us on the condition that we got all of our work done. It really did offset some of the down sides.
It's just nice to know I can have a beer with lunch and not have to worry about one of the teetotalers narcing on me..

Got ya. Think this was the real problem. I guess some lady from the line stopped at the bar to pick up some grease bomb of a lunch and snitched on one of the guys having a labatt blue. Now everyone hides their beer like the smart kid hides his answers in high school. Still, doesn't bother me. With no written rules forbidding it, I'll laugh at them if it came down to it.
Every place I worked in Europe the attitude was bit more relaxed on this.

The brewery had "mislabels" in the cafeteria for the equivalent of $.30/half-liter. Even us construction guys were allowed one.

At the construction tool company I interned for, champagne brunches in the office for birthdays were normal and having a beer at lunch was as well if you went off campus.

The same company in the US had very strict no-alcohol policies even for board members when they were on the clock. This caused a bit of friction (the first time) when the European board members would come over and the dinners that went on expense accounts were alcohol free even if the wives were there. The policy applied to any situation that could be considered "work" so even the golf outings with clients had to be alcohol free for the employee (though they often bought the client a drink on their own dime).

Contrast this with the time the Chinese "partners" came to the home office in a Germanic country and the "companions" they were supplied may or may not have ended up on expense accounts.
Every place I worked in Europe the attitude was bit more relaxed on this.

I see people drinking beer at lunch everywhere here in Helsinki. I never do it myself because I would get so tired and lazy that there wouldn't be any more work getting done on that day.
We just recently got an official policy clarification that drinking alcohol at lunch is, in fact, acceptable. Of course, there are a few conditions: don't do it in the office, don't drive a company car when you drive to/from lunch, if you appear visibly intoxicated, you will be disciplined.

Small victories... :goat:

My coworkers are constantly trying to get me to bring in beer to work. I've given 6packs in paper bags to a few of them. Every summer, people bring in homegrown tomatoes, peppers, and stuff and leave them in the break room for anyone who wants them. I really, really want to leave a keg with a picnic tap there and see what happens. Theyd instantly trace it back to me though
There are a number of tech companies where they'll bring in a keg on Friday afternoons.

And I'm aware of a large datacenter where they have beer on tap in their [free] cafeteria. Having a pint at lunch is totally acceptable there as long as employees aren't morons and don't get intoxicated.

I think my company has a "no alcohol on company property" rule, although that gets violated when people gift something to each other (like my homebrew :D ). People don't generally drink at lunch, but I don't think it's actually against the rules... And when out with customers, we entertain the customer, and that usually means booze :)
Which is why I vote Trump. He's going to bring back the cocaine industry once and for all.

Aside from the potential political ramifications of this post.

I like it.

I feel like this is my face constantly at work! All but one coworker of mine makes me seriously question work ethic and competency in general. I have documented numerous times the coworkers that are only in the office for 6-7 hours a day (we can't perform any of our work remotely), but even when they are there they are hopeless. I get asked at least 10 questions a day and I'm getting to the point where I don't know how much more I can take. People don't listen to things I told them 5 minutes earlier and the ability for them to figure something out by themselves by just thinking for 5 seconds is outside their capability.

They then say things like "Thanks brettwasbtd, you know so much!" Yes it is because i taught myself, and I pay leave me alone so someone can accomplish some sort of productivity!

I also have basically been pushed into somewhat of a managerial position which entails creating status report, organizing efforts etc AND I am still expected to produce typical worker bee output...all for the same pay :(

ok...I feel better for now getting that off my chest :)

Coworker just asked me if did X last week. Had no idea what he was talking about, so I pulled the ol "Man, you can't ask me about things I did LAST YEAR!"


Coworker just asked me if did X last week. Had no idea what he was talking about, so I pulled the ol "Man, you can't ask me about things I did LAST YEAR!"


I hope you cackled like a drunk hyena at your own joke for a solid 20 seconds after you said that.

