SWMBO Mildly Irritated on Brew Day

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2012
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I planned and cleared (with SWMBO) a brew day with a couple of buddies for last Saturday afternoon. I spent a good part of Saturday morning cleaning and organizing the kitchen, setting out the brewing equipment, and generally tidying the house after a busy work week.

I could tell something was off with my wife all morning and asked if anything was wrong. Got the typical couple of "no" answers until I finally pressed the question. According to her, I am only interested in cleaning the house when it is time to brew (which is actually not true). My snappy retort was: "Then you should let me brew more often." My daughter thought that was funny while simultaneously shooting me a "You did NOT just say that!" look.

Of course, I was kidding -- she pretty much lets me brew whenever I want. I meant it to be funny, but SWMBO was not amused. I like a tidy home, but it is not easy to maintain nor is it a day-to-day priority with both of us working full time. We usually get motivated whenever company is due -- like on brewing day. Fortunately, my daughter was able to help set the record straight.

Any one else get in trouble for cleaning the house? Seems sometimes we guys are darned if we do and darned if we don't.
Move brewing operations outside. Simple fix and no worries about spill over and all of the other things that can go wrong. You also get the added benefit of being outside.
I doubt she was ticked off about the house cleaning. Sounds more like jealousy to me - that your friends want to see you and her friends might have been giving her excuses lately or something.

Just like my wife - get beehive angry mad at me for drinking too much? That pretty much always means that she's pissed off because she also didn't get the opportunity to drink too much for some odd reason or another.

Women are funny like that, their actions frequently defying logic.
My wife likes it when I brew and clean up the kitchen.

The rest of the house pisses her off, but I think if she actually took stock of the stuff here and there and everywhere, she would see that I don't outpace her in the "What is this doing here?" department.

But yeah, I don't feel the urge to do much cleaning with 3 women living there. I'm old fashioned that way. ;)
Here's a way to get her really irritated, should the need arise:

My husband and I decided a while ago that we were both too busy working during the week and doing other things on the weekends that cleaning just wasn't a high priority for us. So we got a maid service. Life is now awesome.

I still clean the kitchen before and after a brew day, but I don't have to worry about doing dishes before I can brew because they are still waiting to be done.
Move brewing operations outside. Simple fix and no worries about spill over and all of the other things that can go wrong. You also get the added benefit of being outside.

That will happen when I go AG.

Women are funny like that, their actions frequently defying logic.

Yeah, I sure thought this was the case.

My wife likes it when I brew and clean up the kitchen.

Me too! That's what made this incident such a puzzler!!

Here's a way to get her really irritated, should the need arise:


Thanks for the "help," podz! LOL!

My deal with my wife is if I brew inside, I mop the kitchen when done.

Me too. I put everything away and the counters are clear. Can't understand it...
Man, I really want to contribute to this thread, but I know my wife will find the thread when internet stalking me. :)

So, I will just add that my wife is a prefect angel and loves it when I brew.

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