The Worst Place You Have Ever Woken Up At...

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I woke up in the hospital with a severe concussion, cracked orbital, 4 broken ribs, broken leg, 7 broken fingers, a broken nose, separated shoulder, and burns all over my hands and face.

I was 18 and a passenger in a friends car. 3 weeks from high school graduation. We were wasted. He lost control and hit a tree. The burns were from the airbag.

There were 2 other kids in the back seat who had minor injuries.

The driver wasn't as lucky and died after 2 days in ICU.
Sorry to hear that, fr. No One needs to live with something like that. If I'd have kept my big mouth shut, my youngest brother would be alive now. So I feel ya, man.
Not the best but at a reenactment, in the pouring rain with my head on a log like a pillow. I was fifteen and the adult who looked the other way when I got into his beer remarked that that was the drunkest he'd ever seen someone get on three beers. I weighed a buck twenty soaking wet at the time.

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In college apparently I started pounding flaming doctor pepper shots and then tried to sleep with my friend Jenn "Tattoos". I remember none of this. When she told me the next day I apologized and asked if I had been a jerk about it. "Nah... I just knew you were either really drunk or way too horny to get at it... Because you of all people know where it's been." I had to agree sadly. She did me a real favor, punching me in the gut as she apparently did.

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Not the best but at a reenactment, in the pouring rain with my head on a log like a pillow. I was fifteen and the adult who looked the other way when I got into his beer remarked that that was the drunkest he'd ever seen someone get on three beers. I weighed a buck twenty soaking wet at the time.

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are you making fun of me?
The worst place I ever woke up in was a "stress daze". Arrived at work at 6
:45 AM. The regular 6:00 AM starters weren't there. Checked my watch to make sure of the correct time. It was Saturday.
I woke up on a couch in the leasing office of an apartment complex once, spooning a pretty decent looking chick that I still, to this day, have no clue who she was. Apparently, we had met at a bar the night before and my buddy was driving us back to his place of employment (the apartment complex) to continue our partying. Somewhere along the way, he totaled his car, and another friend gave us a ride the rest of the way. I have absolutely no recollection of the accident, but I saw the car a few days later and realised how lucky we were to have walked away without a scratch. That was almost 30 years ago, and I haven't been that drunk since.
I woke up on a couch in the leasing office of an apartment complex once, spooning a pretty decent looking chick that I still, to this day, have no clue who she was. Apparently, we had met at a bar the night before and my buddy was driving us back to his place of employment (the apartment complex) to continue our partying. Somewhere along the way, he totaled his car, and another friend gave us a ride the rest of the way. I have absolutely no recollection of the accident, but I saw the car a few days later and realised how lucky we were to have walked away without a scratch. That was almost 30 years ago, and I haven't been that drunk since.

Doesn't sound like such a bad place to wake up to me. :rockin: Unusual, yes, but not painful or horribly embarrassing.
ive got to many of these damn stories to share, but one good one is....

had a long morning of punkrock kickball. a few pints of gin, decided to drive down to indianapolis to see Motorhead. got in to a huge fight with the driver, punched him in the face, splitting his eye open. said sorry and jumped out on the e-way(465 for you indiana folks), rolled to a stop with 2 broken thumbs and wrecked ankles, ran across the road some how and went in to a motel 8. i guess i tried to hide out in the boiler room, but they called the cops and took my stupid ass to jail. i woke up wearing all orange, to the TV playing that dumb movie Problem Child. i had no idea where i was, the jump suits just said Marion. for some reason i thought Marion city, instead of Marion Co. took my GF along time to figure it out since the msg i left her said marion city...

and i didnt get to see motorhead for 3 more years. :rockin:

because he canceled every show i tried to go to after that. not cause i stayed in jail. :pipe:
Not the worst or really bad, but it was confusing. We went out for my fiancee's birthday in May. I woke up underneath the coffee table. No one is sure how I ended up there because I apparently passed out my the desk about 20 feet away. When I woke up I slammed my head against the table, did not help my hangover.
New years day 2000 I woke up under a table in a bar in Brussels at 6:00am... I had only had 3 drinks but don't remember anything after midnight. I did take a swig of a bottle of champagne some girl passed to me.... my guess is I got hit with some kind of roofie that was intended for her. I hope she was ok...I had a nasty hangover.
New years day 2000 I woke up under a table in a bar in Brussels at 6:00am... I had only had 3 drinks but don't remember anything after midnight. I did take a swig of a bottle of champagne some girl passed to me.... my guess is I got hit with some kind of roofie that was intended for her. I hope she was ok...I had a nasty hangover.

Was your ass sore?
Waking up on a bathroom floor, and being thankful that the floor tiles were so cool.

A few years ago, we had a New Years party at my house. Well my buddy ended up passing out in my bathroom throwing up. What he didn't know , nor appreciate, what that I had a heated tile floor.
A few years ago, we had a New Years party at my house. Well my buddy ended up passing out in my bathroom throwing up. What he didn't know , nor appreciate, what that I had a heated tile floor.

I'm not the kind of guy to sound like an a-hole, but Bwahahahahahahhaaaaa!!!!! how's that warm vomit, son?!? hahahahhaa!!!!
not the worst place, but don't pass out at parties. courtesy of Klubb, Inc PSA.

Picture 194.jpg
Once I woke up underneath my bed... I had apparently rolled off, then under...

I used to work for a cell phone carrier and had a customer on a Sunday evening tell me about his day.

First he woke up in jail. He was given a DUI on a bicycle he had stolen. The cop said he wouldn't press charges for theft if he returned the bike and explained/apologized. Of course my customer agreed.

