Stupid questions....

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Nov 8, 2008
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Hey all, so I started my first ever batch of cider today. I started with 5 gals. of pasteurized pure cider, but I added campden tablets to it. Is that bad with pasteurized??

My plan tomorrow is to add the yeast get going on fermentation, although I think I will add some pectin in before that. I haven't measured the SG yet because I don't have a container yet that seems to be big enough to handle the hydrometer/thermometer I bought. It's too long for everything I have, so it hits the bottom of the container. I'm afraid if I put it in the carboy, I'll never see it again. Any recommendations for what works as a good test container??

I'm also not sure how much sugar to add. I see this is a common question, and a lot depends on the SG, certainly. I'm going to for a drier cider. I find US ciders too sweet, and prefer the UK ciders. Any general guidelines???

The campden wasn't bad, just likely unnecessary.

Why would you want to add pectin? People usually use pectic enzyme to get rid of pectin.

If you go to a homebrew shop they will have sample containers that work perfectly for your hydrometer. Basically a tall, skinny plastic cylinder with a wide base to hold it steady.
You can use the clear plastic tube that your hydrometer or thermometer came in until you get a test tube.
Ah, what a simple solution for a test tube. Thanks...

I mistyped that. I meant to say I was planning to add pectin enzyme. That is why I should not get up mid-sentence. I lose my spot!
I DON'T recommend this this but I have had to do it at times. Throw a clove hitch around the top of your hydrometer and drop it in the carboy. Necessity still can be the mother of invention!
Thanks guys. I see you've all figured out clever ways around this problem.

I have another concern that I should've asked yesterday. Was I supposed to cap my carboy after I put in the campden tablets? I looked all over the place for an answer on this, but the only thing I can find it about putting the airlock on after adding yeast. I know the campden tablets need air, so I left it uncapped, but now I'm worried that may have been a stupid move and may have messed up my whole batch. any thoughts???
I think most folks put a towel over it between campden and yeast pitching. But usually they're in a bucket for the primary. Easier to work with fruit in than a carboy.
So do you think I screwed it up beyond repair? I'm nervous that something could've gotten in there last night. I suppose there's nothing to do now but wait and see, but now I'm nervous.
I'm sure it's fine. If you want to put some pectic enzyme in it, do it now and then pitch your yeast tonight. Unless you used unfiltered juice (cider) then you probably don't need any pectic enzyme.

Any airborne yeasts that might have found their way into the bottle in the night would have trouble with the campden in it. Either way, cover it up with some tin foil or something and pitch tonight.
Thanks you guys. I needed that vote of confidence that I've not completely ruined things (not yet anyways). I added the pectin, and will do my yeast later tonight.

Thanks again for the help and making me chill out! It's just booze after all. :)

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