You should take that act on the road, funny guy.

Coworker just asked me if did X last week. Had no idea what he was talking about, so I pulled the ol "Man, you can't ask me about things I did LAST YEAR!"


To be fair, one of my coworkers called me this morning to refresh her memory over a conversation we had before Christmas, and I really had to stop and remind myself what we had decided. It felt like a long time ago.

But seriously...STAHP. :p
Ohhhhhhhh, noooooooooo! Kind of not funny there beernbourbon, she is a good friend giving me some work with her company. (Sheesh, gotta watch how I word stuff, I guess). :confused:

"good friend"....giggity

I just started working for a moving company, and I gotta say, the amount of people who don't show up on a regular basis and still have a job surprises me.
"good friend"....giggity

I just started working for a moving company, and I gotta say, the amount of people who don't show up on a regular basis and still have a job surprises me.

What? You too? Gotta find some new friends I guess :p
Ohhhhhhhh, noooooooooo! Kind of not funny there beernbourbon, she is a good friend giving me some work with her company. (Sheesh, gotta watch how I word stuff, I guess). :confused:

Haha.... One must always watch wording around here! It can always be twisted to mean the 'wrong' thing. [emoji6]
But most times I am simply making with the funny. (Keeps me from listening to the voices in my head)
I just started working for a moving company, and I gotta say, the amount of people who don't show up on a regular basis and still have a job surprises me.

I work for a large hospital corporation with a three letter acronym and THIS...I have an employee who has 14 points for attendance issues when you are supposed to be let go at 7. HR does not make it easy on us.

Different subject, does anyone have any advice on quitting gracefully from a difficult situation? I manage two small kitchens of hospitals and I'm burnt out; been doing the work of two for the last three months including multiple holiday caterings almost entirely by myself. I have about 20 staff under me and the system is just messed up. I had two guys in jail last month, one of them is now on an ankle bracelet. I was supposed to be off this whole week for a much needed vacation but the resource manager we had lined up to cover had another assignment and basically there was nobody left to cover for me. So, I could take the vacation and come back to a giant **** show, or I could do the "right thing" and suck it up and hope for some extra time later this month. What did I do?...

So it's been really hard to just walk away, even thought I know that's what I have to do. I'm attached to the staff and they like me a lot as well, but it's too much and the culture of the company drives me crazy.
Different subject, does anyone have any advice on quitting gracefully from a difficult situation? I manage two small kitchens of hospitals and I'm burnt out; been doing the work of two for the last three months including multiple holiday caterings almost entirely by myself. I have about 20 staff under me and the system is just messed up. I had two guys in jail last month, one of them is now on an ankle bracelet. I was supposed to be off this whole week for a much needed vacation but the resource manager we had lined up to cover had another assignment and basically there was nobody left to cover for me. So, I could take the vacation and come back to a giant **** show, or I could do the "right thing" and suck it up and hope for some extra time later this month. What did I do?...

So it's been really hard to just walk away, even thought I know that's what I have to do. I'm attached to the staff and they like me a lot as well, but it's too much and the culture of the company drives me crazy.

Damn, that's a real dilemma. Do you have another job prospect, or at least some "cushion" money in the bank to hold you over until you find a new gig? If you have that luxury, maybe it's time to walk away from it. If the job is that stressful, maybe it's best to leave. OTOH, if leaving now would be a hardship, you'll have to suck it up a while longer while you search for a new job.

I've had jobs like that--liking the work and co-workers but frustrated by politics and other shenanigans. I feel for you. I hope you find something good.
Haha.... One must always watch wording around here! It can always be twisted to mean the 'wrong' thing. [emoji6]
But most times I am simply making with the funny. (Keeps me from listening to the voices in my head)

Yeah, now I have to listen to them... and you, sir, have some freaky voices in your head!

I didn't invite them in! When you blocked them out, they just came on over.

BTW, why do you want a dog with a giraffe's neck? That's what the one voice keeps saying, anyway...