The police officer drove him to a house, got out and pulled the bike out of the trunk of his car. my client described it as small, pink, with a white basket and training wheels....
No pics, sorry. Fortunately this was about 18 years ago, long before everyone had a camera in their pocket... I am so happy that I grew up prior to the wide availability of digital media...

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When I was 16 I attended an overnight party, got trashed on Wild Turkey. Woke up as my buddies screamed "Watermelons sister is here!!" As soon as I woke up I could smell piss, looked around and saw I was in a bathroom. Stumbled out back kicking my shoes off and jumped in my buddies pool. As I climbed out my buddy had a bottle of listerine to get the whiskey off my breathe. Walking out the door I shot my buddy a look and he knew what it was about, he said "Ryan". My sister was 6 years older then me, I'm assuming by how long it took to get home that day that she knew what had happened that night.

Two days later come Monday morning, Ryan was crying asking why I slammed the locker door closed on his big, dumb, jock, haymaker throwing head as many times as I was able to before the dean pulled me off. I can't lie it felt good. Piss on me when I'm passed out and a sucker punch to the back of the head when your talking to your GF is perfectly fine revenge for me.:rockin:
Back when I was 21, out at Pottahawk (Lake Erie), drinking cans of beer on a buddy's swim platform then deciding we would share a bottle of what I think was Arbour Mist between us. Decided to go for a walk thru water 3ft deep. Slight memory recall a few hours later hanging over the gunwale of my boat (in the drivers seat), my buddy telling me he needed to get home. Apparently I navigated out of the mess of boats and anchor lines (cause I thought I was a better helmsman drunk than he was sober) to open water, then passed the wheel off. Woke up at 8am 20 miles away, anchored a couple hundred yards off shore, with some sort of make shift tent overtop of the boat. Found out later, he brought the boat to shore and jumped out, he watched me drive away, and drop anchor. After I woke up, I motored the 2 miles to the marina restaurant and had the best hangover breakfast ever. And then went back out. Best party ever.
Never woke up anywhere too bad, normally in bed with 3-4 female friends or in a recliner.

But the first time I drank, my best freind and I knocked out a half gallon of Burnetts. I woke up with a busted chin from falling right on the rail while straddling the train tracks. We both weighed around 120lbs. My friend was one shot ahead of me, unluckily for him. It started raining and he passed out in a puddle and ended up in with pneumonia alcohol poisoning and going into cardiac arrest. He was recessitated 3 different times when his heart stopped. Our other friend (only had 3shots) had walked the mile to get our freinds mom who called the fire dept once while they carried us back to the house. The cops didnt charge any of us, even though we were all underage.

To get to the point, he woke up at the hospital, still wasted thinking someone was doing experiments on him. He was jumping up to swing at the doctors when he tugged on his catheter. That shut him down real quick. When he was home the next day, everytime he would go to the bathroom Id hust hear him yelling "oh my god, it burns." I crashed at his house for three days after that before the hangover was gone.
Not as bad as earlier days this time. Woke up @ 1:29AM this morning with my head in the keyboard, my son who was watching Bonanza with having gone to bed. About 1/4 glass of dampfbier & a shot of vodka sitting there waiting patiently. Had a cig, shot & beer then went to bed. Too many cheddar jalapeno Cheetos too. Guts feeling a little weak this morning, even after coffee.
I've never woken up someplace that I shouldn't have been.

The worst wake up was when I was 18. My much older sister and I worked together, and she convinced my boyfriend's mom that it would be fine for him to stay with us at the hotel where our union Christmas party was being held.

All kinds of drinking (Bacardi 151) and partying continued in our room. One guy lost his Cape Codders, splashing red all over the bathroom. One look at that, and I was barfing. BF comes in and loses it, too. We spent most of the rest of the night with our heads in the bathtub while others used the toilet. Not so bad for me, but the BF had this thing where he got naked if he was puking drunk.
Even a couple years later, I'd see someone at work and they'd mention the great room party.
I've had many crazy nights but the worst place I've woken up, that I can recall anyway, is in a friend's neighbor's back yard about 11 years ago. I had no shoes and I was still in my work clothes from the night before. I'm not sure if her neighbors saw me because I woke up as the sun was coming up. I remembered I was with my other friend and we were supposed to be crashed out at his house. I remember I had no idea where I was because I didn't recognize the yard or the house... I managed to get into the girlfriends house and wake my friend. We stumbled back to his house and snuck back in as his step-dad was getting ready for work. They thought we were there the whole night or at least they didn't say anything.
We were drinking 40's when we were invited to play spades at a girlfriends house around the corner. We got loaded on E&J, weed and beer. I have no idea why I ended up in the neighbor's back yard. I think that was the last time I drank the eazy jeezy.
Closet. I got pretty wasted with a college friend and was staying on his couch so I could get up early and go to the airport to fly a puddle jumper home. I kinda remember passing out on the couch. I regained conciousness in a pitch black dark closet standing up. I luckily always carried a lighter and lit it for light. Walked back out and passed back out on the couch.

As far as I can tell, I did not sleep with his sister (was probably incapable). Did not take a leak on anything, and did not wake anyone. To this day I still tend to carry a lighter with me when I drink.

The next day though... ouch. Having a rough hangover while flying in one of the small commuter planes and going through, usually fun, turbulance sucks.
That flight had to be rough on your insides? Cars & bumpy roads were byuuuurp material enough for me. Woke up with my head in the back corner of the closet once, after coming in late after work. My wife had thrown a heavy chop pan down the stairs & got me upside the head with it...
On a dog piss soaked couch under a leaking beer bong with one of the worst hangovers ever.

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